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144 Cards in this Set

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3 m's of starting recip engine
mixture, mags, master starter
when to prime on start up
after good rotation
carb heat on off on start?
steps to shut down
starve carbs for gas
kill mags ( NOOO hot mags)
kill master
what to check before start radial engine
check for liquid or hydraulic lock
first check on turbine engine start up
egt ( temp check) for hot start
1st check on recip engine on start up
oil pressure
rating of ropes used to tie-down ac
3000 lbs
how to tie up ac
out and back
direction to tie down ac ( related to wind)
nose into wind
btu's per lb of avgas?
def. of octane rating
how slow fuel burns
(higher= slower)
number/color id of avgas
100/130 HL
100/100 LL
octane vs performance #
perf #= > 100 octane
storage life of avgas?
indefinite= not light distillants
what does TEL (tetraethyllead) do to spark plugs?
hard deposits
why is TEL used in avgas?
lubrication properties
most common jet fuel?
jet a
btu's per lb of jet fuel?
refueling: how to ground ac
delta ground
fire extinguishing: types and id letters of fires
A= combustibles (triangle)
B= liquids (rectangle)
C= electrical (square)
D= metals (star)
what Far pertains to mechanics and repairmen?
CFR title 14 Ch1 Sub pt d Pt 65
3 things log entries require?
what was done
what it was done in accordance with
how work was checked afterwards
difference between "overhaul" and "rebuilt"
overhaul: to service standards
rebuilt: to "new" standards
def. of alteration:
taking something and changing it
def or repair:
using original part, not replacing a part
major repairs and alterations require what to filed with FAA?
337 form
following major rep and alt what can and A+ P do?
returns to airworthy, cannot return to service
after 100 hr insp what can A+P do?
can certify plane is airworthy condition but not ret to service
annual insp must be signed by who?
far most important for A+P?
what year do all planes have tcds after?
where can check list items be found for engine inspection?
FAR 43 appdx d
what is a master orifice/ diff. tester used for?
compression test
physics scientific method
matter: can it be destroyed?
matter cannot be created or destroyed, only changed
absolute scale for celcius?
absolute scale for farenheit?
how does heat transfer?
warmer to cooler
3 ways equalizing heat transfer occurs?
are heat and temp. the same?
heat: total kinetic energy posessed by molecules of subst.
2 ways to measure heat?
define btu
1 btu=amt of heat req'd to change 1lb of water 1 degree F.
def. specific heat
-efficiency of heat transfer
-quantity of heat reqd. to change the temp of a unit mass of the substance by 1 deg.
where to find spec. heat constants
in tables
latent heat: "hidden heat" where is it found?
ref. system ( in refrigerant)
what is sublimation:
skipping of a state in a change in state: ( solid--> to gas)
measure of difficulty of flow
force that holds molecules together
force that exists between dissimlar molecules
surface tension:
forces at liquid surface are diff. than deep in liquid
drawing action
the weight or mass per a fixed volume
spec. gravity: is a measure against a standard, what is the standard?
(liquids and solids) water ( gases use hydrogen)
specific gravity of water =?
who discovered buoyancy?
def. pascals law:
in a closed system, an increase of pressure at any pt will produce an equal increase in the pressure at every pt in the liquid
is there a diff. between force and pressure?
in what region of atmosphere is nitrogen most prevalent?
as altitude increases what happens to pressure?
it decreases (1 psi per 2343 ft, 1" hg per 1000 ft)
diff between psia and psig?
0 psig = 14.7 psia
to what bursting force must ac be built?
245 tons
safety factor is an equation using:
bursting force and 1.33
def. of standard atmosphere?
40 deg. lat., sea level
gravitational pull?
32.174 ft/sec/sec
def. absolute humidity?
is the actual amt of of water vapor in a mixture of air and water
def. relative humidity?
is the ratio of the amount of water present in atmosphere to the amt. that would be present if the air were saturated
def. dew point?
temp to which humid air is cooled to become saturated.
two ratios needed to for a wing to operate:
ideal gases law
boyles law:
direct relationship b/t pressure and density as long as temp is constant
charles law:
gases expand and contract in direct proportion to the change in absolute temps when press. is constant
6 simple machines:
lever, pulley,wheel and axle, incline plane, screw,gears
def. 1st class lever:
fulcrum in middle equal dist b/t eff and resistance
def. 2nd class lever:
fulcrum at one end, resistance in middle and effort at end
def. 3rd class lever:
effort is b/t fulcrum and resistance
def. mechanical advantage
<1 tougher
>1 easier
effiency of machine=?
a single pulley is what kind of lever?
1st class
only get ma out of a pulley when?
when it is moveable
shorthand method to find ma of pulley set?
count the ropes supporting the weight
how is torque measured on screw jack?
1" out, on shank
(ex. 4" out at 150lbs=600 lbs)
def. "effective pitch" of prop?
dist. ac moves forward in one rotation
def. geometric pitch of prop?
dist. the prop would advance in a theatricals solid
how to def. work?
force x distance
def. power?
rate at which work is done
3 kinds of energy?
def. hp?
btu's per hr= hp
def weight and balance?
how much ac weighs, and where ac would balance on a fulcrum at level flight att.
roll balance more or less imp than pitch bal?
pitch bal most important
two purposes of w and b?
1st= safety
2nd= effiency
4 forces to balance in ac?
def. chord?
dist from leading edge, to trailing edge
center of lift located where?
produced by the wing 1/3 back from leading edge
center of gravity located where?
slightly ahead of c of lift
cg should always be ahead of C of lift? t or F
true ( forces nose heavy so that if stall occurs it can fly)
what do we get using c of lift and c of gravity?
operational range
person with final authority over weight and balance
Pilot in Command
who gives pilot the w b starting point?
ap tech
first step to find we and bal
find empty weight ( not found in tcds or manual.. "ready to fly with nothing extra"
how to find moment:
weight x arm
where is arm length measured from?
where is datum pt found?
def. basic op. weight?
same as EW except crew and other things added
oil req.'s
&lt;'78 not incl in ew, >'78 incl in ew
def MAC
mean aerodynamic chord
def. max gross weight
max weight an ac can fly with
def. levelling means:
means used to get ac in level flight att.
def. net weight:
payload +useful load
def. useful load:
max gross- net weight
def. residual fuel:
level flight att. with drains pulled
( not always same as unuseable)
unuseable fuel:
least amt of fuel in tanks at which plane can no longer fly at any attitude
def. METO
maximum hp except for takeoff
rotary ac controls
collective, cyclic, anti-torque(pedals)
we and bal more or less critical in rotorcraft?
more critical
how to det. min fuel?
kinds of structural stress?
kinds of structures?
def. non/ferrous:
ferrous=iron content: magnetic
two elements most comm. in earths crust:
silicon, aluminum
two processes used for alum. refining:
bayer process
hall process
alum. begins with ?
bauxite ore
effects of alum alloys?
steps of heat treat:
what causes corrosion from heat treat?
improper quenching
def. annealing:
making metal softer than whet it left factory
how to turn pig iron into steel
bissemer process
sae class. of steels
1st-all element,2nd-% of this element, % of 1% carbon
def. hardening:
critical temp then quench in cold water
def. normalizing:
critical temp then air cooling (ret. to as fab.'d state)
def. tempering:
softens edge,hard inside
def. case hardening:
harden outside, soften edge
what is added to alum for strength?,steel?
tube bending maintain what % of original diam.?
ac flaring degrees?
37 deg
adv of double flare?
more concentric, less shearing action= better seal
when is flareless used?
high press. application
colors of an fittings?
ss= no color
scratches or nicks in fluid lines what reqds?
no deeper than 1% of wall thickness
dents in fluid lines what is reqd?
<20% diam of tube
corrosion between dissimilar metals how?
one anodes one cathodes
3 requirements for corrosion?
potential difference
conductive path
conductive chemical fluid
types of corrosion?
oxidation,uniform surface,pitting,intergranular,exfoliation,concentration cell
volume of byproduct less or greater than material itself?