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28 Cards in this Set

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Program to distribute welfare benefits that fromerly was federally funded but devolved to the states in 1996
block grants
A federal grant that could be used for a variety of purposes, usually w/ few accompanying restrictions
categorical grants
a federal grant that for a specific purpose, often with accompanying conditions and/or requiring a local match
conditions of aid
federal rules that states must follow if they choose to recieve the federal grants with which the rules are associated
confederation or confederal system
a system in which the state governments are sovereign and the national government may do only what the states permit
an effort to shift responsibility for a wide range of domestic programs from Washington to the states
dual federalism
the doctrine the both state and national governments are supreme in their respective spheres
federal system
a system in which sovereignty is shared between the national and the state governments
federal republic
the Founders' term for a federation
Federal funds provided to states and localities
intergovernmental lobby
An interest group made up of mayors, governors, and other state and local officials who depend on federal funds
interstate commerce
business that is conducted in more than one state
intrastate commerce
business that is conducted entirely within one state
land grant colleges
state educational institutions built with the benefit of federally donated lands
James Madison
The federalist author who said that both state and federal governments "are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people constituted with different powers"
McCulloch v. Maryland
A Supreme Court decision embodying the principle of implied powers of the national government
Federal rules that states must follow, whether they receive federal grants or not
Federally funded medical care for the poor
Model Cities
a program proposed in the 1960s to give federal funds to a small number of large cities with acute problems
national interests
Governmental concerns considered to be primarily the responsibilty of the central government
necessary-and-proper clause
the term used by the Supreme Court to create the category of implied powers of the national government
A doctrine espoused by Calhoun that states could hold certain national policies invalid within their boundaries
revenue sharing
a federal grant that requires no matching funds and provides freedom in how to spend it
supreme or ultimate politcial authority
states' rights
government concerns considered to be primarily the responsibilty of the state governments
10th Amendment
The clause that stipulates that powers not delegated to the United States are reserved to the state or to the people
unitary system
a system in which sovereignty is wholly in the hands of the national government
New Federalism
Nixon's attempt in the 1970's to reduce federal restrictions on grants in aid