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229 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Intercostal level of SUPERIOR limit of ABDOMEN
4th or 5th ICS
(level of diaphragm)
organs protected by inferior thoracic cage
superior kidneys
superior stomach
what cycle changes the volume of the abdominal cavity?
MUSCLES of POSTERIOR abdominal wall
quadratus lumborum
psoas major
postero-medial fibers of TA, IAO and EAO
5 pairs of anterolateral abdominal wall muscles
what line marks point around which EAO, IAO and TA muscle pairs become aponeurotic?
midline of anterolateral abdominal wall aponeurosis thickens and interweaves in the midline, forming what structure?
linea alba
superior and inferior bounds of LINEA ALBA
xiphoid process

pubic crest/pubic symphysisq
pre-natal homolog of umbilicus
umbilical ring
umbilical ring is a defect in what structure
linea alba
Actions of EAO, IAO and RA
flex trunk
antagonistic to diaphragm
compress viscera to increase intra-abdominal pressure
Innervation of EAO, IAO, TA
primary rami of T7-T12 thoracoabdominal nn + L1
Innervation for RA
primary rami of T7-T12 thoracoabdominal nn
NVP lies between what two muscle layers
IAO and TA
Nerves contained in NVP
T7-T11 (thoracoabdominal nn)

T12 (subcostal n)

L1 (ilioinguinal nn and iliohypogastric nn)
Vessels contained in NVP
distal segments of T10 - T11 intercostal vessels
subcostal vessels
lumbar segmental vessels

deep circumflex iliac vessels
Transversalis fascia lies deep to ____ and _____
Transversalis fascia lies deep to the TA and its aponeurosis
Transversalis fascia contributes to the formation of the _____ AND _____
femoral sheath

internal fascial layer of the spermatic cord
Endoabdominal fascia (especially the transversalis fascia subregion) is continuous with the ANTEIOR LAYER OF...
Endoabdominal fascia continuous with the ANTERIOR LAYER OF THE THORACOLUMBAR FASCIA
Anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia is the MOST POSTERIOR WALL OF....
Anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia is the MOST POSTERIOR WALL OF THE RETROPERITONEAL COMPARTMENT
Where is the extraperitoneal fat found?
aka: extraperitoneal fascia

deep surface of endoabdominal fascia
superifical to parietal peritoneum
Where is extraperitoneal fat/fascia NORMALLY most thick?
along posterior wall, especially around KIDNEYS
Serous fluid secreting mesothelium

deep to extraperitoneal fat/fascia
parietal peritoneum
Innervation of parietnal peritoneum
GSAs that can precisely localize pain and inflammation
space between parietal and visceral peritoneum, filled with fluid
peritoneal cavity
Superior 3/4 of rectus sheath
IAO aponeurosis splits:

blends anteriorly with EAO aponeurosis
blends posteriorly with TA aponeurosis
Inferior 1/4 of rectus sheath
all three aponeuroses pass anterior to RA

(transversalis fascia + extraperitoneal fascia + parietal peritoneum comprise posterior tissue layer)
Line dividing superior vs. inferior regions of rectus sheath
superior and inferior bounds of MEDIAN umbilical fold

apex of bladder
what does median umbilical fold cover?
median umbilical ligament
The median umbilical ligament is a remnant of what embryonic structure?
URACHUS of embryonic bladder
L&R mediaL umbilical fold covers...
medial umbilical ligaments
Medial umbilical ligaments are remnants of what fetal structures?
umbilical arteries carrying blood from internal iliac aa through umbilicus to placenta
L&R lateral umblical folds cover...
inferior epigastric vessels
which umbilical folds will bleed if cut?
lateral umbilical folds
bounds of medial inguinal fossa
medial and lateral umbilical folds
Inguinal triangle is found within which space?
medial inguinal fossa
Location of lateral inguinal fossae
lateral to lateral umbilical folds
What nerve plexus is found on the anterior surface of the quadratus lumborum?
Lumbar nerve plexus
The _____ fascia found on the anterior surface of the QL is the posterior boundary of the _____
The THORACOLUMBAR fascia found on the anterior surface of the QL is the posterior boundary of the RETROPERITONEAL COMPARTMENT
Action of QL
trunk stabilization
The lumbar nerve plexus is found on the anterior surface of what muscle?
quadratus lumborum
The superior epigastric artery anastamoses with the ____ artery within the belly of the ___ muscle
The superior epigastric artery anastamoses with the INFERIOR EPIGASTRIC ARTERY within the belly of the RA muscle.
Lateral border of inguinal triangle
inferior epigastric artery
Veins that eventually drain into SVC
superior epigastric vv
T10-T11 intercostal vv
subcostal vv
Veins that eventuall drain in to IVC
segmental lumbar vv
inferior epigastric vv
deep circumflex iliac vv
superfical circumflex vv
superficial epigastric vv
Where are thoracoepigastric vv found?
superficial abdominal fascia (do not accompany arteries)
Thoracoepigastric vv form V-V-a linkages among...
femoral v and superficial epigastric v.

lateral thoracic v

axillary v
Function of thoracoepigastric vv
provide collateral routes to heart from lower limbs if IVC is blocked
What venous network accompanies round ligament of the liver?
Paraumbilical venous network
In which fascial layer is the paraumbilical venous network found?
superficial fascia
The round ligament of the liver is a remnant of what fetal structure?
umbilical vein
The paraumbilical venous network forms V-V-a linkages among...
hepatic portal v

superior epigastric vv

inferior epigastric vv (or external iliac vv)
Name for varicosity of paraumbilical vv
caput medusae
Etiology of caput medusae
blockage of portal circulation, stopping blood from most of the GI tract from returning to IVC through the liver
Superficial lymphatics superior to umbilicus drain to...
Axillary lymph nodes
Superficial lymphatics inferior to umbilicus drain to...
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Skeletal muscle layers drain lymph to...
deep lymphatics associated with external iliac, common iliac and lumbar nodes
Nerve transmitting GSAs from anterior abdominal skin
thoracoabdominal nn (T7-T11)
nerve transmitting GSAs from skin over ASIS and hip
Subcostal nerve (T12)
Nerve transmitting GSAs from skin over hypogastric region and iliac crest
iliohypogastric n (L1)
Nerve transmitting GSAs from anterior superior thigh
Femoral branch of genitofemoral n.
Nerve transmitting GSAs from skin of scrotum/labia majora, mons pubis, medial superior thigh
Ilioinguinal n (L1)
Nerve transmitting GSAs from skin of anterior scrotum/labia majora
Genital branch of genitofemoral n.
Major branches of Lumbar Plexus
Iliohypogastric (L1)
Ilioinguinal (L1)
Genitofemoral (L1-L2)
Lateral femoral cutaneous (L2-L3)
Obdurator (L2-L4)
Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Lumbosacral trunk (L4-L5)
T10 dermatome
contains umbilicus
Regions contained in T12/L1 dermatome
hypogastric region & inguinal region
Visceral-origin pain is sensed and carried by ____ to the ____
Visceral-origin pain is sensed and carried by GVAs to the CNS
Somatic-origin pain is sensed and carried by ____ to the _____
Somatic origin pain is sensed and carried by GSAs to the CNS
Visceral-origin pain often refers to the ____
Visceral-origin pain is usually due to ____
stretching of the VISCERAL PERITONEUM
Somatic-origin pain is usually due to ___
inflamed organ irritating adjacent parietal peritoneum
Somtic origin pain can usually be localized...
precisely, by the primary somatosensory cortex
Organs referring pain to R. shoulder
liver, gallbladder and duodenum - resulting from irritation of the diaphragm
Stomach pain can refer to ____
middle of upper back (between scapulae)
Guarding reflex =
GSAs reflexively excite GSEs from the same spinal cord segment that innervate the skel. mm overlying the inflamed parietal pertioneum secondary to peritonitis

causes muscle spasms or complete rigidity of trunk mm
Inferior boundary of middle inguinal canal =
inguinal ligament
Inguinal ligament is a thickened, rolled under portion of the ____
aponeurosis of EAO
Pectineal ligament (of Cooper) is a specialization of _____
pectin pubis periosteum
site of suture attachment in procedures to relieve urinary stress incontinence
pectineal ligament
lacunar ligament (of Gimbernat) spans between...
inguinal ligament and pectineal ligament
medial border of femoral ring
lacunar ligament
inferior boundary of medial inguinal canal =
lacunar ligament
Iliopubic tract
a specialized thickening of transversalis fascia running parallel and deep to inguinal ligament
function of iliopubic tract
reinforces inferior and posterior wall of lateral 1/2 of the inguinal canal
medial attachment of iliopubic tract
superior-medial pubic bone
deep inguinal ring opens into ____
peritoneal cavity
location of deep inguinal ring relative to
- mid-inguinal ligament
- lateral umbilical fold
- femoral ring
Deep inguinal ring is

1/2 inch SUPERIOR to mid-inguinal ligament
immediately LATERAL to lateral umbilical fold
SUPERIOR-LATERAL to femoral ring
deep inguinal ring is formed from
an outpouching of transversalis fascia
superficial iguinal ring is a defect in the
EAO aponeurosis
edges and roof of superficial inguinal ring
lateral crus
medial crus
intercrural fibers
Conjoint tendon
fused common tendinous insertion of TA and IAO muscles into the superior pubic ramus
Conjoint tendon contributes to which boundaryof medial inguinal canal?
Superior boundary of medial 1/3 of inguinal canal
medial crus of EAO aponeurosis
Anterior boundary of Medial 1/3 of inguinal canal
intercrural fibers
Posterior boundary of medial 1/3 of inguinal canal
conjoint tendon
Inferior boundary of medial 1/3 of inguinal canal
lacunar ligament - continuation of inguinal ligament
Superior boundary of middle-lateral 2/3 of inguinal canal
arching fibers of IAO and TA muscles
Anterior boundary of middle-lateral 2/3 of inguinal canal
lateral crus of EAO aponeurosis
Posterior boundary of middle-lateral 2/3 of inguinal canal
lateral crus
Inferior boundary of middle-lateral 2/3 of inguinal canal
inguinal ligament
Nerve running through inguinal canal in both sexes
direct inguinal hernias
bowel pushes into inguinal triangle

runs parallel and superficial to spermatic cord; rarely enters scrotum
indirect inguinal hernials
bowel enters inguinal canal at deep ring

travels though inguial canal within spermatic cord

may exit superficial ring and enter scrotum
Femoral sheath is an outpouching of
transversalis fascia
Femoral structure NOT enclosed in femoral sheath
femoral nerve
Femoral hernias
least common hernia

bulge presents inferior to inguinal ligament

bowel enters femoral canal
Where is the arcuate line found?
About 1/2 way between the umbilicus and the pubic symphysis.
The _____ and ____ merge to form the hepatic vein posterior to the _____.
SMV and the splenic v

posterior to the NECK of the pancreas
IVC is posterior to the _____ (organ)
2 "buddies" of hepatic portal vein
proper hepatic artery

common bile duct
does the IVC run with any other vessels?
no - "lone wolf"
preganglionic sympathetics in abdomen come from which spinal levels?
T5 - L2
greater splanchnic nerve innervates derivatives of which embryological region?
foregut structures
stomach, duodenum, liver, pancreas, biliary apparatus
celiac trunk supplies blood to derivatives of which embryological region?
midgut structures

from duodenum distal to pancreatic duct through proximal 1/2-2/3 of transverse colon
SMA supplies derivatives of which embryological region?
artery and nerve supplying derivatives of the foregut
celiac trunk

greater splanchnic nerve
phyiological herniation
midgut grows into umbilical ring during development in order to obtain room to grow
week at which midgut normally retracts out of umbilicus?
IMA supplies structures derived from which embryological region?
hindgut derivatives
distal 1/2-1/3 of transverse colon through anal column
visceral pain from hindgut structures localizes to...
hypogastric region
congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
marked thickening of pyloris

causes constriction -- causes projectile vomiting from accumulation in stomach

tx = surgery
congenital omphalocele
midgut does not fully retract from umbilicus and anterior abdominal wall does not close around opening
viscera hanging outside the body
how many degrees does the midgut ultimately rotate?
which direction does the gut rotate
gut rotates in CW direction - structures wind up on opposite side of body from normal location
congenital ileum diverticulum
persistant vittaline duct (proximal part of yolk sac)

if inflamed, can mimic appendicitis
peritoneal space
wafer-thin space between visceral and parietal peritoneum
definition of true retroperitoneal organs
NEVER had a mesentery
definition of secondarily retroperitoneal organs
had a mesentery at some point, but don't by the end of embryological development
4 persistent structures of VENTRAL mesentery
lesser omentum
falciform ligament
round ligament of liver
coronary ligament
only gut tube structures that do NOT have persistent DORSAL mesentary

ascending and descending colons
secondarily retroperitoneal organs (list)
most of pancreas
most of duodenum
ascending and descending colon
anterior vagal trunk innervates _____ derived structures
posterior vagal trunk innervates ____ and ____ derived structure
foregut and midgut
from which spinal levels do NO autonomic nerves emerge?
No visceral pain is referred to which dermatomes, scleratomes or myotomes?
L3-S1 (no GVAs!)
GVAs travel with which efferents?
parasympathetic GVEs

(nausea, hunger, distention travel along vagus)
anterior vagal trunk innervates _____ derived structures
posterior vagal trunk innervates ____ and ____ derived structure
foregut and midgut
from which spinal levels do NO autonomic nerves emerge?
No visceral pain is referred to which dermatomes, scleratomes or myotomes?
L3-S1 (no GVAs!)
GVAs travel with which efferents?
parasympathetic GVEs

(nausea, hunger, distention travel along vagus)
vertebral level of pylorus
costal level of TPP
9th costal cartilage
origin and destination of L. gastric a.
L gastric artery

origin: celiac trunk
destination: LESSER curvature
origin and destination of R. gastric a.
R. gastric artery

origin: often from common hepatic a.
destination: LESSER curvature
origin and destination of R. gastro-omental a.
L. gastro-omental (epiploic) a.

originates from gastroduodenal a.
destiation: GREATER curvature
origin and destination of L. gastro-omental a.
L. gastro-omental a.

origin: splenic artery
destination: GREATER curvature
Short gastric aa
short gastric aa

origin: splenic a.
destination: GREATER curvature
L & R. gastric vv drain into ____
Hepatic Portal vein
L. gastro-omental and short gastric vv drain into ______
splenic vein
R. gastro omental v drains into _____
parasympathetic innervation to ANTERIOR stomach
anterior and posterior vagal trunk
parasympathetic innervation to POSTERIOR stomach
posterior vagal trunk ONLY
preganglionic sympathetics destined for stomach emerge from which spinal levels?
T6 - T9
preganglionic sympathetics from T6-T9 form which nerves?
greater splanchnic
Where do pre- and post-ganglionic sympathetic GVEs synapse before reaching the stomach?
celiac ganglia
GVAs from stomach refer to which dermatomes in which regions?
T6-T9 dermatomes in

epigastric or L. hypogastric regions
Is the spleen intra-, retro- or secondarily retroperitoneal?
Which ribs typically protect the spleen?
8 - 11
Contents of Gastrosplenic ligament
short gastric vessels

L. gastro-omental vessels & accompanying autonomic nerve fibers and lymphatics
Contents of Splenorenal ligament
splenic vessels

autonomic neurons

Relation of splenic vessels to PANCREAS?
Splenic artery runs SUPERIOR to pancreas

Splenic vein runs POSTERIOR to pancreas
Sympathetic innervation of spleen
T6 - T8 through R&L greater splanchnic nerves
Spleen refers pain to which dermatomes
T6 - T8

and C3 - C5 through irritation of diaphragm
Deepest section of gut tube
Descending part of duodenum

vertebral levels

neighboring structures
L1 - L3

between IVC (right) and pancreas (left)
Major duodenal papilla is found in which part of the duodenum
2nd part (descending)
third (horizontal) part of duodenum

vertebral level

neighboring structures

runs anterior to aorta and IVC

runs inferior to HEAD of pancreas
Sympathetic innervation of duodenum

fiber type
spinal levels

splanchnic nerves

T7/T8 - T12
Source of parasympathetic innervation for foregut and midgut
vagus nerve
Duodenal ulcers can refer pain to which quadrant and why?

fluid moves from omental bursa down paracolic gutter - presents like appendicitis
What artery can duodenal ulcer erode and where may pain refer?
gastroduodenal artery

L. hemidiaphragm irritation may refer to shoulder/neck
3 structures posterior to HEAD of pancreas
R renal vessels
common bile duct
pancreas NECK is anterior to what vein(s)?
SMV and splenic vein merge to form hepatic portal vein
spinal levels - innervation of pancreas
T6 - T9
Caudate lobe is next to what (extrahepatic) structure?
Quadrate lobe is next to what (extrahepatic) structure?
What does the hepatic portal vein carry to the liver?
Low O2-nutrient-rich blood
porta hepatis
cross bar of the H

on visceral side of liver
portal triad
hepatic portal v

proper hepatic a

common bile duct
4 portal-systemic venous anastamoses
esophageal PSVA
paraumbilical PSVA
retroperitoneal PSVA
rectal PSVA
Liver innervation - sympathetic
T6 - T9
greater splanchnic nerve to celiac ganglion

post-synaptics follow hepatic a.
Basic function of gallbladder
stores bile
Order of biliary ducts from liver on out
Hepatic bile duct
Common hepatic duct
Cystic duct
Common bile duct
Which biliary duct goes to gallbladder?
cystic duct
artery supplying gallbladder
cystic artery
venous drainage from ileum and jejunem goes to
sympathetic innervation to iliojejunem
T8 - T12

splanchnic nerves synapse in superior MESENTERIC plexus
structure that "cinches" colon
tenia coli
pouches caused by colon cinching as a result of tenia coli
pathology related to ileocecal valve
ileocecal valve is incompetent (normally)

allows retrograde flow of feces --> vomit feces
where do all three tenia coli converge?
at appendix
Superior limit of LEFT paracolic gutterr
phrenicocolic ligament
Which paracolic gutter is limited superiorly?

(right paracolic gutter allows communication between subphrenic space and pelvic cavity)
vertebral level of rectosigmoid junction
origin of rectum defined by...
loss of sigmoid mesocolon
sigmoid colon: intra- retro- or secondarily retroperitoneal?
intersigmoid fossa
defined by upside-down "V" of sigmoid mesocolon

at level of pelvic brim
In intersigmoid fossa, the L. ureter runs anterior to _____
bifurcation of L. common iliac artery
Marginal artery anastamoses which arteries?
boundaries of inguinal triangle
inferior epigastric - lateral
semilunar line - medial
inguinal ligament - inferior
superficial to deep, anterolateral abdominal wall
Camper's fascia (superficial superficial)
Scarpa's fascia (deep superficial)
Deep investing fascia of:
transversalis fascia
parietal peritoneum
venous drainage of large intestine
SMV receives from proximal

IMV receives from distal
referred pain from cecum
hypogastric region


(accompany SYMPATHETIC GVEs)
referred pain from distal rectum
perineal region (S2 - S4 dermatome)

intrarenal collecting system
minor calyces
major calyces
renal pelvis (--> ureter)
R. renal artery passes ____ to the IVC
tributaries of L. renal vein
L. upper lumbar v.
combined L. inferior phrenic v. and L. suprarenal v.
L. gonadal v.
origin of ureter
uretopelvic junction
relationship of ureter to renal vessels
ureter passes POSTERIOR to renal vessels
where does ureter cross pelvic brim?
near bifurcation of common iliac artery
Water under the bridge
ureter passes UNDER vas deferens
Water under the bloody bridge
ureter passes UNDER the uterine vessels
3 locations where kidney stones are likely to lodge
ureteropelvic junction

where ureter passes iliac vessels at pelvic brim

ureterovesical juntion
besides the vagina, what do the vaginal arteries supply?
urinary bladder
spinal levels of SYMPATHETIC innervation to bladder

(lumbar and sacral splanchnics)
spinal levels of PARASYMPATHETIC innervation to bladder

(pelvic splanchnics)
general bladder distention
is inferior

refers pain to S2 - S4 dermatome, including glans penis
myofascial fibers contributing to superior boundary in of inguinal canal
TA and IAO
structures visible from a laparoscopic view from wthin abdominal cavity

(as during hernia repair)
deep inguinal ring

iliopubic tract
layer immediately deep to transversalis fascia of lateral abdominal wall
endoabdominal fascia
medial boundary of femoral ring
contents of subinguinal space (may not be complete!)
isiopsoas muscle
femoral nerve
femoral blood vessels
iliacus muscle
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
external iliac vessels