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16 Cards in this Set

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Pools, Trusts, Holding Companys
a. Group of companies agreed to not compete but keep their prices the same
b. Companies working together hand over control of comp. to bored of trustees who tell them how to operate
c. Held the stock and controlled companies
J.P Morgan
giant of finance-pirateish. Swashbuckling in money world
Joined with Carnegie to make big steel company
Andrew Carnegie
poor, intelligent, steel industrialist
Was responsible for spread of free public library
Edwin L. Drake
First to drill and find oil
John D. Rockerfeller
Set up the standard oil Company
What are the contributing factors to the transformed economy?
1. technological innovation
2. Business management techniques
3. Transportation and communication networks
4. Advertisers
5. Laborers
Montgomery Ward
Mail order catelog
Sears and Roebuck
a. Also made card catelog, began by sending jewlery by mail with his partner b.
Centennial Exposition
Festival inventions for 100th anniversary of america
Thomas Edison
invented a new kind of factory and light bulb
Labor (trade) Unions
Workers organized together to protect their interests
Commonwealth v Hunt
Opened path for unions-declared it was legal as any other club organization
Molly Maguires 1875
Secret society of minors. 10 employees hung for murder
Haymarket Massacre (1886)
In attempt to break up anarchist and communists. Meeting was bombed and killed 7 police
Pullman Strike
Us troops fought US workers to keep trains moving
Knights of Labor
Bring all workers into one skilled union