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30 Cards in this Set

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Acute onset of neurological sxs usually has a ___________ cause

vascular cause

Checking for neurological sxs should include a mental status exam. What are you checking for?

Alertness- Level of consciousness

Orientation- where, when, what

Attention- ask to spell backward

Registration/recall- memorize 3 words

Repetition- repeat, testing for aphasia

Naming- name various objects, for aphasia

Content of thoughts- appropriate response

Insight & judgement- ask moral questions

List the cranial nerves

1- olfactory

2- optic

3- oculomotor

4- trochlear

5- trigeminal (corneal reflex, mastication)

6- abducens

7- facial

8- vestibulocochlear (weber, rinne)

9- glossopharyngeal

10- vagus

11- accessory

12- hypoglossal

Homonymous field cut (hemianopsia)--> ________ lesion

*L or R half of each visual field

(if unilateral visual field defect = CN 2 (optic) defect)*

Contralateral (opposite) side lesion posterior to optic chiasm

(if lesion on the R side--> will have loss in L hemisphere of each visual field)

Bi-temporal field cut (hemianopsia)-->

_______ lesion

*lateral half of each visual fields

optic chiasm lesion

or pituitary enlargement compressing optic chiasm

Pt presents w/ triad of;

anisocoria (unequal pupils)


outward deviation of affected eye

What CN is lesioned?

CN 3 lesion

(unopposed lateral rectus--> outward deviation)

(LMN/UMN) CN 7 (facial) lesion;

Facial droop on IPSILATERAL side

Upper AND lower facial involvemet

LMN CN 7 nucleus or nerve lesion

*Bell's palsy

UMN (upper motor neuron) CN 7 lesions involve the corticobulbar tract or CNS.

How do they present?

Facial droop on CONTRALATERAL side

Lower facial involvement ONLY

Motor spasticity is noted when pts movement is restricted in one direction but easy in others.

When does this occur?

cerebral palsy & MS

Muscle weakness can be tested w/ ___________

*full strength = 5/5, paralysis = 0/%

Pronator drift

*outstretched arm will begin to pronate w time*

(shoulder pathology interferes w this test)

___________ , starting distally is usually the first thing affected by sensory neuropathies

*presents w/ (+) Romburg sign (lose balance when eyes are closed)

loss of proprioception (have pt clothes eyes & tell whether toe being moved up or down)

(+) Romburg bc proprioception is responsible for maintaining balance when eyes closed*

(pain, temp, etc usually affected later)

In _________ lesions & strokes, pts display stereognosis (can't identify object by holding) & neglect (ignore one side of body, think you are touching right when you touch left)

Right parietal lesions (stereognosis) & strokes (neglect)

Finger to nose (shaking)

Heel to shin

RAM's/RRM's (dysdiadochokinesia, rapid alternating movement)


Gait (poor coordination, seem intoxicated)

Test __________ fxn

*Deficits will be ipsilateral to lesions


Loss of pain & temp on one side of the face & opposite side of the body is a _________ lesion

brainstem lesion

Loss of pain & temp on one side of body & loss of weakness &/or vibration on the opposite side body is a __________ lesion

What special reflexes should you check?

spinal cord lesion

check Anal wink (pudendal N, S2-S4)

Pure motor sxs--> contralateral ________ infarct

*Associated w hypertension & diabetes

contralateral small vessel lacunar infarct of internal capsule, pons, basal ganglia

Diplopia, ataxia, & dysphagia---->

MUST RULE OUT _________________

*If vertical gaze disturbance very likely!

brainstem lesion possible, must rule out!

_________ lesions will present w/ hypotonia/ hyporeflexia in the first 24- 48 hrs (before more typical sxs appear)

+ Babinski (big toe comes up & fans out) appear later

UMN lesion

In a seizure, the eyes look __________ the focus of the seizure

*pupils do NOT react

AWAY from the focus

In a cortical (hemispheric) infarct, the eyes look _________ the infarct

*spastic gait seen in stroke pts

TOWARD the infarct

Brainstem infarct, the eyes look _______ infarct

AWAY from the infarct

Decorticate position (elbows flexed, wrists flexed) is seen w/ deterioration ABOVE the midbrain &

Decerebrate position (elbows extended, wrists flexed) is seen w/ deterioration BELOW the midbrain

Which is usually seen first?

Usually decorticate-->


flaccid = brainstem involvement = POOR PROGNOSIS

*brain deteriorates cortex--> brainstem

Unilateral, fixed, & dilated pupils are a bad sign

what do they suggest?



Herniation (in comatose pt, may be d.t inc ICP & push uncus against CN 3)

What is the diff btwn the oculocephalic & oculovestibular reflex?

oculocephalic- eyes stay fixed on object when head moves

oculovestibular- nystagmus w/ fast component away

What drugs make cause ocular motility deficits w/ normal pupils?

block oculovestibular reflex?

pupils non-reactive?

*Pupils are normally large in drug OD, except in opiates (small)

ocular motility- Benzos, Barbiturates, Alcohol

block oculovestibular reflex- Gentamycin, succinylcholine, Dilantin, TCA's

non-reactive- Barbiturates, succinylcholine, lidocaine, phenothiazines, methanol, aminoglycosides

Roving eye movements w/ eyes closed & eyes deviate slowly toward cold water (oculovestibular reflex) indicates __________

TME (toxic metabolic encephalopathy)

^ secondary to hyponatremia or hypoglycemia**

In a ____________ lesion, the oculovestibular reflex is NOT intact (no change w/ water)

low brainstem lesion

In __________, pts appear

Wet (bladder incontinence, first)

Wobbly (ataxia, shuffle feet)

Wacky (memory issues

Parkinson/ NPH

*ataxic gait is seen in most dementias**

In a __________ lesion, you will see ocular bobbing (oculovestibular reflex) & pinpoint reactive pupils

Pons lesion

Special reflexes can be checked to localized lesions, & are graded as clonus (4/4), normal (2/4), or absent.

Cremasteric reflex checks for lesions at _____

Bulbocavernous for lesions at _______

Cremasteric- genitofemoral N (L1-L2)

Bulbocavernous- S2-S4