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46 Cards in this Set

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Acid fast staining is required to visualize organisms such as
the Mycobacterium species.

Why can simple stains and gram stains not be used on mycobacteria
Because of the impenetrable, waxy lipid cell wall of the mycobacteria

the waxy lipid of the mycobacteria is called
mycolic acid

Mycobacteria is named after this lipid.
mycolic acid

Carbolfuchsin contains
the dye fuchsin and carbolic acid

When the mycobacteria are heated in the presence of carbolfuchsin, the heat and the acid do what
promote the penetration of the dye into the acid-fast cell wall.

Why will decolorizer not wash acid fast organisms
carbolfuchsin is soluble in lipid and not in the alcohol

Non-acid fast organisms such as E. coli or any of the other bugs we used for a Gram stain would easily decolorize in acid alcohol and take up the counter stain of
methylene blue

When a slide is counterstained with methylene blue, which organisms will take up the stain
non-acid fast organisms will take up the blue dye.

Why is it important to use a clean slide for acid fast staining
the waxy mycobacteria will begin releasing from the slide during staining and washing

Why are a clean slide, and proper heat fixing of the bacterial smears very important in acid fast staining
the waxy organisms can release from the slide

Gram stains on mycobacterium can appear how
can be mistaken as a truly gram sensitive organism

mycobacteria appear how when grown on agar
very distinctive, dry, waxy appearance on agar

Endospores are
highly resistant, dormant forms of bacteria which can survive extremely long periods of time in harsh conditions.

Members of the genus, Bacillus, are all Gram _____
Gram positive endospore producing cells

All members of the genus Bacillus have what defining characteristics
all are Gram Positive and endospore producing

After growth for a couple of days in a test tube, a Bacillus culture will exhaust its supply of nutrients and will actively produce
endospores in order to survive.

Members of the genus, Clostridium, are
anaerobic, Gram positive bacilli.

In addition to the depletion of nutrients, Clostridium species will respond to the presence of oxygen as a
negative signal or hostile environment.

Clostridiums response to oxygen as a negative signal or hostile environment will cause the organism to
begin to sporulate.

The Clostridium used for the endospore stain will be grown in a
candle jar.

How is clostridium grown in a candle jar
The tubes are placed in a jar with a lit candle, and the lid of the jar is screwed on tightly. The candle consumes available oxygen and flame extinguishes.

Why is it important to create a good environment for the clostridium to grow using the candle jar technique
in order to prevent sporulation

The boiling of the malachite green with the bacteria in an endospore stain facilitates
the penetration of the green stain into the endospores

Following endospore staining with malachite green, bacilli are counterstained with

Endospore staining of bacilli should look like
pink bacilli with green endospore within them

The Acid fast stain is a
differential stain

The acid fast differential stain allows differentiation between what
differentiate between acid fast and non-acid fast bacteria.

Acid fast refers to
the ability of certain cells to retain a lipid soluble dye even when washed with acid.

Acid fast bacteria include
the Mycobacterium and Nocardia genuses which have a waxy lipid called mycolic acid as a component of their cell walls.

Non-acid fast bacteria lack this lipid and decolorize when washed with acid
mycolic acid

The endospore stain is a special stain used to identify
bacteria capable of producing endospores.

Endospores resist staining with normal techniques and must be _____ in order to drive the dye into the endospore
heated in the presence of dye

E. coli is a
non-acid fast, Gram negative bacillus.

Mycobacterium species are
acid fast bacilli.

C. pseudodiphtheriticum is a
pleomorphic bacillus, non-endospore producing and partially acid fast.

Bacillus and Clostridium species DO or DO NOT produce endospores
Both are endospore producers

Cultures were grown at 37oC with loose caps with the exception of ______ which is an anaerobe.

The sporulating organisms were grown at least __ hours to ensure they are running low on nutrients and have begun to sporulate

The anaerobe was transferred out of the anaerobic chamber a couple of days in advance to promote sporulation in the presence of _________

Acid Fast Stain Procedures

1. Generate smear on extra clean slide.
2. Air dry!
3. Heat fix!
4. Place over steaming beaker of tap water. Add filter paper cut to size of smear. Saturate smear with Carbolfuchsin (a basic, lipid soluble dye) and heat for 5 minutes, keeping paper moist so it doesn’t stick to smear.
5. Remove paper with forceps and wash with dH2O for 30 seconds.
6. Decolorize with acid-alcohol for 15 seconds.
7. Rinse with dH2O.
8. Flood smear with methylene blue for 2 minutes.
9. Rinse with dH2O.
10. Blot dry. Wash back of slide with an alcohol soaked Kimwipe.
11. Observe using immersion oil.

E. coli is non-acid fast and will be what color following the acid fast procedure

Mycobacterium will be what color following the acid-fast procedure
fuchsia (pink) and is acid-fast.

Endospore Staining Procedures

1. Generate smear on extra clean slide.
2. Air dry!
3. Heat fix!
4. Place over steaming beaker of tap water. Add filter paper cut to size of smear. Saturate smear with malachite green and heat for 5 minutes, keeping paper moist.
5. Remove paper with forceps and rinse with dH2O for 30 seconds.
6. Flood smear with safranin for 2-3 minutes.
7. Rinse with dH2O.
8. Blot dry. Wash back of slide with an alcohol soaked Kimwipe.
9. Observe using immersion oil.

Endospores will take up the _____ ______ and will be pale teal green in color
Malachite Green

The endospore producing parent bacilli will be stained by _______and will be what color
safranin and will be pink