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327 Cards in this Set

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The suffix that means "abnormal softening" is


Which term means the direction toward or nearer the midline?


Which term means the death of bone tissue?


Which term refers to an outbreak of a disease occurring over a large geographic area, possibly worldwide?


What word means an abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine, also known as humpback?


The correct spelling for a fracture in which the bone is broken into many pieces is?


Which term means the breakdown of muscle tissue?


Which term means the condition commonly known as hiccups?


Which term means the paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body?


Which term means the bending of the foot upward at the ankle?

Plantar flexion

Which term describes abnormal hardening of the artery?


An abnornally fast heartbeat is referred to as?


Which of the following refers to an abnormally high white blood cell count?


The maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment in the body is known as?


The posterior portion of the knee joint is known as what region?


Organs found in the lower right abdominopelvic quadrant include?

Appendix, cecum, ascending colon, and small intestine

Moving your arms away from your body so that the letter "T" is formed is known as?


A coronal MRI would section the body into?

Anterior/posterior sections

While examining a slice of tissue, you note several characteristics. There are numerous cells packed tightly together, one side of the cells opens into a cavity, and the other is attached to a thin layer of extracellular material. Several of the cells are in some stage of mitosis. Which primary tissue type do you think this is most likely to be?


Which of the following tissues provides the greatest protection from mechanical injury?

Stratified squamous epithelium

As cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis towards the surface--

They degenerate and die

Which of the following cells would be expected to be most active in replacing bone matrix lost due to an injury?


The atlas bone--

Is the first cervical vertebrae

How many vertebrae make up the cervical region of the body?


Which of the following bones forms the upper jaw?


Which bone is superior to the fibula but inferior to the ischium?


Joints are lined by which type of membrane?


Which of the following may be the basis for the name of a muscle?

Direction of fibers, size, shape, and location of muscle

Which large muscle separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?


The type of muscle that is attached to the bone of the skeleton is called?


The contractile unit of myofibril that lies between two succesive Z lines is called?


Cerebrospinal fluid is located in?

The cerebellum

Interpretation of sensory impulses occurs in which part of the cerebrum?

Occipital area

Oxytocin is?

A neurotransmitter

The hormone erythropoietin increases the production of?

Red blood cells

Insulin is synthesized by beta cells of the pancreas. This hormone is released--

When the body's glucose level rises

Which of the following endocrine organs is sometimes known as the "master" gland because it makes hormones that control several other endocrine glands?

Pituitary gland

An individual who is blood type B--

Has B antigens on the red blood cells and A antibodies in the plasma

Which blood cell aids in clotting?


The valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the--

Tricuspid valve

Which portion of the heart has the thickest myocardium?

Left ventricle

Blood transported by the pulmonary veins returns to the?

Left atrium

Parasympathetic innervation of the heart is mediated by the cranial nerve--


The specialized area in the heart that initiates each heartbeat and sets its pace is the--

SA node

By secreting hormones, the thymus causes what cells to become immunocompetent?


The redness and heat of an inflammed area due to a local hyperemia caused by--

Vasodilation of vessels

The thoracic duct--

Receive lymph from the upper right side of the body

Worn out and damaged red blood cells are destroyed in the--


The exchange of gasses occurs in small air sacs called--


Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by--

Reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid

The structure that closes off the larynx during eating is the--


Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the--


Saliva contains an enzyme that breaks down--


What is the term for movement of food through the digestive tract?


The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin--

By a decrease in the blood pressure

The first step in urine formation is--

Glomerular filtration

The function and structural unit of the kidneys is--

The nephron

What is the cluster of blood capillaries found in each nephron called?


Which of the following shows the correct order in which urine is expelled?

Kidney, ureter, bladder, urethral meatus, urethra

The inner lining of the uterus that sheds every month during menstruation is known as the--


The rupture of mature follicle (egg) during ovulation is due to a surge in--


The presence of which hormone in the maternal blood or urine indicates pregnancy?



Is a condition in which bone resorption exceeds bone deposition

A young boy was bitten by a wild dog and contracted rabies. He subsequently suffered from fever, headache, photophobia, and seizures. An MRI showed inflammation of the brain. He is suffering from--


Which of the following conditions is characterized by a shuffling gait, tremors, pill-rolling, and muscular rigidity?

Parkinson's Disease

Which of the following conditions is a neural tube defect?

Spina bifida

Which of the following dermatologic conditions is caused by a bacterial infection?


Pelvic inflammatory disease is managed aggressively because long term effects can include--


A 21 year old female is infected with HPV following unprotected sexual intercourse. She is now at a higher risk of which of the following cancers?


A 54 year old male was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Which of the following symptoms is he most likely experiencing?

Joint pain

Which disease is characterized by thick, silvery, scaly, erythematous plaques surrounded by normal skin?


A 50 year old male recently underwent a liver transplant and is taking immunosuppresive drugs. He now has pain and vehicular eruptions on the trunk that follows one nerve line. He reports that he had chicken pox as a child. Which of the following is most likely his diagnosis?

Herpes zoster

An 11 year old male is newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Before treatment he most likely experienced--

Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight loss

Congenital hypothyroidism that is not managed is a serious concern because of the risk for--

Mental retardation

Grave's disease is an autoimmune disease in which there is excess _____ hormone secretion--


An autoimmune disease that blocks the acetylcholine receptors of the sarcolemma, causing extreme muscle weakness, is--

Myasthenia gravis

Which of the following viruses causes infectious mononucleosis?

Epstein-Barr virus

Which of the following STDs is viral?

Genital herpes

Which of the following disorders is associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding?

Colon cancer

All of the following could result in mechanical bowel obstruction EXCEPT--


The cardinal sign of plyoric stenosis is--

Projectile vomiting

Infection with helicobacter pylori is associated with which of the following?

Peptic ulcer disease

A patient presents with McBurney's point tenderness, a high leukocyte count, fever and vomiting. What does the patient most likely have?


Which of the following statements about the elderly is FALSE?

Suicide is rare among the elderly

Which is the most common psychiatric disorder in the elderly?


Which of the following does Maslow say is the most basic human need that needs to be met before any others?

Food and water

Who provided the foundation for the modern study of psychology?


Which of the following is NOT a part of Freud's structure of personality?


According to Freud, which of the following is a function of ego?


A previously toilet trained child is hospitalized and then begins wetting the bed again. This is an example of which defense mechanism?


When conducting a patient history, which of the following types of listening behaviors will be most effective?


You should use which of the following to have effective communication with a patient?

Conversation at the patient's social and educational level

A patient in the medical office suffers from loss of memory. A technique useful in communicating with this patient is to--

Direct the patient to perform one task at a time

Which of the following is important for communication with a hearing impaired patient?

Speak slowly and distinctly, ask for feedback

In which of the following ways should a medical assistant communicate with a difficult patient?

Maintain a diplomatic attitude

A medical assistant is on the phone with a patient when another call comes into the switchboard. The MOST appropriate action would be to--

Request the second caller to "please hold" and complete first call

A 4 year old child is in the office for allergy testing. The BEST way to prepare the child for this procedure is to--

Use role playing to demonstrate the procedure to the child

An elderly male patient comes into the office after the recent loss of his wife. His personal grooming has been neglected and he moves slowly and is non-committal in responses. He tells the medical assistant he often wonders if life is still worth living. Which of the following would be the most sensitive response to the patient?

Your feelings are very normal after the loss of a spouse

The medical assistant May repeat back a patient's statements as a way to encourage open communication. Which technique is this?


The medical assistant is asked to compose a business letter. To make the letter more interesting to the reader, the medical assistant should increase the variety of the wording and use synonyms. Which of the following reference books would she consult?


The Physician has been involved in handling an emergency and appointments are running behind schedule. An appropriate statement to each patient in the waiting room would be to say--

Dr. Brown has had to handle an emergency and will be about a half an hour behind schedule. We are sorry for the inconvenience

A new patient comes into the office who obviously does not speak English. The most effective means of communication would be to:

Encourage non verbal communication

A nonverbal method of displaying openness to communication would be:

Leaning forward, with eyes focused on the communicator

Three of the elements required for communication are:

Message, sender, receiver

Which of the following is the best way to teach a patient how to perform a procedure for themselves, such as changing a dressing


The relationship between an employee and employers, co-workers, and patients is influenced by a number of personal traits. Which of the following is the most important?

Effectiveness in communication

Which of the following statements shows proper grammar?

There was no recurrence in the tumor

Questions that can be answered with yes and no are called

Close ended questions

Which of the following actions may be performed using a patient's implied consent?

An electrocardiogram

A patient has had open heart surgery and is in a coma. The patient's spouse brings suit against the physician, alleging that the patient was not informed of the possible complications from use of general anaesthesia. The suit will be filed on the following basis:


An order of the court that requires the individual named to appear in court on a set date and time is:


Malfeasance is one form of:


Which of the following is not a felony under the law:


An expressed contract is:

In writing

In which of the following instances is consent not required?

In an emergency situation

Which of the following may be found in an advanced directive?

Medical power of attorney

The testimony provided by an individual in a sworn, pretrial setting is

A deposition

The doctrine of respondeat superior applies to

The responsibility of the physician for his or her actions as well as actions by staff members

The medical assistant sees an apparent conflict between ethics and patient confidentiality in a situation not covered under the law. The medical assistant should:

Refer the conflict to the physician for his or her decision

The reasonable person rule compares an action with one that would be performed by a prudent and reasonable person under similar circumstances. Failure to act in this manner would constitute:


Which of the following is not part of the patient bill of rights

The right to negotiate fees for medical services received

A minor child comes into the medical office for immunizations required by the school. The medical assistant notices bruising on the patient and suspects child abuse. The appropriate first step for the medical assistant is to

Notify the physician in private about your concern

What does asepsis mean

The absence of or the control of microorganisms

Which process is a common method used in medical offices to destroy all living organisms


When achieving medical asepsis, which of the following techniques is used as the first line of defense against microorganisms


Which of the following organizations has established standards for safe working medical environments

Occupational safety and health administration

How is tuberculosis spread from one person to another person

Respiratory droplets

What is a technique that uses disinfectants on countertops to remove or inhibit the growth of bacteria

Chemical disinfection

All of the following are personal protective equipment except

Hair nets

Which of the following techniques is used to eliminate all microorganisms in the environment

Surgical asepsis

Which of the following describes all of the elements necessary for disease to spread

Means of transmission

During proper autoclaving, what is the temperature and pressure of the Steam

Steam temperature at 250 degrees Fahrenheit, steam pressure of 15 lb

What is the process of washing and removing debris from medical instruments called


Before applying sterile surgical gloves, which of the following steps is most important to do first

Surgical scrub

When using an autoclave, how does one know that sterilization has been achieved

Color change on indicator strip

To which of the following pathogen groups would candida belong


In the Chain of Infection, which link would an elderly patient with poor nutrition fall under

Susceptible host

A patient is bleeding from a wound. Transmission of infection could be prevented if which Link in the Chain of Infection is managed first

Portal of entry to host

Which sterilization method is most appropriate for a fiber optic endoscope


When using clinical thermometers, cross-contamination May best be prevented by

Soaking for 20 minutes in commercial disinfectant

The term for a rapid regular pulse is


When the patient history is first taken which of the following is not a physical assessment Reserve by the medical assistant


A review of which of the following systems will include determination of muscle pain stiffness in joints and limits on degree of movement of arms and legs


All of the following are arterial sites at which the pulse maybe felt except


Hypernia may be defined as

Rapid breathing

Which of the following is not a piece of equipment to assist the patient with Mobility

Arm sling

Sublingual drugs are self administered by the patient by

Placing under the tongue until dissolved

Hypertension would be indicated when the patient has which of the following blood pressure readings

160 / 100

The medical assistant should wait until the physician is in the examination room before assisting the patient into which of the following positions for examination

Knee just

The pulse Point located at the groove of the neck is the


All of the following are Vital Signs except for

Chief complaint

There are five phases of korotkoff sounds of the blood pressure cuff is deflated. Which is the stage when the sounds are fading and are muffled


The primary reason for draping the patient is to

Provide for the privacy of the patient

Dr. Brown is conducting an examination of a patient's head and neck. The following instruments will be used by the physician

Otoscope ophthalmoscope flashlight and tongue depressor

The pulse rate for a normal adult is

60 - 100 beats per minute

The blood pressure of a patient is measured by the


Patient arrives at the medical office for an appointment with the physician. The main reason the patient is seeking medical attention is called the

Chief complaint

The Physicians assessment of major body functions is referred to as the

Diagnosis of illness

If a specimen of urine is refrigerated which of the following is likely to occur

Red blood cells will undergo hemolysis

Which of the following lab values best measures kidney function


Which of the following blood levels is considered a liver function test

C-reactive protein

In a diabetic patient which of the following lab values shows the patient's control of blood sugar over the past month

Hemoglobin A1c

The Holter monitor measures the activity of which organ


The standard order of for a blood draw is

Yellow top culture, light blue, red or red Gray, green, lavender, Gray

Why I do not know which type of thermometer is convenient to use for a patient of any age who does not cooperate

Tympanic membrane thermometer

The most commonly perform test in the physician's office laboratory is


After obtaining a clean catch urine sample you perform a urine culture. How many hours of incubation can the results be read

24 hours

What does the QRS complex represent in an ECG tracing

Ventricular depolarization

Which of the following is used to measure distance vision

Snellen eye chart

Which lab work would be helpful prior to prescribing warfarin

Prothrombin time

Which microorganism stains dark blue or purple with gram staining

Gram positive bacteria

While performing a spirometry test you ask the patient to inhale as deeply as possible and then exhale forcefully into a spirometer. He then measure the amount of air that the patient blows out in the first second. This is called

Forced vital capacity

Which vein is typically the most frequently used for venipuncture

Median cubital vein

The presence of which of the following in a urinalysis would be indicative of an infection

Nitrate and leukocyte esterase

Which test is used as a screening test for tuberculosis

Mantoux test

Which patient is most at risk if exposed to radiation

A pregnant woman

In adults which of the following is the usual site for a capillary puncture


Which of the following organizations is responsible for quality control of laboratory tests and CLIA 88 regulations

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services

What is the normal ratio of hemoglobin to hematocrit for a healthy


The pattern of an ECG is commonly called a


Which agency is responsible for the approval of drugs in the removal of unsafe medications from the market


Which is not a regulation established by the federal Food Drug and cosmetic Act

Only Physicians can write prescriptions

The DEA regulates all of the following except


The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classified drugs into schedules based on their abuse potential. Which schedule includes drugs with the highest abuse potential including drugs that are not approved for medical use in the United States

Schedule 1

The common name that begins with a lowercase letter and is assigned to every drug is called

The generic name

Generic and trade name drugs May differ in all of the following ways except

Drug contents

If a drug is contraindicated in pregnancy it should be

Omitted while pregnant

What does the term loading dose refer to

The initial maximum dose used to quickly Elevate the level of a drug in the blood

After administering an injection the needle should be

Put in the sharps box uncapped

Which of the following is a parenteral route of administration for a drug


Signs of an anaphylactic reaction to a drug include all of the following except

Bloodshot eyes

What is the paradoxical effect of a drug

The opposite effect from that that is expected

What is the primary site in which drugs are metabolized in the body


Drug processing in the body is described by four main processes. Absorption distribution metabolism and excretion. These are known as


What is the primary site from which drugs are excreted from the body


Which method of administering drugs is the most rapid acting


The abbreviation that means whenever necessary is


Medication orders must contain all of the following except

Reason for prescription

What does the gauge of the needle refer to


Lasix is available in 40 mg tablets. The order reads Lasix 60 mg PO Q a.m. . How many tablets should you give each morning


Phenergan 12.5 mg is ordered. Vitals of Phenergan are available as 25 mg per 1 ml. How many milliliters would you administer


According to the six rights of medication administration all of the following should be checked carefully before administering medicine except

Right price

Medical assistants have a responsibility to do all of the following except

Diagnose the patient

Correct documentation of an injection given for pain should include all of the following except


Before administering medication a medical assistant has the responsibility to question all of the following except

Manufacturing process of the medication

All the following are true about giving medication orally except

Faster onset of action

When a medical assistant and ministers oral medications all of the following are appropriate except

Leaving the medication at the patient's bedside

When administering medication by nasogatric tube all of the following are true except

The medication should be cold

At what angle are intradermal injections given

15 degrees

Which is an appropriate gauge for an intradermal needle

26 - 27

Which is the preferred site for an intramuscular injection in an adult


Which is the preferred site for an intramuscular injection

Vastus lateralis

Which of the following is a modification of an intramuscular injection that is used to prevent irritation to the subcutaneous tissues

Z track method

Which size needle would you use for an intramuscular injection

1.5 inch length 21 gauge

What is the reason for aspirating the plunger when administering an injection

Check for the appearance of blood

Which syringe would you use for allergy testing

Tuberculin syringe

Why are anticholinergics used preoperatively

To increase gastric secretions and prevent muscle cramps and constipation

What is the generic name for Benadryl


Which of the following statements is true regarding the role of a medical assistant

Medical assistant can give first aid as well as CPR

When is the Heimlich maneuver performed

To dislodge an object obstructing the airway

A patient comes into the emergency clinic after eating shellfish. She is now flushed and having trouble breathing. Which of the following medications should you have available


The rule of nines is used in the treatment and management of


A patient arrives at the emergency clinic short of breath with slightly blue nail beds and lips. What treatment is the best choice of management for the patient

Administer oxygen

A fracture in which the bone protrudes through the skin is called what kind of fracture


Prior to administering CPR what are the first three things to assess

Alertness breathing and circulation

According to basic cardiac life support guidelines if a victim has a pulse but needs rescue breathing the medical provider should give one breath every

5 Seconds

If you witness a victim fall from a window what does the first most appropriate response

Activate EMS

You might find all of the following medications on a crash cart except


To control bleeding from a laceration to the upper leg direct pressure should be placed over which of the following pulse points


Which is the preferred position for the patient who faints and is lying on the ground

Head and Shoulders flat legs raised

You discover an unresponsive person lying on the ground. Assuming EMS has been activated which of the following needs to be assessed first

Is the patient breathing

What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan laws

To protect an individual who gives first aid from being sued

Which of the following Burns does not require immediate attention

Victim was in the hot sun all day

When caring for a person having a seizure all of the following are good steps to take except

Hold victim down to restrain from convulsing

With which of the following conditions will the patient have rapid respirations and fruity acetone breath along with extremely high blood pressure

Diabetic ketoacidosis

In adult CPR what is the ratio of compressions to breaths

30 to 2

Which age group is most at risk for poisoning

Children ages 1 to 5

An elderly male patient comes into the office after the recent loss of his wife. His personal grooming has been neglected and he moves slowly and is non-committal in his responses. He tells the medical assistant he often wonders of life is still worth living. Which of the following would be the most sensitive response to the patient

Your feelings are very normal after the loss of the spouse

The medical assistant May repeat back of patient statements as a way to encourage open communication which technique is this


The medical assistant is asked to compose a business letter. To make the letter more interesting to the reader the medical assistant should increase the variety of the wording and use synonyms. Which of the following reference books would she consult


The Physician has been involved in handling an emergency and appointments are running behind schedule. An appropriate statement to each patient in the waiting room would be to say

Dr. Brown has had to handle an emergency and will be about a half an hour behind schedule. We are sorry for the inconvenience

Which artery is used to check the pulse when performing CPR


What term is used to describe measuring a patient's body?


Lab results indicating an increase in creatine and bun are consistent with damage to what body system?


What vein returns blood to the heart from parts of the body below the diaphragm?

Inferior vena cava

What factor must exist to constitute a lawful emergency pertaining to consent?

Patient is intoxicated and threatening suicide

What is the most appropriate reference source for locating a code for chronic bronchitis for the purpose of scheduling a chest x-ray?

International classification of diseases, clinical modification (ICD-CD)

What does the "P" on a heart rhythm represent?

Atrial depolarization

What does the "T" represent on a heart rhythm?

Ventricular repolarization

What does the "U" (not always visible) part of a heart rhythm represent?

Repolarization of the bundle of his and purkinje fibers

What is the PR interval?

Starts at beginning of P waves and ends at Q waves

What is the QT interval?

Starts at beginning of Q wave and ends at T wave

The general meaning of corpus is what?


Which of the following is the term for am abnormally low white blood cell count?


An area of dead myocardial tissue is what?

An infarct

The term lithiasis is what?

Abnormal condition of the stones

Adipose tissue is made from what?

Fat cells

What term describes the ability to breathe comfortably only when in an upright position?


What is the term for abnormally large breasts in men?


What term means draining of the nose?


The combining form of "cephal/o" refers to which of the following?


The prefix pertaining to fingernail is what?


Inflammation of a sweat gland is what?


The prefix meaning outside or outer is what?


What suffix refers to eating?


What term refers to pain?


What is the definition for aphagia?

Inability to swallow

What term means cutting operation?


What is the plural word for chest?


What term describes the condition in which the body produces too much cortisol?

Cushings syndrome

What is the term for the reconstruction of an eardrum?


Colporrhaphy is the repair of what?


What term describes surgical fixation of the uterus in a suspended position?


A pyloromyotomy is performed in what body system?


What is the surgical procedure where a pendulous breast is lifted and fixed to the chest wall?


What is the name of the incision made to enlarge the opening of the external urethra?


Korotkoff sounds are evaluated by which of the following procedures?

Determining the blood pressure

What is a non sterile procedure?


What is the procedure in which synovial fluid is removed for analysis?


What procedure is indicated when an abnormal growth is identified on a barium enema x ray?


A patient scheduled for echoencephalography will undergo a study of what?


What physician specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver?


Which of the following branches of medicine specializes in the study of the muskoskeletol system?


A patient with encephalitis is most likely to be treated by what specialist?


A cystoscope is an instrument used most commonly by a specialist in which field?


A patient who has hypergonadism, prolactinoma and hirutism will most likely be seen by what specialist?


Polydipsia, ployuria, good appetite with weight loss, and blurred vision are signs and symptoms of which condition?

Diabetes mellitus

Dysphonia is a common symptom of what condition?


What is a malignant tumor of the eye that is hereditary?


What bacteria is round and grows in pairs?


What term describes the body ability to maintain its normal state?


What describes the humans body's defense mechanism against environmental bacteria?

Mucous membranes

What cells in the blood do not have a nucleus?


What is flexible connective tissue that is attached to the bones at the joints?


What allows air to pass into the lungs?


What is the body cavity that contains the pituitary gland?


What closes and seals off the lower airway during swallowing?


What is located beneath the diaphragm in the left upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity?


What anatomical regions of the abdomen lies just distal to the sternum?


What cavities are separated by the diaphragm?

Thoracic and abdominal

What term describes the motion of bending the forearm toward the body?


If the foot is abducted, it is moved by which direction?


The anatomic location of the spinal canal is?


What is a structural fibrous protein found in the dermis?


A patient has a fracture in which the radius is bent but not displaced, and the skin is intact. This type of fracture is known as what?

Closed, greenstick

The physician directs the medical assistant to complete a request form for an x ray study of the fibula. The procedure will be performed on which of the following structures?

Lower leg

What is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the day?


What is the point at which an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another one?


What controls the body temperature, sleep and appetite?


Which of the following is a substance that aids the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles?


A patient sustains severe blunt trauma to the left upper abdomen and requires surgery. Which one of the following organs is most likely to be involved?


Where is the sinoatrial node located?

Upper wall of right atrium?

Blood flows from right ventricle of the heart into which of the following structures?

Pulmonary arteries

The thoracic cage is a structural unit important for which of the following functions?


What substance is found in greater quantity in exhaled air?


What allows gas exchange in the lungs?


What location does bile enter the digestive tract?


What structure is part of the small intestine?


What condition is characterized by incompetence of the esophageal sphincter?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

What organs remove bilirubin from blood, manufactures plasma proteins, and is involved with the production of prothrombin and fibrinogen?


What is an accessory organ of the gastrointestinal system that is responsible for secreting insulin?


What is a lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and filters organisms from the blood?


What best describes the process whereby the stomach muscles contract to propel food through the digestive tract?


In men, specimens for gonococcal cultures are most commonly obtained from which of the following structures?


What condition is characterized by the presence of kidney stones?


Male proteins are produced by what?


What are the mucous producing glands located on each side of the vaginal opening?
