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81 Cards in this Set
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classical conditioning/pavlovian conditioning (Type S/1)
method by which organisms learn to predict important events
operant conditioning/insturmental conditioning (Type R/2)
method by which organisms learn about the consequences of behavior
phase during which the cs and us are presented and the cr is established
reduction of the cr resulting from presentation of the cs alone
spontaneous recovery
during or after extinction, return of the conditioned respodning to a higher level following a period of rest
strengthenig process inferred to occur with presentation of us
stimulus generalization
crs are elicited not only by the specific cs, but also by similar stimulus
aka semantic generalization |
reduction of the generalization gradiant, produced by reinforcing the cr to the cs, but withholding reinforcement to other stimuli
Second Signal System
=Language...pavlov assumed that the same procedures could be used to explain language as were used to explain simple motor conditioning, classical conditioning plays a role in language learning due to emotional responses to words, but LAD also involved
First single system-simple motor learning |
nature of association in classical conditioning
S-S. evidence from US-devaluation and US-inflation, once the cs-us association has been established, presentation of the cs in s-r learning actiovates a representation of US
Robert Whytt
physic secretion
Erasmus Darwin
neural processes conditioned
Ivan Michailovich
father of Russian physiology, ideas preceded Pavlol, reflex basic unit for studying behavior, all processes involve either the selective inhibition (thinking) or augmentation (emotion) of reflexes
-first psychobiologist -wants to develop psychology based on physiology/conditioning -Objective Psychology-book, study of conditioning of behavior -new conditioning situations, leg flex, cardiac/respiratort -thinking could be studied objectively is subvocal speech |
Ivan Pavlov
-Pavlovian Conditioning aka Classical/Respondent Cond
-digestive system, brillan surgeon -Pavlovian Puch-externalizastion of stomach pouch -surgical rerouting of salivary glands |
Stimulus such as food powder that elicits the response of interest without prior training
US-UR connection is unlearned/innate |
bell, stimulus can be anything that does not elicit response. CS presented before US.
appetitive conditioning
us is a desirable or appetitive stimulus like food
aversive conidtioning
unpleasant or aversive event as us
cs + us (light peck and food)
CS by itself (light peck-becomes signal for food)
-after a number of trials, turning on the light elicits approach and pecking responses -often a test trial to see if stimulus is effective as a CS. |
sign tracking
light becomes a signal for food and the pigeons go where the light is located
pigeons peck at response key without elaborate intervention by experimenters, example of appetitive conditioning, occurs in skinner box
sig of autoshaping
-stimuli, events and messages occur contiguously in time
-our brains are automatic associating mechanisms so the things or events often become associated, then we behave towards one as if it was signaled, predicted or even caused the other. behave towards key as if it predicted arrival of food (superstitous behaviors formed this way) |
autoshaping and confirmation bias
brains make quick and easy associations b/w events. must support these commitments by believing in connection
conditioned suppression
-variant of fear conditioning,
-rat presses lever to get food. cs of tone paired with shock. rat comes to supress lever pushing when it hears the tone. cs of tone leads to decrease in behavior due to fear. averseive conidtioning of cs |
phases of conditioned supression
1)establish a baseline of operant performance (lever press on VR schedule)
2)either on or off the baseline, pair a cs with an aversive us (tone-shock) 3)during baseline task, present cs alone and observe supression |
examples of conditioned supression
anxiety provoking news-death of a loved one. inability to go on as usual, ongoing behavior is supressed
differences between conditioned and unconditioned responses
conditioned response and unconditioned response not the same. most conditioning involves skeletal muscles. shock vs. freezing as responses to stimulus
behavior systems
-us activates behavior system relevant to that us (feeding sysetm , defensive system) the conditioned response that develops depends on how the cs becomes incorporated into th ebehavior system activated by the us, depends where the cs comes incorporate din the system
s-r learning
cs elicits the cr directly
ss learning
cs activates a representation of the us, which in turn leads to the cr, what it will do when stimulated to think about the us will depend on its motivation to respond to the us-must be motivated to respond to the us
US devaluation
motivation to respond to us reduced
quail experiment
quails conditioned to sexually copulate with female after exposure to a light cs. 2 groups of quails in experiment, one groups sexual drive was reduced. in this group cr declined because they were not sexually motivated. normal sex drive birds still had normal conditioning.
us inflation
increased conditioned responding by increasing motivation to respond to us, sodium deficiency increases value of salt and this in turn increased response to the salt associated quinine flavor
latent inhibition
habituation of stimulus reduces the effectivness of this stimulus when it is later used as a CS.
CS preexposure phase when CS is presented by itself, this phase retards the subsequent development of conditioned responding to the stimlus. |
rapid conditioning vs retarded conditioning
rapid conditioning-predictible manner without preexposure (sit-A+)
retarded conditioning-conditoning beings 100s of trials later. (A-....A+) |
attentional responses
-CS preexposure phase reduces subjects attention to tone or stimulus and this in turn distrupts subseuent pav cond
-first learn that stimulus means nothing so it takes more time to learn that it does mean something |
difference between latent inhibition and conditioned inhibition
LI is more related to overshadowing and blocking, more of a passive form of inhibition
more on latent
after preexposure, A predicts a period without any US, thus the individual learns to ignore A. When a US is introduced during the conditioning phase, the previous association has to be extinguished and a new one established. learning between A and US is severly retarded due to preexposure
Garcia and Koelling
CS-US relevance or selective association-the effectiveness of a conditiponed stimulus depends selectively on the us stimulus used-behavior systems are characterized by enhanced reactivity to a distinctive set of stimuli.
Taste Aversion Learning
novel taste followed by illness, organism learns aversion to taste as a result. from experiment rats do not easily learn an aversion to an auditory or visual cue paired with illness nor do they easily learn an aversion to a taste cue paired with shock. disposition to make certain kind of connections
tatse aversions learning 2
-occurs rapidly, single trial
-occurs with very long CS (ingestion)-UR (nausea) interval,often more then 1hr |
random control procedure
cs and us both presented repeatedly but at random time sin relation to each other, random timing of cs and us presentations is intended to prevent the formation of an associatin between them withot interfering with sensitization processes
simultaneous conditioning
presentation of CS and US at same time, perfect temporal contigency between CS and US.
-no conditioning takes place |
Delayed Conditioning
conditioned stimulus presented slightly before US, no gap, best for possible conditioning
Trace Conditioning
gap between CS and US. CS onset and offset followed by a brief delay then US onset.
Trace Interval
gap between conditioned stimulus and US, introducing this gap can dramatically decrease amount of conditioning that takes place., gap of 1/2 second causes less conditioning to take place then no gap. trace conditioning involves a different memory system.
effect of CS-US interval
as it bcomes longer evidence of learning declines
seconds:nictitating membrane response minutes:conditioned suppression hours:taste aversion(long delay learning-represents learning with CS-US interbals that are a great deal longer than the intervals that support other conditioning |
Temporal Coding
passage of time becomes the conditioned stimulus, pavlovian conditioning results inthe establishment of a temporal code for when the US occurs in relation to CS, once learned temporal code activated whenever the CS present and enable sthe organism o predict the precise point in tim ewhen the US will occur.
signal relation
informational relation between CS and US. conditioned responding develops more rapidly with procedures in which the CS provides reliable info about the occureence of the US
Blocking Effect
present the CS with another cue which already predicts the US, the CS will be redundant and little conditioned responding will develop. shrimp and veg-->will not get taste aversion to veg if shrimp was previously conditioned to illness
Blocking-ex group
little or no conditioning to B. A blocks conditioning to B |
Blocking-c group
good conditioning to B |
example of blocking
flashing red light in place for many years, warning passerbys of danger (A+)
then a large danger sign(B) is installed (AB+) initially most passerbys will not learn to respond t othe sign, thus if something happens to the flahsing light there are likley to be more accidents |
interpetation of blocking
A predicts US so well that B provides no further info. Thus B inthe AB+ complex is a redundant predictor, little or no associative strength acrues to B
Conditioned Inhibition
CS becomes a signal for the absence of the US, for successful conditioning the absence of the US has to be made a salient event, US=absent, but expected, absence of US made salient by excitatory conditioning rgar creates a postive expectataion. both A and B are signals for options you have in doing something, a-one direction, b-other direction
a by itself with US (conditioning)
stimulus B presented with stimulus B and US is omitted, conditioning inhibition to stimulus B
-presence of A on AB- trials created the expectation that Us will occur, makes the absence of US psychologically meaningful and serves to condition inhibitory properties to stimulus B. |
neutral stimulus b
whenever paired with excitatoryt stimulus and that unionn is not reinforced by US then that previously neutral stimulus will inhibit responding
a+....AB-......C+ |
presence of an intense stimulus interferes with the control of behavior by a weaker cue. in the experiment the experimental group recieved noise and light while the control group recieved noise alone, for the exp group they were no longer conditione dto the noise due to the addition of the light, conditioning of light interferred with conditioning of the noise cs
phase 1
ab+ |
a is more salient stimulus then B
phase 2
a- b- |
a-get crs
b-no or few crs result-a has overshadowed B |
driving signs
results are important, frequent and pretty obvious-curve sign (A) and curve (B)- AB+, drivers learn to respnd to signs not road conditions, roads with curves and no signs have more accidents on them once the sign is taken away.
Watson & Rayner
-most fear conditioning situations contain many stimuli, but the far CR becomes condiioned only to the most salient of these.
-the white rat became the CS that generated fear, but not other stimuli present at the time (room cues, toys) because the rat=salient stimulus and generalization of stimulus with similar features. |
occassion setting/conditioned facilitation
stimulus B occurs on trials when A is reinforced (AB-->US or AB+) and B is absent on trials when A is not reinforced (A-->noUS or A-) particpant responds to A when B is present but does not respond to A when B is absent. NEED B FOR US. A-->US only when B is present-discriminatory learning (road, wetness and danger
CSE excitatory stimulus
CSf facilitator or occassion setter
conditioned phase
test phase
A- (elicits few if any stimulus when presented alone)
AB- elicits many crs |
facilitator or occassion setter
B. it does not function as an excitatory stimulus but responding to the excitatory stimulus A is higher when accompianed by B then when by itself,
reverse of conditione dinhibition
in the cl the conditioning phase consists of A+ AB_ presentations and B becomes an inhbitory, here conditioning is A_ AB+ and instead of being an inhbitor the B is a facilitatr!!!
random control procedure
solves CS-alone and US-alone problems (there are some control problems for researchers) CS and US presented repeatdly but at random times in relation to each other, random timimg prevents formation of association between them without interfering with the sensititzation process.
contingency between two events refers to the extent of which the presence of ne stimulus can serve as the basis for predicting the other. defined in terms of probability
summation testproblem of measuring conditioned inhibition (rabbits who dont blink alot)
elevate th ebaseline of responding
summation test
condition another stimulus as a conditioned excitatory cue (CS+) baseline
CS- and CS+ presented togther to test for CS- |
neutral stimulus (with no history of excitatory or inhibitory) to test for responding to CS+, to see whether CS_ may just be a distraction or really effective at inhibiting
CS+ with CS- (dramatic decrease in conditioned responding, proves inhibitory effects)
CS+ with CS (some decrease but proves it is only a distraction factor) |
Retardation-of-acquisition test
conditioned inhibitory properties will interfere with the acquisition of excitatory properties to that stimuli for ex group tone is trained as a conditined inhibitory
control-tone is neutral if inhibitory conditioning was successful in th efirst stage of the experiment then excitatory conditioning responding should occur more slowly for ex, compare rates of excitatory conditioning for two grous |