There was never a rich baby left out on the streets, only those who came from an extremely poor mother. Most babies come from the East where their mothers were not married and had no name other than their own to bestow upon the baby. In most cases, mothers would only wrap the innocent babies in newspaper. In rare occasions, they were some found in a clean slip and a little message pinned onto their diaper. The messages would be a note for those who picked them up, thanking them and asking them to please take care of them. The Sisters of Charity takes on the task of picking them up. During the midwinter when families were inside their homes wrapped in warm blanks or during the hottest steaming days when families were enjoying days in a swimming pool, at least 3 babies were found in hallways and areas of the rich. They were left near areas where rich people lived because mothers thought that those happier hearts may have love to spare for their little ones. Which the mother were wrong. A deserted baby will never find home and friends at once. The babies are sent to Randall’s Island Hospital where they are given a number and a bottle then hope for someone to rescue them. Sometimes the babies are half dead by the time they find them. More than 60% of the babies don’t survive their desertion. Mothers needed to do voluntary penance for their sin whenever they couldn’t afford to take care of their baby. A mother must come into Sister Irene’s Asylum and take care of her own and another baby until both were ready go challenge the world on their own. This has helped the death rate of the babies increase. From 11,000 babies only 19% died in the past year Jacob Riis visited the asylum. Some babies are taken care of by nurse-mothers outside of the asylum. They grow to love the babies until they are about 4 or five years old when they are then sent to the Western homes to be adopted. There is many helping hands in New York; everyone is soo eager to help when they know help is worthily wanted. There is many charities that reach the homes and the lives of the poor to make them feel loved and cared for. The Five Points Mission the Five Points House of Industry have helped more than the government. They have rescued 60,000 children who have been left out on the streets and put them in the right path. Many lives have been helped because of all these warm-hearted people from New York. Author’s Intent: Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives to describe the horrible conditions of the tenements in New York, and the way charities would help the babies. In the excerpt that I read he described how the abounded babies were found in the streets. He wrote about how the babies were just left there with rare sign of love from their mothers. He described how the Sisters of Charity helped all these children and made their lives as good as they could. He talked about how other charities
There was never a rich baby left out on the streets, only those who came from an extremely poor mother. Most babies come from the East where their mothers were not married and had no name other than their own to bestow upon the baby. In most cases, mothers would only wrap the innocent babies in newspaper. In rare occasions, they were some found in a clean slip and a little message pinned onto their diaper. The messages would be a note for those who picked them up, thanking them and asking them to please take care of them. The Sisters of Charity takes on the task of picking them up. During the midwinter when families were inside their homes wrapped in warm blanks or during the hottest steaming days when families were enjoying days in a swimming pool, at least 3 babies were found in hallways and areas of the rich. They were left near areas where rich people lived because mothers thought that those happier hearts may have love to spare for their little ones. Which the mother were wrong. A deserted baby will never find home and friends at once. The babies are sent to Randall’s Island Hospital where they are given a number and a bottle then hope for someone to rescue them. Sometimes the babies are half dead by the time they find them. More than 60% of the babies don’t survive their desertion. Mothers needed to do voluntary penance for their sin whenever they couldn’t afford to take care of their baby. A mother must come into Sister Irene’s Asylum and take care of her own and another baby until both were ready go challenge the world on their own. This has helped the death rate of the babies increase. From 11,000 babies only 19% died in the past year Jacob Riis visited the asylum. Some babies are taken care of by nurse-mothers outside of the asylum. They grow to love the babies until they are about 4 or five years old when they are then sent to the Western homes to be adopted. There is many helping hands in New York; everyone is soo eager to help when they know help is worthily wanted. There is many charities that reach the homes and the lives of the poor to make them feel loved and cared for. The Five Points Mission the Five Points House of Industry have helped more than the government. They have rescued 60,000 children who have been left out on the streets and put them in the right path. Many lives have been helped because of all these warm-hearted people from New York. Author’s Intent: Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives to describe the horrible conditions of the tenements in New York, and the way charities would help the babies. In the excerpt that I read he described how the abounded babies were found in the streets. He wrote about how the babies were just left there with rare sign of love from their mothers. He described how the Sisters of Charity helped all these children and made their lives as good as they could. He talked about how other charities