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26 Cards in this Set

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kənˈveɪ/ verb -veys; -veyed; -vey·ing[+ obj] 1 formal : to take or carry (someone or something) from one place to another : transport

• The singer was conveyed from her hotel to the airport by limousine.

• They conveyed the goods by ship.

• The pipes convey water to the fields.

2 : to make (something) known to someone

• Words convey [=communicate] meaning.

• Mere words could not convey his joy. [=he could not express his joy in words]

• The painting conveys [=expresses] a sense/feeling of motion.

• Her appearance conveys self-confidence.

• The message conveyed a sense of urgency.

3 law : to change the ownership of (property) from one person to another

• He conveyed the estate to his son.


ɪˈroʊnijəs/ adj[more ~; most ~] formal : not correct

• We received erroneous information.

• an erroneous diagnosis/theory

- er·ro·ne·ous·ly adv

• The paper reported erroneously [=incorrectly] that he had died.


ˈrɛdələnt/ adj[more ~; most ~] literary + formal 1 : having a strong smell : full of a fragrance or odor

• a redolent bouquet- often + of

• a room redolent of spices

- often + with

• The sauce was redolent with the smell of basil.

2 : causing thoughts or memories of something

• a room redolent [=reminiscent] of the 1940s

خوش بو، معطر، پراز عطر، آکنده از بو.


rɪˈpoʊz/ noun[noncount] formal + literary : a state of resting or not being active

• His face in repose [=at rest] is serious and thoughtful.

در حالت استراحت، خواب، آرامش


æbˈstiːmijəs/ adj[more ~; most ~] formal : not eating and drinking too much

• She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.

• an abstemious diet

- ab·ste·mi·ous·ly adv

- ab·ste·mi·ous·ness

noun [noncount]

صرفه جو، معتدل، میانه رو


ɪgˈzʌlt/ verb -ults; -ulted; -ulting1 [no obj] : to feel or show great happiness - often + at, in, or over

• The team exulted in their victory.

• She exulted over her students' test scores.

2 [+ obj] : to say (something) in a very excited and happy way

• “That was the best meal I've ever had!” he exulted.

Do not confuse exult with exalt.

ذوق کردن، به وجد آمدن


əˈtɛst/ verb -tests; -test·ed; -test·ingformal : to show, prove, or state that something is true or real[no obj]

- usually + to

• I can attest to the truth of his statement.

• The popularity of the treatment attests to its effectiveness. [=shows that it is effective][+ obj]

• I can attest that what he has said is true.

• The certificate attests the authenticity of the painting.

• He was asked to attest [=authenticate] the will/signature.

- often used as (be) attested

• The plant's presence in the ancient world is attested by fossils that have been found.

• the first attested written language

- at·tes·ta·tion /ˌæˌtɛsˈteɪʃən/ noun, pl -tions[count]

• the first attestations of written language[noncount]

• The signature required attestation.

اثبات کردن، گواه بودن، تایید کردن


ɪˈnɪgmə/ noun, pl -mas[count] : someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain

• To his friends, he was always something of an enigma.

• one of the great enigmas of our time

معما، چیستان، راز


vəˈniɚ/ noun, pl -neers1 : a thin layer of wood or other material that is attached to the surface of something in order to make it look better[count]

• a wall with a stone veneer[noncount]

• a dresser with mahogany veneer

2 [singular] : a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation - usually + of

• She dropped her veneer of sophistication.

پوشش، لایه، لفافه، روکش


\ˈarə̇d also ˈer-\ adjective(sometimes -er/-est)Etymology: French or Latin; French aride, from Latin aridus — more at ardor

1. : without moisture : excessively dry : parched and barren; specifically : having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture, usually less than 10 to 15 inches annually

arid miles of brushland — Green Peyton

2. : devoid of interest and life : dry and monotonous : jejune the dullest and most arid documents — J.L.Lowes

Synonyms: see dry


prɪˈdɑːmənənt/ adj[more ~; most ~] : more important, powerful, successful, or noticeable than other people or things

• Red is the predominant [=main] color in the painting.

• Religion is the predominant theme of the play.

• She is predominant among new writers.

• Older people are predominant in that neighborhood. [=most of the people in that neighborhood are older]

- pre·dom·i·nant·ly adv

• The speech was predominantly [=mainly, primarily] about tax cuts.

• The people in that neighborhood are predominantly [=mostly] older.


apomorphy (derived trait) A novel evolutionary trait that is unique to a particular species and all its descendants and which can be used as a defining character for a species or group in phylogenetic terms. Hence, the possession of feathers is unique to birds and defines all members of the class Aves.



Having the form or qualities of a machine or mechanism


səbˈskraɪb/ verb -scribes; -scribed; -scrib·ing[no obj]

1 : to pay money to get a publication or service regularly

• Subscribe today and get your first issue free!

• You'll receive a user name and password when you subscribe.

- often + to

• I subscribe to several newspapers/magazines.

• He's thinking of subscribing to satellite TV.

2 : to agree to buy shares in a company - usually + for

• She subscribed for 100 shares.

3 Brit : to belong to or support something (such as an organization) by paying money regularly - usually + to

• subscribe to a charity subscribe to [phrasal verb]subscribe to (something) : to agree with or support (an opinion, theory, etc.)

• I subscribe to the idea that voting is my civic duty.

• She subscribes to the theory that some dinosaurs were warm-blooded and others were cold-blooded.

- sub·scrib·er noun, pl -ers [count]

• cable TV subscribers

• The magazine has about a million subscribers.


ˈkɪndlɪŋ/ noun[noncount] : dry twigs, pieces of paper, etc., that burn easily and are used to start a fire • a pile of kindling



ˈɛmjəˌleɪt/ verb -lates; -lat·ed; -lat·ing[+ obj] : to try to be like (someone or something you admire)

• She grew up emulating her sports heroes.

• artists emulating the style of their teachers

- em·u·la·tion /ˌɛmjəˈleɪʃən/ noun [noncount]


kənˈspɪkjəwəs/ adj[more ~; most ~]

1 : very easy to see or notice

• There were a number of conspicuous changes to the building.

• The sign was placed in a very conspicuous spot/position.

• The bird has a conspicuous red head.

• She felt very conspicuous in her pink coat.

• He was uncomfortable about his conspicuous weight gain.

• The President was conspicuous by his absence at the peace talks. [=his absence was very noticeable; people had expected him to be there and noticed that he wasn't]

- opposite inconspicuous

2 : attracting attention by being great or impressive

• The business was a conspicuous success.

• conspicuous bravery

- con·spic·u·ous·ly adv

• The sign was placed very conspicuously.

• He was conspicuously [=noticeably] absent from the meeting.

- con·spic·u·ous·ness /kənˈspɪkjəwəsnəs/ noun [noncount]


Decerebration is the elimination of cerebral brain function in an animal by removing the cerebrum, cutting across the brain stem, or severing certain arteries in the brain stem. As a result, the animal loses certain reflexes which are integrated in different parts of the brain.

مخ زدوده


اختلال فرایند فکر


اختلال شکل فکر




مفهوم، چسبیده، مربوط، منسجم


dəˈvaɪn/ adj1 : relating to or coming from God or a god

• divine will/law/love/inspiration

• They prayed for divine intervention/help.

• The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered divine. [=were considered to be gods]

• a divine ruler [=a ruler who is believed to be a god]

• divine beings

2 [more ~; most ~] informal + somewhat old-fashioned : very good

• This pie is divine. [=heavenly]

• You look divine.

- di·vine·ly adv

• a divinely inspired prophet

• divinely [=wonderfully] clever



the action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing.

"the electorate was disillusioned with his immediate attribution of the bombings to a separatist group"

the action of ascribing a work or remark to a particular author, artist, or person.

"the study of Constable is fraught with problems of attribution"

the action of regarding a quality or feature as characteristic of or possessed by a person or thing.

"the attribution of human emotions to inanimate objects"

اسناد، نسبت دادن، تخصیص


1 : a strong wind

• If the weather reports are right, we're in for a good blow tonight. [=there will be a strong wind tonight; the wind will blow hard tonight]

2 : the act of blowing something (such as your nose)

• He gave his nose a good blow. [=he blew his nose]

1 : a hard hit using a part of the body or an object

• He delivered a mighty blow with a club.

• a blow with a hammer = a hammer blow

• I caught/got him with a heavy blow in the third round. = I landed a heavy blow on him in the third round.

• The two boxers exchanged blows. [=hit each other]

• The boxer rained blows on his opponent's head. [=the boxer hit his opponent's head many times]

• The falling tile struck him with a glancing blow on the head. [=hit his head with less than full force and fell off to one side]

- see also body blow, low blow

2 a : something that is done to fight for or against something

• They struck a blow for freedom and against tyranny. [=they did something that helped freedom and opposed tyranny]

b : a sudden event that causes trouble, damage, sorrow, etc.

• Hopes of peace received a mortal blow when negotiations were blocked.

• The injury to their best player was a serious blow to the team's chances. [=the injury did serious harm to the team's chances]

• The death of his wife was a terrible/shattering blow from which he never really recovered.

• She was disappointed not to get the job, but the promise of another job cushioned/softened the blow. [=the promise of another job made her disappointment less painful or severe]come to blows: to begin fighting : to begin hitting each other

• They almost came to blows during their argument.deal a blow


Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), also known as “extreme picky eating,” is an eating disorder characterized by highly selective eating habits, disturbed feeding patterns or both. It often results in significant nutrition and energy deficiencies, and for children, failure to gain weight.

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