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20 Cards in this Set

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annual fee

a yearly fee that’s charged by the credit card company for the convenience of the credit card

annual percentage rate

cost of borrowing money on an annual basis; takes into account the interest rate and other related fees on a loan

credit card

type of card issued by a bank that allows users to finance a purchase

credit report

a detailed report of an individual’s credit history

credit score

a measure of an individual’s credit risk; calculated from a credit report using a standardized formula

debt snowball

preferred method of debt repayment; includes a list of all debts organized from smallest to largest balance; minimum payments are made to all debts for the smallest, which is attacked with the largest possible payments


a decrease or loss in value

introductory rate

and interest rate charged to a customer during the early stages of loan; the rate often goes up after a specified period of time

loan term

time frame that a loan agreement is in force, and before or at the end of which the loan should either be repaid or renegotiated for another term

tax deduction

an expense, such as a charitable contribution, that can be deducted from one’s taxable income

3 main credit bureaus

Experian, TransUnion, Equifax

ways to protect yourself from identity theft

-use a paper shredder & destroy credit cards

-check your credit report annually

-never print your social security number or driver’s license number on your checks

true or false:

you must establish credit in order to buy a house


true or false:

if you are a victim of identity theft, you are only responsible for paying back half of the debt


which of the following is not a factor in determining a FICO score?

-paying cash for all purchases

-getting a personal loan from a bank

-using credit cards

-taking out a mortgage on a house

which of the following is not a good idea for getting out of debt?

-quit borrowing money

-get a part time job or work over time

-borrow money from your parents to pay off debt

-sell something

which or the following things cannot be done with a debi card but can be done with a credit card?

-rent a car

-purchase something online

-go into debt

-purchase an airline ticket

why is an adjustable rate mortgage a bad idea?

it has an interest rate that changes based on market conditions

explain why financing a car is a bad idea.

it hinders your ability to pay off debt or save money during that time & you will be paying interest

describe the negative consequences of taking on debt. what effect can debt have on your future?

it prevents you from paying yourself through saving & investing making it difficult to build wealth over time