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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 views on motivation?

Trait centred

Situational centred

Interactional centred

What is trait centred motivation?

Comes from the performers genetics.

• enduring, Pre determined, stable what is

What is an example of trait centred motivation?

They are equally motivated to train as they are to play a match.

What is situational centred motivation?

Comes from the environment.

• role models / significant others.

•unpredictable and unstable.

What is an example of situational centred motivation?

A performer will be more motivated in a cup game then in a normal league game.

What is interactional centred motivation?

Influenced by the environment and genetics.

Certain genetic traits that are influenced by certain environments.

Responses will vary.

What is an example of interactional centred motivation?

Someone helping a coach won’t be as motivated during a training session as someone who is in charge of a training session.

What is motivation?

Internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse and direct our behaviour.

What are the two types of motivation?

Intrinsic and extrinsic

What is extrinsic motivation?

Willing to take part in an activity to get a reward afterwards.

What are examples of extrinsic motivation?





Why is extrinsic motivation positive?

•Good for beginners because they won’t have intrinsic motivation.

•Creates an insentive.

•can modify behaviour.

Why is extrinsic motivation negative?

•If extrinsic reward is removed so is motivation.

•Demand will increase.

•Too much pressure leading to use of drugs and alcohol.

What is intrinsic motivation?

Driven by internal rewards engaging in something/behaviour because it is personally rewarding.

What are examples of extrinsic motivation?

Per-suit of knowledge (making ourselves better- Mastery orinentation.




Why is intrinsic motivation positive?

It can predict the behaviour of the athlete - know what they will and won’t do.

Why is intrinsic motivation negative?

•You can’t modify behaviour

•better for long term motivation - don’t have to rely on it

What are positive effects of motivation on performance.

Intrinsic: Coaches can predict an athletes behaviour, know what they will and won’t do and their breaking point.

Extrinsic: Good for beginners to create their own internal drive as they don’t have any internal motivation when starting.

What are negatives of motivation on performance?




What is Overtraining?

Any practice or training for a particular sport which is in excess of that necessary to effectively participate in the sport.

What is an example of overtraining?

A sprinter would be overtraining if they trained for long hours everyday, and didn’t allow for recovery between sets or training sessions.

What is staleness?

A group of symptoms resulting from excess physical training.(high intensity).


•altered moods.

•muscle soreness and stiffness.

•loss of interest in performing.

What is an example of staleness?

A long distance runner could overtrain and would experience symptoms like sleep disturbances, muscle soreness and loss of interest in high level training.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is physical and emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, reduced performance and interest in sports.

• Insomnia

• Muscle soreness

• mood alterations

What is an example of burnout?

A long distance cycler may overtrain and therefore burnout due to high volumes of high intensity training and could experience symptoms.

What is motivational climate?

The environment where athletes find themselves and how this affects there motivation positively and negatively.

What does motivational climate TARGET stand for?

T- Task

A- Authority

R- Rewards

G- Grouping

E- Evaluation

T- Timing

What does task mean?

Having a range of tasks that need athletes to participate in learning and decision making.

What is an example of task?

•Incorporate a variety,

•challenges and maximal involvement

•Use fun activities and games

What does authority mean?

Giving athletes monitoring and evaluating their own learning and decision making.