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20 Cards in this Set

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Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland) - Secretes hormones that help control growth, blood pressure, certain functions of the sex organs.

Adenohypophysis - Secretes growth hormone, LH, FSH, ACTH, TSH, PRL, and MSH.
Neurohypophysis - Secretes the hormone vasopressin (ADH) and oxytocin.

Pars Intermedia

Thyroid Gland - Secretes two hormones that regulate the rates of metabolism, growth and development.

Follicular Cells - Secrete hormones T3 & T4, necessary for growth & regulates metabolic rate.

Parafollicular Cells - Secrete calcitonin, lowers blood calcium levels.



Parathyroid Glands - Secrete a hormone necessary for the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus

Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands - Produce hormones, such as the release of epinephrine (Adrenaline) increases heart contractions.

Adrenal Cortex - Production of aldosterone, & cortisol.

Capsule - Carry wide capillaries.

Adrenal Medulla -Produces adrenaline.

Zona Fasciculata - Produces cortisol.

Zona Glomerulosa - Produces aldosterone.


Pancreas - Controls glucose levels in blood.

Cells of Acini - Produce and transport enzymes.

Pancreatic Islets - Regulate blood sugar.

Pancreatic Ducts

Thymus Gland - Produce T cells for the immune system.

Thymic Corpuscles

Large Human Torso Model:

Thyroid - Secretes hormones that regulate growth & development through rate of metabolism.

Pancreas - Converts the food we eat into fuel for the body's cells.

Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands - Produce hormones.

Duodenum & Related Structures Models:

Pancreas - Converts the food we eat into fuel for the body's cells.

Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands - Produce hormones.

Larynx Models:

Thyroid Glands - Secretes two hormones that regulate the rates of metabolism, growth and development.

Parathyroid Glands - Secrete a hormone that participates in the regulation of calcium metabolism.

Spermatic Cord: Fascia, Muscle, Ductus (Vas) Deferens, Blood Vessels, Nerves, Lymphatic Vessels.

Ductus (Vas) Deferens - Carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.

Cremaster Muscle - Contraction.

Testicular Blood Vessels

Penis - Conduit for urine to leave the body, male organ of copulation.

Corpora Cavernosa - Contains most of the blood in the penis during an erection.

Corpus Spongiosum - Prevent the urethra from pinching closed.

Dorsal Blood Vessels

Urethra - Connects the urinary bladder to the penis.

Testis - Produce spermatozoa & male sex hormones.

Interstitial Cells - Produce testosterone.

Seminiferous Tubules - Produce, maintain & store sperm.

Spermatozoa - Fertilize the female ovum.

Nurse Cells - Production of sperm.




Epididymis - Role in storage of sperm & ejaculant.

Spermatozoa - Fertilize the female ovum.

Stereocilia - Fluid absorption.

Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

Fallopian Tube - Transport sperm toward the egg, and then

allow passage of the fertilized egg back to the uterus for implantation.

Ciliate Columnar Epithelium - Secretion and movement of mucous by ciliary action.

Muscular Wall - Contracts during labor.

Mucosal Folds

Ovary - Produce oocytes & hormones, estrogen & progesterone.

Corpus Albicans, Antrum, Primary Follicles,

Secondary Follicles

Corona Radiata - Supply vital proteins to the cell.

Corpus Luteum - Secretion of the hormone progesterone.

Graafian Follicles - Provides for the maturation & release of a fertilizable oocyte.

Granulosa Cells - Production of sex steroids.

Oocyte - Involved in reproduction.

Thecal Cells - SYnthesize androgens & provide crosstalk with


Male Models:

Abdominopelvic Cavity, External Anal Sphincter, Prepuce,

Anal Cavity, Epididymis, Prostate Gland, Coccyx, Vert Column, Glans Penis, Pubic Symphysis, Corpora Cavernosa,

Pampiniform Plexus, Rectum, Corpus Spongiosum,

Pelvic Diaphragm, Sacrum,Ductus (Vas) Deferens, Penis, Scrotum, Ejaculatory Duct, Penile (Spongy) Urethra, Seminal Gland,

Spermatic Cord, Testis, Urinary Bladder

Female Reproductive System Models:

Abdominopelvic Cavity, Fimbriae, Pelvic Diaphragm, Anal Canal, Greater Vestibular Gland, Pubic Symphysis, Cervical Canal, Infundibulum, Rectouterine Pouch, Cervix, Vagina, Labia Majora, Rectum, Clitoris, Labia Minora, Round Ligament, Coccyx,

Vert Column Mons Pubis Sacrum, Endometrium, Myometrium,

Urethra, External Anal Sphincter, Ovary, Vestibulbar Bulb, Urinary Bladder, Uterine Cavity, Fallopian Tube, Uterus

Male Reproductive System Functions:

Pampiniform Plexus - Helps regulate the temperature of the testes

Penile (Spongy) Urethra - Produces a spiral stream of urine that cleans the external urethral meatus.

Prostate Gland - Secretes fluid that nourishes & protects sperm.

Scrotum - Regulates the temperature of the testes.

Seminal Gland - Holds the liquid that mixes with sperm to form semen.

Female Reproductive System Functions:

Clitoris - Sexual arousal

Endometrium - Prevention of adhesions, maintaining the

latency of the uterine cavity.

Fimbriae - Produces a peritoneal fluid that transports the egg to the uterus.

Greater Vestibular Gland - Secret mucus to lubricate the vagina.

Female Reproductive System Functions:

Myometrium - Induces the uterine contractions.

Round Ligament - Maintenance of the anteversion the uterus during pregnancy.

Uterus - Support, protection & nourishment for a growing fetus.

Vagina - Receives sperm, excretory canal for menstruation.

Vestibular Bulb - Cause vaginal orgasmic contractions, through the rhythmic contraction of the bulbocavernosus muscles.