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53 Cards in this Set

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You want to check the response time of a request for a page. Which log file should you choose?

/crx- quickstart/logs/request.log

You have renamed the CQ quickstart file to cq5-author-4502.jar. What is the correct way to install AEM 6 as a Windows Service?

Unpack cq5-author-4502.jar, navigate to crx-quickstart/opt/helpers and start instsrv.bat.

How do you disable WebDAV access on the publish instance?

Comment according servlet mappings in web.xml and stop the WebDAV bundle in the Apache Felix Web OSGi console

Which command you will use to specify that you will be using an LDAP authentication in crx-quickstart ?


You have an AEM instance configured to use LDAP authentication. What is the purpose of sufficient parameter in “com.day.core.CRXLoginModule ;”.?

It means that if CRX can authenticate a user with the CRXLoginModule, the user is authenticated successfully; else CRX uses the next login module.

How do you copy .jar files jcr-2.0.jar and crx-shared.jar to the Websphere folder holding the shared libraries?

Start CRX Quickstart with java -jar crx--.jar -unpack and copy both files from the unpacked folder to Websphere’s shared libraries folder.

Which type of Replication Agent do you create to flush the Web server cache for a newly activated page?

Create a Dispatcher Flush Agent.

What does an Item represent in a JCR repository ?

A Node or a Property

What is the difference between Simple Versioning and Full Versioning?

Under Simple Versioning versions are added as direct successors of the previous version. Under Full Versioning a new version can be added as a direct successor of a version that already has another direct successor.

How do you delete a property inside a Node object?

String propertyA = null; node.setProperty(“propertyName”, propertyA);

How to get the root node of a JCR workspace?


How do you get the current rendering mode in AEM component script?


You have a page and want to create a child page. Which property will determine which templates can be used?


How you can get property value from a design dialog in CQ Component script ?

String data = currentStyle.get(propertyName,””);

You want to debug a CQ HTML client library in the author instance. You want to avoid compressing the JavaScript file. What must you do?

Add a query parameter to the URL called debugClientLibs with the value true.

What should you do to switch from edit mode to preview mode by modifying the URL

Add the parameter wcmmode=preview to the URL.

If your changes are NOT reflected in jsp. What should do you enforce a fresh parsing/compilation of the JSP file?

Search and delete the Java Class file from within /var/classes.

What is the use of js.txt in clientlibs folder?

It is used to to specify file type and file name that will be included in the client library

You have created two templates, tempA and tempB. In the property allowedChildren of tempA you include tempB. You create a pageA based on tempA and add a property cq:allowedTemplates with a list of templates, but excluding tempB. Can you select tempB to create a page as child of pageA?

No, tempB needs to be added to the property cq:allowedTemplates of pageA to accomplish that.

Which is the correct way of requesting JSON representation of the content in AEM

Change the extension to .json.

How do you create a design dialog for a AEM component?

Create a dialog in the component folder and name it design_dialog.

How you can get the ValueMap of a resource?


Given the following selector: print.a4 and the URL extension is html, which script will Sling render?


How to configure a CQ component to allow an Author to edit content without opening a dialog?

Create and configure the /cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing node under the component node.

Which is the correct way of including CQ Tag Library in jsp?

<%@taglib prefix=”cq” uri=”http://www.day.com/taglibs/cq/1.0″ %>

Which xtype should you use if you want to reuse a part of a dialog in another dialog?


Which tab in the Apache Felix Web Console displays the list of all the users that are logged in to the repository?

CRX Login Tokens tab.

You are logged in as userA and you are impersonating userB. How are your activities logged in the access.log?

The logged userId is “userB"

What is the purpose of a Closed User Group?

To define one or more Web pages on the publish instance accessible only by members of the Closed User Group

To change the configuration of a bundle in the repository. Which location has the highest priority ?


You have changed the CRX admin password. Which console or tool do you also need to update?

Apache Felix Web Console

What is the purpose of the Export Package Manifest header?

Define packages that can be imported by other bundles.

Which service scans the CRX repository for artifacts and provides them to the OSGi installer?

Sling JCR Installer.

When you are saving or updating a configuration in the Configurations tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console, where are these configuration settings saved?

Under /crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/.

You have created a bundle in CRXDE. What does the .bnd file contain?

Extra metadata about the bundle used by the CRXDE build process.

Which OSGi configuration settings take over precedence on start-up?

Repository nodes with type sling:OsgiConfig under /apps/*/config.

How does the Configuration Admin service use Persistence IDs (PID)?

It associates the service configuration data with PIDs.

Which is a difference between an OSGI bundle and a Java package?

The bundle contains extra metadata defined in a MANIFEST.MF file

What is the main purpose of using categories in CQ HTML client library OSGI Service?

To uniquely name a group of client libraries to be included in templates or components and to reference dependencies to other client libraries

How does the OSGi installer manage a bundle if a bundle with the same symbolic name is already installed?

It uses the new bundle only if it has a higher version.

Which tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console is used to install OSGi bundles?

Bundles tab.

Resources passed through a workflow are called?


You create a custom workflow process using the CQ API. Which method or methods needs to be implemented when your class implements the WorkflowProcess Interface?


Which step you should select to run a script as a workflow step. ?

Process step.

You want to define a Java based CQ workflow process step. Which interface your class must implement?

The com.day.cq.workflow.exec.WorkflowProcess interface.

You want to prompt a workflow user for information during the processing of a workflow step. Where this user information will be stored?

As part of the page.

Given the CQ Dispatcher configuration in the /filter section:



/0001 { /glob “*” /type “deny” }

/0002 { /glob “* /content/geometrixx[./]*” /type “allow” }

/0003 { /glob “* /content/geometrixx/company[./]*” /type “deny” }

/0004 { /glob “*” /type “allow” }


Which rule will be applied to the request: /content/geometrixx/company/news.html?

Request accepted, because of rule 0004. The last configuration that matches the request will be applied.

You have configured the cached property in the dispatcher module. What is the difference between:

request 1 = /content/mypage/mypic.small.png?? and

request 2 = /content/mypage/mypic.png?size=small

request 1 gets cached, request 2 does not get cached

You are creating a component to render a modified image. What is the proper way to build the URL of the image in order to enable caching of the response?

/.parameter1.imageScript.jpg .

What does the glob /invalidate {/0001 {/glob “*.html” /type “allow” }} in dispatcher.any file enforce the dispatcher to do when the Web page /content/mypage.html gets activated?

All cached .html files are physically deleted

What is the purpose of sending values as selectors in the URL instead of sending them as query parameters?

To enable the response to be cached in the Web server.

Which flag should you set when you configure the mod_rewrite rules of the Apache Web server when you are including the CQ Dispatcher module?

`PT’ flag to send the original request through to processing pipeline for the Dispatcher to respond.

Given the configuration in the Apache Web server httpd.conf:

<Directory / >

<lfModule disp_apache2.c>

Set Handler dispatcher-handler


Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None


What is the purpose of the SetHandler option?

Enable the CQ Dispatcher for all requests to the server.