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30 Cards in this Set

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A small, narrow water craft, which is typically propelled by means of a double bladed paddle


Kayak has a history that stretches back around

4000 to the common understanding

What are the materials Modern kayak made of?

Polythylene, inflatables and wood.

What are the Kayaking Strokes?

Forward strokes, reverse strokes, sweep stroke, draw stroke, reverse sweep stroke, and forward sweep stroke.

One of the most fundamental stroke in kayaking and stroke requires a lot of arm power.

Forward stroke

Used when you want to apply brakes on a moving kayak. You need to know this stroke in case of an emergency.

Reverse stroke

Needed when you want to turn the boat in a particular direction.

Sweep stroke

Used to move the boat on the sideways, and it is quite useful when you need to pull yourself closer to another kayak.

Draw stroke

Turns the kayak aside, or around, while moving backward.

Reverse sweep stroke

Turns the kayak aside, or around, while moving backward.

Forward sweep stroke

What stroke has the basic concept that we can use the paddle, placed out in the water?

Draw stroke

Looks like a rudder, but is fixed in position to help the kayak stay on track through windy conditions.


Definitely looks as good on men as it does on women. It is a bulky item that seals the cockpit from water, keeping the kayaker's lower body dry.

Spray skirt

A long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade.


What are the essential stroke in canoeing?

Forward stroke, draw stroke, cross-draw stroke, the J-stroke, stern pry stroke

The fundamental stroke, this manuever propels the canoe forward.

Forward stroke

Descrived as one of the most powerful turning stroke. This stroke is something the front, or solo, paddler can enjoy to move the boat sideways or change direction.

Draw stroke

It is done to help turn your canoe to the offside, or opposite side of the paddle.

Cross-draw stroke

This stroke keeps canoe straight as it moves forward and helps correct its direction.

The J-stroke

Powerful stroke but can slow the boat down, so it's important to execute quickly and correctly.

Stern Pry stroke

It is the practice of swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with the diving mask, a shaped breathing tube, and usually swim fins.


tube that allows a diver to breathe while at the surface, and face is submerged in the water.


Allow you a means of resting when overexterted while in the water.

Snorkelling vest

Worn on feet and used for in-water locomotion


Equipment used as a viewing device, which when worn on the face allows a swimmer to view underwater world while snorkeling.


A form of underwater diving where diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater.

Scuba Diving

Equipment that makes it possible to breath from tank

Scuba regulator

Equipment that carry air underwater.

Scuba tank

Equipment that keeps diver warm while underwater and protect skin


Equipment used to control buoyancy water and keeps diver float at surface.

Buoyancy Control Device (BCD)