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19 Cards in this Set

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What are the three subatomic particles and where are they in the Atom

Proton - in the nucleus

Neutron - in the nucleus

Electron dash in the electron cloud

What does a molecular formula tell me

The numbers and types of Atoms in the molecule

What are three parts of a phospholipid

Glycerol phosphate and 2 fatty acids

What type of bonds link amino acids in a protein

Peptide bonds

What types of atoms make up a molecule compared to an ionic compound

Molecule - non metals

Ionic compound- metal and nonmetal

What is actually happening in a Chemical reaction

Bonds are forming or breaking

What Atoms must all organic molecules contain

Carbon and hydrogen

Draw hydrogen bonding in water

Water with dotted lines between o of one molecule and h of another molecule

What does it mean to say that a molecule is polar

It have an uneven charge distribution or it have regions of positive and negative charges

Name three types of chemical reactions

Synthesis decomposition double replacement single replacement combustion

Name the four main types of organic molecules in the body

Carbs lipids proteins and nucleus acids

What bonding accounts for the helix structure of DNA/rna and the folding of proteins

Hydrogen bonding

What do acids and bases do H+ and OH- concentrations

Acids increase H+ and decrease OH-

Bases increase OH- and decrease H+

What classes of fats are solid at room temperature and which are liquid

Saturated fats - solids

Unsaturated fats- liquids

The double bond is unsaturated fats bends the fatty acid chain not allowing the fat to pack as densely as the saturated, straight chains of saturated fats

What type of imaging involves 3D image using xRay technology

CT or CAT scan

The entire periodic table is based on what atom


A) what is an electrolyte?

B) give three classes of compounds that are electrolytes

A) it yields ions when in solution

B) salts acids bases

A) what are the three main parts of nucleus acids

B) give the base difference between DNA and RNA

Phosphate group sugar and base

DNA has thymine and RNA has uracil

What type of imaging involves radioactive isotopes using positive electrons