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31 Cards in this Set

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Always a part of living


It is a part of the cultural heritage of the people


Has a unique history that has contributed to its current popularity as a recreational and competitive spirit

Ballroom dancing

It originated in England during the 18th century and 19th century

Ballroom dancing

A specific type of social dance that is designated to bring people together for group participation and enjoyment

Ballroom dancing

2 distinct types of dances

1. Modern dances

2. Latin dances

They developed four dances, the waltz, foxtrot, quizkstep and tango

British professional dancers

Was the first popular Afro-Cuban rhythm to become popular abroad


Introduced rumba

Don Azpiazu

4 main sections

1. Modern dancing

2. Latin american

3. Sequence dances

4. Freestyle on disco

Icludes the fixtrot, quizksteps, tango and waltz

Modern dancing

Like cha-cha, jive, paso doble, rumba and samba

Latin american

Include 25 different old time dances

Sequence dances

Was developed in 1900s because the leaders of the modern dance movement believed that ballet were artificial if not classical and do not cater to all people

Modern dance

5 Leaders of Modern Dance

1. Isadora Duncan

2. Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn

3. Twyla Thanp

4. Mary Wigman

5. Marce Cunningham

She often dance in barefoot and free flowing draperies. She does not used any scenery on stage so the viewers will focus on her dancing

Isadora Duncan

They founded the American dance Company. They helped overcome prejudices against men in the new field of modern dance.

Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn

An experimental dancer, she is an innovative and influential choreographer. Loose-limbed and unexpected movement is her trademark

Twyla Thanp

She is Europe's first great modern dancer. She founded dance in Germany.

Mary Wigman

Together with John Cage, introduced avant garde music. She collaborated with hin on a number of works and became the first choreographer to use electronic musical score for a modern dance

Marce Cunningham

Formerly known as jitterbug


A kind of jazz, characterized by eight count phases and syncopation in eight notes.


A generic term, covering a variety of names


Developed as an "acting out" of the relationship between the prostitute and her pimp.


Dating tawag sa tango 😂 (the dance with stop)

Baile con Corte

A ballroom dance in 3/4 times with strong accent on the first beat and a basic pattern of step-step-close.


It is from the old German word walzen which means to roll, turn or glide in a lively or conspicious manner


Originally known as the cha-cha-cha


It became popular in 1954; is an offshoot of the mambo.


Is danced currently at about 120 beats per minute.


(7) following guidelines before starting to dance

1. Proper posture

2. Position

3. Move

4. Walk

5. Act

6. Hands Position

7. Relax