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28 Cards in this Set

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Spread of STDs besides sexual intercourse

Touching infected genital region (esp herpes, syphilis & gonorrhea) eg oral, anal

Finger spread (to self or others)

👄 region (esp herpes, syphilis & gonorrhea) eg kissing infected mouth

👁 infections (esp gonorrhea, Chlamydia & herpes)

Gonorrhea - etiological agent + epidemiology

Neisseria gonorrhoaeae

Major reservoir - asymptomatic carriers

Pyogenic infection of urethra and uterine cervix (sexually transmitted)

Increased transmission of HIV

Gonorrhea - transmission

M to F - semen

F to M - urethra

Anal sex (rectal intercourse)

Oral sex (pharyngeal intercourse)

M to child ie perinatal transmission

Gonorrhea - virulence factors

Pili/fimbriae (attach to urethral mucosa)

Polyphosphate capsule (🛑 phagocytosis)

Protein 1 aka Por (🛑 intracellular killing)

Protein 2 aka Opa (tight attachment to cells)

Protein 3 aka Rmp ie Reduction Modifiable (produce Abs against bactericidal activity)

Gonorrhea - clinical findings in M

Acute urethritis - purulent urethral discharge

Chronic urethritis - stricture

Multiple discharging sinuses (Water-can perineum)

Epididymitis - unilat swollen + tender testicles

Gonorrhea - clinical findings in F

Cervicitis - mucopurulent/ purulent cervical discharge, easy 🩸 + (inter menstrual 🩸, dysuria, lower abd pain)

Vulvovaginitis - prepubertal girls

Acute infection - Endometritis, salpingitis, Bartholin abscess

Chronic - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) -> ectopic 🤰 , infertility

Gonorrhea - clinical findings in new born

(Non-venereal - infection via passage in birth canal)

Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum —> blindness

Prevention: tetra/erythro/silver nitrate in conjunctival sac of new born

Gonorrhea - clinical findings in both M and F

Disseminated Gonococcal Infection (DGI) - polyarthritis, skin rash (pustular-hemorrhagic) + 🤒

Pharyngitis - orogenital sex

Conjunctivitis - autoinnoculation

Gonorrhea - specimens for dx


Swab - Urethral (M); endocervical (F); rectum, conjunctiva, throat

Synovial fluid - DGI

Stuart transport media

Gonorrhea - lab dx tests

Microscopy/Morphology - non motile, gram -ve, diplococci, kidney-shaped

Culture - small, convex, glistening, soft, mucoid colonies on chocolate agar (5-10% CO2)

Biochemistry - oxidase +ve, catalase +ve, ferments glucose w acid production

NAAT - assays for direct detection in genito-urinary specimen

Serology - Radio Immuno Assay or ELISA used in chronic & metastatic lesions (arthritis) in DGI

Gonorrhea - Antibiotic sensitivity testing on culture

Modified Thayer Martin culture (lysed 🩸 + antibiotic selective for N gonorrhea) - useful when other bacteria is present in vaginal/rectal specimen

Eg colistin- N gonorrhea & N meningitidis resistant but most saprophytic spp of N susceptible

Gonorrhea - rx

Rx both partners w:



Ofloxacin + Doxy

NB drug resistance to penicillin common (makes B lactamase)

Gonorrhea - prevention

Safe sex - eg barrier method (Condom)

Avoid multiple sexual partners

Heath Ed

Early detection + contact tracing

Syphilis - etiological agent + epidemiology

Spirochetes - Treponema pallidum

Contagious during early syphilis not late

Syphilitic lesions are the portal for HIV transmission

Syphilis - transmission

Direct sexual contact

Trans-placentally (congenital)

Sharing needles by IV drug users

Accidentally - hospital personnel, lab staff +🩸 transfusion recipient

Syphilis - pathogenesis

(1) Penetrates mucus surface or abraded skin

(2) Travel to ln

(3) disseminates in 🩸 stream

(4) adheres to endothelial cells

1o lesion (end-arteritis) —> endothelial scarring —> inflamm + tissue necrosis —> fibrosis —> 1o chancre ulcer (heals but spirochetes disseminates)

Syphilis - virulence factors

Outer membrane protein (adhere to host cells)

Hyaluronidase (perivascular infiltration)

Fibronectin (🛑 phagocytosis)

Syphilis - clinical findings in Primary Stage (Chancre) Syphilis

Painless sore/ulcer (hard chancre) where spirochete entered (eg genitals, lip etc).

Painless firm bilat regional lymphadenopathy (inguinal)

Lasts 3 wks, contagious + heals w/o rx

Syphilis - clinical findings in Secondary Syphilis

Skin rash - diffuse, w superficial scale (papulosquamous), may leave residual pigmentation

Condylomata Lata - highly infectious, painless, mucosal, warty erosion in warm moist areas

Mucosal lesions - highly infectious mucosal patch (slightly raised, oval, grayish white w pink base, no 🩸) w painless generalized lymphadenopathy

6wks - 6mths after 1o chancre

Syphilis - clinical findings in Latent Syphilis (Asymptomatic + serological test +ve)

Early latent - 1st yr after resolution of 1o or 2o lesions

Late latent - after 1st yr, non/infectious (except vertical🤰)

Begins @ end of 2o syphilis and may last a lifetime

Syphilis - clinical findings in Late or Teritary Syphilis

Lesions in skin, bone & visceral organs

Blindness, deafness, deformity, lack or coordination, paralysis + dementia

3 types: late benign (gummatous), cardiovascular & neurosyphilis

Destructive stage, 3-10yrs, non-infectious

Syphilis - clinical findings of Congenital Syphilis

Mom had to be in Stage 1 or 2

Early - 2 yrs, infectious, rhinitis, hepatosplenomegaly & lymphadenopathy

Late - after 2 yrs, non-infectious, interstitial keratitis & Clutton’s joint (bilat knee effusions)

Syphilis - prevention

Barrier methods - eg condoms

Prophylactic rx of contacts

🛑 sexual contact w infected partners

Syphilis - rx

Early - 1 IM benzathine penicillin G

Late - weekly infection for 3 wks

Allergic - tetra or doxy

Syphilis - specimens for dx

Tissue fluid from early surface lesion

Blood serum (for serology)

Syphilis - lab dx

Dark field microscopy of ulcer discharge - elongated, motile (3 types: rotation w midpt bending, corkscrew or flex-extension), thin, delicate spirally coiled bacilli w tapering ends

Stained preparation - either Fontana’s stain (silver impregnation) or DFA- TP test

Serology - either Standard tests or Specific tests

Syphilis - nontreponemal tests (Reagin)/ standard test

Detects Ab against cardiolipin:

VDRL - venereal disease research lab test

RPR - rapid plasma reagin

TRUST - Toludine red unheated serum test

Syphilis - treponemal tests/ Specific

Detects Abs against specific Treponemal Ag:

FTA-ABS - Fluorescent treponemal Ab absorption test used for Congenital Syphilis

TPI - T pallidum immobilization test (uses live T pallidum)

TPHA - T pallidum haemagglutination test