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80 Cards in this Set

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How many chambers does the heart have?
Chambers of the heart that circulates blood to or from the body are?
Chambers of the heart that circulates blood to or from the lungs are?
What circulation - Right Atrium?
What Circulation - Left Atrium
What Circulation - Right Ventricle
What circulation - Left Ventricle?
What vessels - Right Atrium?
Inferior Vena Cava
Superior Vena Cava
Coronary Sinus
What sends blood to right ventricle via Tricuspid Valve?
Inferior Vena Cava
Superior Vena Cava
What contains the SA Node and AV node?
Coronary Sinus
What receives blood from the lungs?
Left Atrium
what sends blood to the body via the Aortic Similunar Valve?
Left Ventricle
The largest chamber with the thickest muscular wall?
Left ventricle
Vessels - left artium?
4 pulmonary veins
Vessels - Left Ventricle?
Vessels - Right Ventricle?
Pulmonary Artery/Trunk
The sounds of the heart are due to what?
What in the heart makes the heart beat?
Neuromuscular Tissue
The heart has two pumps in one. Describe them?
The upper atria receive blood from the lungs (left artium) and the body (right atrium). The lower ventricles pump blood to the lungs (right ventricle) and body (left ventricle). The atria contract at the same time and the ventricles contract at the same time.
The wall of the heart contains 3 layers, name them?
Epicardium (outer layer)
Myocardium (middle layer)
Endocardium ( inner layer)
Contains coronary vessles and fat; also known as the viseral pericardium?
AKA epicardium?
viseral pericardium
Thickest layer of the heart containing cardiac muscle?
Lines the chambers of the heart, forms the valves and contains endothelium (simple squamous epithelum)
Is the first branch off the aorta and sends oxygen rich blood to the tissues of the heart?
Coronary Artery
It drains blood from the heart tissues and drain into the coronary sinus?
Cardiac Veins
Part of the heart that is a large vein?
Coronary Sinus
What is the average bpm?
Your heart rate is controlled by?
via epinephrine and norepinrphrine increases the heart rate?
sympathetic stimulation
via acetylcholine and the Vagus nerve decreases heart rate?
parasympathetic stimulation?
What are the most common blood typing systems?
ABO Groups

Rh Factors
When and who discovered the ABO Grouping?
Karl Landsteiner
What are the antigens?
A and B
How many blood groups - ABO Grouping?
4 blood groups
Where are the antigens found?
in the erythocytes
What are the 4 types of blood?
A, B, AB, and O
What antigen does type A blood have?
A antigen
What antigen does type B blood have?
B antigen
What antibody does type B blood have?
Antibody A
What antibody does type A blood have?
Antibody B
What type of antigen does AB blood have?
A and B
What type of antibody does AB blood have?
does not develop the A and B antibody.
What type of antigen does O blood have?
It does not have the A and B antigens.
What type of antibody does O blood have?
Antibody A and B
Since AB blood has no AB antibodies it is called the?
Universal Recipient
Since O blood has no A or B antigens it is called the?
Universal Donor
Later in the 1940's associates of Landstener developed another typing system, what is it called?
Rhesus Monkey the Rh factor typing system.
What %age of the population in the USA is positive?
How do people become Rh negative?
only Rh negative people with exposure to Rh positive blood will develop the Rh antibody.
When the ABO and Rh are combined, how many blood types will you have?
How many blood types in the ABO blood grouping?
A person with the Rh antigen is Rh positive or Rh negative?
Rh positive
A person without the Rh antigen is Rh postive or negative?
Name the 8 blood types.
A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-
What is the most common ABO blood type?
What is the second most common blood type?
What is the 3rd most common blood type?
What is the rarest blood type?
Blood typing is done using what that contain the blood antibodies?
Blood antibodies react with the antigens on the blood cells being tested and the reaction between like antigens and antibodies on the typing tray is called? Reactions in the body is called?
Right side vessels and chambers of the heart are which type of blood?
Left side vessels and chambers of the heart are which type of blood?
A person with Type A blood can have the genotype of?
Ao and AA
A person with Type B blood can have the genotype of?
Bo and BB
A person with Type AB blood can have the genotype of?
A person with Type O will have the genotype of ?
oo (small o's)
A parent with type A blood and another parents with Type B blood can have children with the possible blood types of?
A, B, AB, and O
Possible if the type A parent is Ao and the type B parent is Bo.
If the parents were AA and BB the children would be?
A, B, or AB
Two type O parents would have children with what blood type?
Two parents that are both AB will not have children with this blood type?
What type of blood is perfered to be donated and why?
It does not contain the formation of Rh antibodies.
What is the blood type O also known as?
Universal Donor
AKA AB blood type?
Universal Recipient
Who can receive type O blood?
A,B, AB, and O
Who can receive type A blood?
A and AB
Who can receive type B blood?
B and AB
Who can receive type AB blood?
What type of blood can AB receive?
What type of blood types can O donate to?