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81 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal criterion used to figure the fuel requirement of a base that submit used as a primary port?

10-day supply of fuel based on the bases wartime commitment only

Defense Logistics Agency determines the type, size, and number of fuel tanks needed at each base based upon

The mission requirements

What will horizontal underground storage tanks and cut and cover tanks that issue jet fuel have on top of them

A pump house

What components should you replace before you replace a man way cover?

A new gasket the same thickness as the old one

What size pipe is used as the gauge well on a cone roof tank with a floating pan?

8 inches

The product withdrawal line terminates inside a cone roof tank with a floating pan in a

Vertical position, 6 inches above the top of the sump

What size is the water draw off line in an all weather tank, and where does it terminate

3/4 inch; 1/2 inch from the sump bottom

What is the slope of a stripping line inside an all weather tank, and where does it terminate

6 inches per 10 feet, 4 inches from the dump bottom

At what level does the high level alarm actuate in a cone roof with floating pan?

Just before the high level shut off level

What type of vent is located in a floating pan


The roof guide is installed on floating roof tanks to

Keep the roof from turning in a circular motion

The double check floating roof tank is the most efficient type of roof because the roof

Has insulating air space between decks

About how far above the tank floor is the first stage of the deep well turbine pump located

6 inches

At what level in an underground fuel tank is the low level shutoff set to deem ethics the fueling pump motor before the pump runs dry?

13 inches

What size is the clean out line in an underground tank and where does it terminate outside the tank?

3/4, 12 inches above ground level

You must clean an operating tank that is not internally coated and does not have a receiving filter/separator every

4 years

What is installed on a floating roof tank to help prevent out of roundness

A wind girder

How is the product identification displayed on an above ground tank

Yellow bands with white letters on a black background

A pressure relief valve installed around the inlet block valve of a floating roof tank is adjusted to open at what pressure

10 percent above system dead head pressure

What is the inspection frequency for a pressure relief valve


What prevents fuel from entering a roof drain line?

Flange gaskets and Asbestos ring packing

When you are inspecting the fabric seal in floating roof tanks, a gap between the metallic sea sling ring and tank shell would indicate a warped sealing ring of

10 to 15 feet long

When filling the tank to check the high high level alarm, what must be disabled

The high level shutoff valve

What instrument would you use to check the liquidometer accuracy?

Tape and bob

How long before entering a fuel tank must you request permission from your major command?

15 workdays

Who will assign a qualified tank entry supervisor to supervise a tank cleaning operation?

MAJCOM fuels engineer

To qualify for an Air Force tank cleaning contract, a contractor must proof of having competed similar work on at least how many previous projects?


Which is not the responsibility of the MAJCOM fuels engineer representative during the contract cleaning of a fuel tank?

To stop the contractors work for contract violations

Which is not a safety hazard associated with tank cleaning?

Excess oxygen

When can people cleaning AF petroleum storage tanks use portable oxygen tanks and masks, portable gas masks, or walk around oxygen bottle and masks?


Communication gear must be used during the cleaning of an underground JP 8 tank when the

Manhole access is 10 feet below ground level

When cleaning a tank without dikes, an air compressor must be positioned upwind,

At least 59 feet from the tank

At what vapor level may workers initially enter a tank for tank cleaning

Below 10 % LEL

Which AF IMT is used to record vapor readings during tank cleaning


What must be done to meters in a pit that is to be abandoned

Drained, removed, oiled, and placed in storage

What is the minimum recommended battery voltage for the MultiRAE PGM-50?

4.4 volts

What grade if oil does the oil separator on a MC7 air compressor use if the temperature is above 40degrees F


What should you do if the restriction indicator on a MC7 air compressor is tripped?

Clean the air filter element

You should release the safety override switch in an MC7 air compressor after the

Oil pressure reaches 10 psi

Electrical controls in hazardous areas must be protected against


The class 1, division 2, hazardous area around a service station dispenser extends outward how many feet and upward how many inches

20 feet; 18 inches

What type of electrical units and wiring is used in non-hazardous locations, such as pressurized control rooms

General purpose; enclosed type

What type of grounding rod, if any, is used in a horizontal fuel tank installed under the pump house floor?

Not required

When the float in a MILSPEC vertical F/S rises to the top position, what happens?

The fuel discharge valves (FDV) closes

Coalescers in an American Petroleum Institute (API) 1571 F/S are rated for what minimum gpm per inch of length


Which component controls the water drain system?

Pilot valve assembly

When the float of a F/S is in its lowest position, supply pressure is directed to what component?

Water drain valve (WDV)

When the WDV is removed from the F/S, where is the control tubing that once went to the water drain cover chamber rerouted

Nowhere; it is plugged off

If a fuel system has a maximum deadhead pressure of 125 psi, at what psi should the F/S pressure relief be set?


When removing the KMU-416/F modification kit with 9 additional elements, how many elements must you remove from the front side to balance the manifold?


If the 40AF-2 fuel discharge valve fails to open, what should you check first?

Water in the filter separator(F/S) sump

The new CFF21 flange control differs from the old pilot valve assembly in that it

Has a float that floats in fuel

If required, what mesh strainer is used before (upstream of) pumps in fuel systems?


What type of strainer is normally used as a line strainer in a pipeline?


What is the normal flow of fuel through a strainer?


Meters must be within what percent of total flow displaced to meet Air Force standards?


What is the most probably cause for a meter to over-register?

Air in the line

What maintains a tight seal in the measuring chamber of a Smith meter?

Teflon vane inserts

Who should do the repairs when a Smith meter requires major maintenance?


How much will each notch of the Smith adjustment lever change the calibration?

138.8 cubic inches per 100 gallons

Leakage inside the back of a liquid control meter is caused by a faulty


If you changed the Brodie coarse adjustment one position, what change would be made to the register reading?

6 gal. Per 1000 gal

If a Brodie meter reads 1005 gallons on a 1000 gallon run, push the coats knob in one groove and

Pull the fine knob out two grooves

How many hoses does a master meter have and where are they connected?

2 hoses; outlet side

The master meter is calibrated every

12 months

Which type of tank gauge can test a tank for leaks?

Magnetostrictive probe

The pneumatic tank probe works by using what kind of gas?


Where can you find a pressure-vacuum gauge on the type II (Pritchard) hydrant sustem

By the defuel pump

A differential pressure (DP) gauge installed on a F/S measures the difference between the inlet

High pressure and outlet low pressure

The deadweight tester is used to calibrate

Pressure gauges

What is the minimum size, in inches, of the unloading manifolds on AF installations


Tank truck unloading headers will be spaced about how many feet apart


The emergency-stop switches have what type of contacts and complete which circuits?

Closed; low-voltage for the fuel transfer pump control

What color are emergency stop switches?


Truck loading and offloading headers are grounded by what size and type of cable?

3/32- inch stainless steel

Which fuel system headers has no requirement to connect a grounding cable during servicing?

Tank car offloading

What type of grounding rods are used in above ground fuel tanks

Galvanized steel

During an annual pressure test, what is used to pressurize a piping system and for how many hours should the pressure be maintained

Installed pumps; 2

The records for annual pipeline pressure tests are kept on file for how many years?


During the 5 year pressure test, what is used to pressurize a pipeline, and for how many hours should the pressure be maintained?

Hand pump; 4

At what percent of system deadhead pressure will pipelines be tested during the hydrostatic test?