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23 Cards in this Set

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What role does the EPS play in somatic motor activity, especially willed movements?
1. Initiations and execution
2. Automatic stereotyped postural and reflex motor activity
What comprises the basal ganglia?
Striatum (caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens), globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra
What EPS motor system components have direct access to the spinal cord?
1. Red nucleus
2. Reticular formation
3. Vestibular nucleus
1. Corpus striatum = ?
2. Neostriatum (striatum) = ?
3. Paleostriatum = ?
1. caudate, putamen, globus pallidus
2. caudate, putamen
3. globus pallidus
1. Lenticular nucleus = ?
2. Archistriatum = ?
1. putamen, globus pallidus
2. Amygdala, Basal n. of Meynert, nucleus accumbens
Give the relative locations of the nuclei around the internal capsule.
1. Head of caudate --> medial to anterior limb of IC
2. globus pallidus and putamen are lateral
The columns of the fornix are the anterior boundary of what? What's makes up this structure's posterior boundary?
Foramen of Monroe = ant. boundary
VA of thalamus = post. boundary
What is the relation of the head of the caudate to the thalamus?
Anterior to thalamus, bulging into the lateral ventricle
(the thalamus makes up more of the floor of the lateral ventricle)
What/where is the claustrum?
a sheet of grey matter between the external capsule and extreme capsule that flanks the putamen
(lies between the lentiform nucleus and the insular cortex)
What is the Field of Forel?
Thalamic fasciculus - bundles of axons that is below the thalamus and consists of three defined, white matter areas of the subthalamus.
To where does the centromedian (CM) nucleus of the thalamus?
A lesion in the subthalamic nucleus results in what?
Contralateral hemiballismus
To where in the EPS does the cortex project?
What NT is used?
1. Putamen and caudate
2. Glu
To where in the EPS does the striatum project?
What NT is used?
2. globus pallidus
2. GABA/Enkephalin and GABA/Substance P
To what nuclei in the thalamus does the globus pallidus project?
What NT is used?
1. VA
What is the ansa lenticularis?
A bundle of fibers that loops around the anterior limb of the internal capsule and goes to the VA of the thalamus.
What/where is the lenticular fasciculus?
A bundle of fibers that goes out of the GP, cuts through the internal capsule, and ends in the VA of the thalamus.
This is part of the H2 Field of Forel.
What/where are the dentothalamic fasciculi?
Joins the ansa lenticularis and the lenticular fasciculus in the H Field of Forel.
Which Field of Forel has all three ansa lenticularis, lenticular fasciculus, and dentothalamic fasciculi?
To where does the VA of the thalamus project?
VA --> mostly to area 6; some to area 4

VL --> mostly to area 4; some to area 6
To where does the substantia nigra reticulata project?
What NT is used?
1. thalamus, superior colliculus, and reticular formation
To where does the substantia nigra compacta project?
What NT is used?
1. caudate, putamen (striatum)
2. dopamine
Are the rubrospinal and tectospinal tracts crossed or uncrossed?

What's the supposed function of the rubrospinal tract?
1. Crossed
2. Reflexic turning of the head away from an incoming object