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10 Cards in this Set

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Hematopoietic stem cell is present first where ?then where does it migrate at which weeks?

3wks - yolksac,mesoderm of aorta ,meso of gonads,meso of ovary,3 months to liver and spleen and lymph nodes ,4th month few stem cells migrate to bone marrow

When does yellow bone marrow appear and where ?

Yellow bone marrow appear at puberty.redbone marrow is present in axial skeleton and proximal ends of humerus and femur after puberty ...

Pleuripotent hematopoietic stem cell forms 1st step?

Myeloid stem cella nd lymphoid stem cell

Myeloid stem cell forms?

CFU -BAasophil,erythroid,megakaryoid , CFU-eosinophil ,CFU - granulocyte and monocyte

Lymphoid stem cell forms?

Pro b cell,pro t cell,pro NK cell

After CFU from myeloid stem cell what forms?

Blast cells forms

Receptors present in basophil?where and all it is present elsewhere in body?

IgE,also in mast cell

How b cells transformed to plasma cells?

Th2 cells sexrete interferon 4&5 and it converts

Monocytes to macrophage ?monocytes can convert in to what and all?

Th1 cell sexrete interferoj gamma and tnf alpha and it converts .,epithelioid cells and giant macrophage

Name some tissue macrophage ?

Kuppfer,dendritic (spleen and lymphnode),alv macrophage,microglia,Langerhans cell(skin)mesangial cells