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44 Cards in this Set

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The articular surfaces on the medial malleolus and inferior end of the tibia and the articular facet on the longer lateral malleolus of the fibula form a deep __________ for the trochlea of the talus.
The deltoid ligament (medial collateral ligament) strongly resists foot _________.
The weaker lateral ligament (lateral collateral ligament) attaches to the fibula and resists foot ____________.
The most frequently torn part of the lateral collateral ligament of the foot is the
anterior talofibular ligament
The ankle joint is most stable in (dorsiflexion/plantarflexion).
The ankle foot most commonly suffers ______________ injuries.
inversion (weak lateral collateral ligament)
Ankle sprains typically occur during (dorsiflexion/plantarflexion).
The deltoid ligament is so strong that the _____________ usually will be avulsed before the ligament tears.
medial malleolus
The transverse tarsal joint is formed by the ____________ and ____________ joints.
What are the 2 most important intertarsal joints?
-transverse tarsal joint
-subtalar joint (talocalcaneal)
The calcaneus has a medial shelf of bone called the ________________, which supports the talus.
sustentaculum tali
What bone articulates with the 4th and 5th metatarsals?
What bone has a groove for the fibularis longus tendon?
What bones articulate with metatarsals 1-3?
cuneiforms (medial, middle, lateral)
What bone has a medial tuberosity that can press against your shoe if its too prominent?
The longitudinal arch of the foot is supported posteriorly on the ____________ and anteriorly on the _______________.
-tuberosity of the calcaneus
-heads of the metatarsals
The medial part of the longitudinal arch of the foot is mainly supported by what ligament?
plantar calcaneonavicular (“spring”) ligament
The lateral part of the longitudinal arch of the foot is mainly supported by what ligament?
long plantar ligament (short plantar, or plantar calcaneocuboid ligament assists)
The ________________ acts as a supporting ligament for the arches of the foot.
plantar aponeurosis
What bones form the transverse arch of the foot?
medial to lateral: 3 cuneiforms, cuboid
Flatfoot, or _______________, has 2 types. What are they?
-pes planus
-flexible or rigid (bony)
In pes planus, the _____________ arch of the foot is usually affected.
medial longitudinal arch
The most common type of clubfoot is called ________________. What does it look like?
talipes equinovarus
What are the 2 muscles of the dorsum of the foot?
-extensor digitorum brevis
-extensor hallucis brevis
What are the 2 tendons of the dorsum of the foot?
-extensor digitorum longus tendon
-extensor hallucis longus tendon
The inferior extensor retinaculum is found on the _________ of the foot.
The extensor digitorum brevis affects toes ____.
2 to 4
Explain the arterial blood flow to the dorsum of the foot.
The anterior tibial artery becomes the dorsalis pedis artery.

The dorsalis pedis artery divides into the deep plantar and first dorsal metatarsal arteries.
What muscles of the dorsum of the foot are innervated by the deep fibular nerve?
-Extensor digitorum brevis
-Dorsal interossei muscles 1 and 2
Although the muscles of the dorsum of the foot are innervated by the ____________ nerve, the skin of the dorsum of the foot is innervated by the __________ nerve.
-muscles: deep fibular nerve
-skin: superficial fibular nerve
In addition to the plantar aponeurosis, the deep plantar fascia includes...
medial plantar fascia
lateral plantar fascia
Plantar fasciitis is due to the straining and inflammation of the ______________. Constant inflammation may cause _________.
plantar aponeurosis

heel spurs
What are the muscles of the plantar foot, first layer?
-abductor halluics
-abductor digiti minimi
-flexor digitorum brevis (does NOT flex ALL of the phalanges)
What are the muscles of the plantar foot, second layer? Tendons?
Muscles: quadratus planus, lumbricals (4)

Tendons: flexor digitorum longus tendon, flexor hallucis longus tendon
In the plantar foot, all the muscles that have 2 bellies are found in what layer?
3rd layer
In the plantar foot, what are the muscles of the third layer?
-flexor hallucis brevis (medial and lateral bellies)
-adductor hallucis (oblique and transverse head)
-flexor digiti minimi brevis
In the plantar foot, what are the muscles of the fourth layer?
-4 dorsal interossei (DAB--they abduct). Only 4 because the hallucis has its own abductor
-3 plantar interossei (PAD--they adduct). Only 3 because the hallucis has its own adductor and the second toe does not adduct--it's in the midline
Describe the arterial supply for the plantar foot.
Posterior tibial artery divides into medial and lateral plantar branches. The lateral plantar artery combines with the deep plantar artery (from dorsalis pedis) to form the PLANTAR ARTERIAL ARCH.
What 2 arteries form the plantar arterial arch?
lateral plantar artery

deep plantar artery (from dorsalis pedis)
The tibial nerve enters through the _____________ on the medial side of the foot to supply the foot.
tarsal tunnel
The tibial nerve divides into the _________ and __________ nerves.
medial plantar nerve

lateral plantar nerve
The medial plantar nerve innervates what muscles?
Abductor hallucis
Flexor digitorum brevis
1st lumbrical
Flexor hallucis brevis
The lateral plantar nerve innervates what muscles?
Abductor digiti minimi
Quadratus Plantae
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
2nd-4th lumbricals
Adductor hallucis
Morton's neuroma involves what nerve? Between which structures is it found?
-enlarged common plantar nerve
-found between toes 3 and 4