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15 Cards in this Set

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The developing area of the brain responsible for the midbrain that governs visual and auditory processing


The developing area of the brain that forms the thalamus and hypothalamus. They are responsible for sensory information relay except smell


Area of the diencephalon that releases ADH and Oxytocin, and controls water regulation, and smell, taste

CN 1 Olfactory

CN responsible for smell perception

CN 2 Optic

CN responsible for visual reception

CN 3 Ocularmotor

CN moving eye muscles

CN 4 Trochlear

CN responsible for superior oblique muscle of eye

CN 5 Trigeminal

CN responsible for mixed nerves, opthlamic and maxillary nerves

CN 6 Abducens

CN responsible for 6th ocularmotor muscle, lateral rectus

CN 7 Facial

CN responsible for scalp and face nerves

CN 8 vestibulocochlear

CN responsible for auditory processing

CN 9 Glossopharyngeal

CN responsible for tongue, pharyngeal and swallowing

CN 10 Vagus

CN responsible for autonomic control of visceral function

CN 11 Accessory

CN responsible for voluntary swallowing, muscles of pectoral girdle

CN 12 Hypoglossal

CN responsible for voluntary control over tongue