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113 Cards in this Set

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Geographic Factors

The foundation of ancient civilizations had its beginning in the great river valleys: the Nile, Indus River, Tigris, & Euphrates.

Fertile Crescent

It extended from the SE corner or the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf in which the Nile, Tigris, & Euphrates all flow.

Fertile Crescent (includes)

It encompasses the modern day counties of Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, & parts of Iraq.


It was the most successful civilization during the Bronze Age.

Bronze Age

It is a period characterized by the use of copper & its allowed bronze as the chief hard materials in the manufacture of some implements & weapons.

Egypt's Success

(1) Nile, (2) fortification

Phoenicians & Assyrians

They were subject to flooding. They focused on military strategy, not technological advancement.

Development of Writing

Egyptians (hieroglyphics is a form of picture writing on papyrus). Phoenicians developed Greek & Latin alphabets.


Belief in many gods.


Belief in one god.

Ancient Egypt

The greatest political movement in Egypt was the unification of Upper & Lower Egypt.


They were thought to be god-kings. They were buried in pyramids.

Ancient Greece

They looked at the sea to improve their economy.

Golden Age of Greece

It took place in Athens, under the leadership of Pericles. They were the most technologically advanced people in the world.

Homer (Greek)

He was the author of the Iliad & the Odyssey.

Sophocles (Greek)

It is a playwright of drama & comedies.

Socrates (Greek)

It is the father of "Western Philosophy."

Plato (Greek)

He is the pupil of Socrates. He wrote The Republic. He was an influential scientist.

Aristotle (Greek)

He was the pupil of Plato. He influenced philosophers from the Renaissance to today & was the personal tutor of Alexander the Great.

Thucydides (Greek)

He authored accounts about the Peloponnesian War & the battles between Athens & Sparta.

Pythagoras (Greek)

He was an architect of geometry. He created the Pythagorean theorem.

Euclid (Greek)

He is known as the "Father of Geometry."

Alexander the Great (Greek)

He was the best military commander in history. He conquered the world in 12 years. He spread the Greek culture. He died at the age of 33.

Eratosthenes (Greek)

He calculated the circumference of the earth.


The Greek influenced them in the fields of philosophy, science, & religion. The largest conributions were the organization of the central government & written laws, creation of an army, & the Latin language.

Punic Wars

A series of three war a against the Phoenicians for dominance of the Mediterranean Sea.

Julius Ceasar

He was a Roman Emperor.

Division of Roman Empire

The decline was from the decline in the loyalty of the arm, the invasion of Germanic tribes, & the inefficiency of the government. The empire split.

Key Dates in Rome

(1) Punic Wars (2) Death of Julius Caesar (3) Division of the Rome Empire (4) Adoption of Christianity (Catholic Church)

Rome's Government

The Roman advancements in political science, from the structure to the administration of government, provided a framework for the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Latin Languages

It was the foundation for all European languages.


The culture is influences by two religions: Hinduism & Buddhism.

Middle Ages

Kings, Lords, Knights, Peasants

Middle Ages (Kings)

The king owned all the land in the country & made the laws - he gave an area of land called a five to rich lords and nobles.

Middle Ages (Lords)

The lords and nobles agreed to supply the king with soldiers and horses for the army. The nobles gave some land to professional soldiers.

Middle Ages (Knights)

The fought for nobles and kings.

Middle Ages (Peasants)

They worked for the land for the nobles and knights who in turn offered them protection.


Individuals born into a socioeconomic class & are required to stay there for the length of their lives. The can move up or down in their best lives, but movement is determined by the actions in their current lives. They believed in afterlife/reincarnation, karma, & dharma.

Siddhartha Gautama

He found Buddhism. He was born in an upper-class family & saw the hardships of the world as a young man & shunned his material possessions & began seeking answers to his questions. To find happiness, one had to follow the spiritual way.


It required the study of spiritual teachers & the renouncement of material wealth. It found little support in India, but was accepted in SE Asia, Tibet, China, & Japan.

Gupta Empire

It facilitated the strengtening of Hinduism as a religion in India. It was known as the Golden Age of Hindi.

5 Pillars of Islam

(1) Faith - to believe in no God but Allah & that Mohammad is his prophet & messenger of Allah. (2) Prayer - to pray 5x each day ( before sunrise, early afternoon, late afternoon, after sunset, night). (3) Fasting - to give up food & drink during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. (4) Almsgiving - to give a share of personal west to help people in need & support the Muslim community. (5) Pilgrimage - to perform a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in a lifetime.


He found the new religion, Islam, meaning "submission to the will of God." They spread the religion through the Middle East, North Africa, & Spain.


This is what Islam teach through.

Genghis Khan Feats

He founded the Mongol Empire. He was crediting with stabilizing the Silk Road. He created codes of laws, developed a postal system, and made military promotions based on merit. He contributed to Asia's cultural diffusion.

Genghis Khan (Failures)

Embraced brutal war tactics to expand empire, squirted those who opposed him, massacred entire populations if they refused to surrender & pay a tax or attempted to rebel against him. 40 million people killed. He had a difficult time naming a single heir to succeed him.

The Silk Road

It ran from China through Afghanistan & into Persia & Eastern Europe. It was a trade route for traders from China to Europe & back.

Silk Road Trades

Jade, silk, & spices went to Europe while wool, silver, & gold went to China.

Dak Ages of Middle Ages

Trade was not possible during this time. The Roman Empire collapsed during this time. The Silk Road reopened trade between Europe & the Muslim empires.


After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages came. The security of roads declined & trade ceased. The feudal system was established.

Feudal System

The Pope, King, Lords/Nobles, Knights, Peasants


They made laws, levied taxes, & dispensed justice.

Catholic Church

It brought stability and unity.

Charlemagne (Charles the Great)

He was a religious man and forced people to Christianity.

William the Conqueror (Normans)

From France, he went invaded the isle of Great Britain. It connected the British Isle with the rest of Europe.

Roman Catholic Church

It was supreme. It was ran through excommunication. The Church operatef schools & hospitals, gave aid to the poor, and forbidden the interest on a loan. The church was a form of government.


It is the process by which and individual was removed from the church, enforced the power of the church. Once excommunicated, a person was damned to hell for eternity.


Interest on a loan. The practice of lending money of an embarrassment (very high) interesting rate.

Middle Ages - Age of Faith - The Church

There was no objective reasoning. Supersitution became common place. Education declined. The church claimed supremacy over civil government. It collected a tax, called a tithe, & amassed great wealth. You could only learn from the church.

Church Hierarchy

Pope, Bishop, Priest

Eastern Orthodox Church

They used Greek.

Western Roman Catholic Church

They used Latin.

Eastern vs. Western


They were from western Europe who made many crusades to Jerusalem. They wanted the Holy Lands from the Muslims. They increased trade because they brought back Arabic & Oriental items.

Eastern Goods

Europe wanted Eastern goods. The goods revived towns, growth in the middle class, & the serfs bettered their lives. The feudal system was weakened by this.

European Exposure

The wars exposed Europe to the advancements in Muslim learning & knowledge of medicine, science, & mapping. The demand for trade was great, people learned about geography, money transactions began, middle class acquired help, towns grew, there was a desire for knowledge, & Greek & Roman knowledge flooded Europe.

Emperor of Constantinople

The capital of East feared the advancement for the Muslim Turks, and asked to Roman Catholic Church for military aid.

Pope Urban II

He saw an opportunity to expand power & influence the Church & he called for a Holy Crusade to drive Turks away and back to Jerusalem.

Black Death (1348-1350)

It killed 30-60% of Europe. The catalyst of the plague was a trade ship carrying infected rodents.

Renaissance in Northern Italy

City-states were ruled BH wealth families or wealthy merchants. International trade brought products & ideas to Italian city-states. Trade created wealth. This made powerful people richer.

Recurrence of Science

This caused for a refunded belief in the church. Events could be explained through science.

John Locke (1632-1704)

He challenged the traditional form of government.

Francis Bacon

"Things after for the worse spontaneously if they be not altered for the better designedly." "He that will not apply new remedies must expect new bills; for the time is the greatest innovator."

Thomas Hobbes

He believed in absolutely monarchy. He became interested in why people allowed themselves to be ruled & what would be the best form of government in England.

Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

"I think, therefore I am." He was a French philosopher who proposed mind-body interaction and the doctrine of innate ideas.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Laws of motion & gravity. He was a scientist & mathematician.

Johannes Gutenberg

Printing press. Gutenberg Bible. It was a Latin bible. Before the press, books were transcribed by hand. Poor circulation of books. Litrarcy was low due to this. The press helped the lower class population with literary. The money gained through trade stimulated nautical research & advancements for ships.

The Reformation (indulgences)

If a person committed a single, they could buy an indulgence (forgiveness), without doing any endurance, or self-punisment. Only rich people were able to pay for them.

Martin Luther (a monk) - 1483-1546

He believed that salvation was attained through God. He composed 95 grievances against the Church.

95 Theses

Martin Luther. Those who agreed split from the the church and formed a new church. The Catholic Church lost power. Bible was translated to German.

Shift in Power

As the power of the Church declined, the power of the state increased. Cities began to grow. There was loyalty to the government.

European Expansion

Fueling the rise was the drive for exploration and expansion. Trade with the eastern nations (China & India) were the main focus.

European Trading

There was no sea route. All traffic between Asia & Europe had to pass through Arab nations in the Middle East. This led to wealthy Arab nations & frustrated Europeans. Sea route was introduced.

Prince of Henry the Navigator (Portugal)

He bagan to sail up and down the coast of Africa. He discovered the sea route to the East.

Christopher Columbus (Spain)

He decided to go west for a trade route. He discovered the Bahamas and Americas.

Exploration of The Americas

The Spanish conquistadors plundered the Native Americans, found gold, & they sparked interest to the New World. Mercantilism was introduced.


It is measured by the amount of gold a nation possesses. Importing wss bad & exporting was good. The plan was to make the parents country rich.

The Slave Trade

It evolved for manual labor to cultivate the cash crops of sugar cane in the Caribbean & tobacco & cotton in the American colonies.

Indentured Servants

Slaves were intrigued brought to America as intended servant & would be given freedom after 7 years. They lost the deal of this and were made lifelong slaves.


They were the first to begin the slave trade, but English and Europe soon followed. The trade system was called the Triangle Trade.

Triangle Trade

Sugar, tobacco, & cotton to Europe. Textiles, rum, and manufactured goods to Africa. Slaves to Americas.

Magna Carta (1215)

It was the first document establishing law. This put a limitation on kings ruling and power.

Model Parliament (1295)

This was made up of people from the clergy, nobility, & merchant class to advise the king.

Puritan Revolution (1642)

Cavaliers vs. Roundheads.


Presbyterian Puritans. Social class lower than the aristocracy. Short hair, plain dress, direct in manner, strict religious beliefs, believed in limits to the king rule.


Members of the aristocracy, long hair, elaborate clothes, pro-catholic & anti-puritan, believed in devine rights of kings.

Cavaliers vs. Roundheads

Cavs: house of lords, N & W England, aristocracy, large landowners, church offcials, more rural.

Rounds: house of commons, S & E England, Puritans, Merchants, Townspeople, more urban.

Charles I

Beheaded during the fighting of Cavaliers vs. Roundheads.

Oliver Cromwell

Law was based on puritanical Protestants. Closed theaters, banned gambling, outlawed drinking, etc.

Glorious Revolution (1688)

Events that culminated the exile of King James II and crowned William & Mary of Holland.

The Toleration Act

This act granted freedom of worship.

John Locke

He influenced the modern philosophy of democracy. He believed that a man was born free & should live in a free state of perfect freedom. Life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness.

Declaration of Independence

All men are created equal.

Declaration of Rights of Man& of the Citizen

All men are created equal.

Thomas Jefferson

Declaration of Independence

American Revolution

Led to the United States of America and the Bill of Rights

American Revolution of 1776

The grievances centered on being taxed without having legal representation in Parliament. The taxes were from the French & Indian Wars.

French Revolution of 1789

The king was absolute and had unlimited powers. Inspired by the American war for independence. They had three classes. The 3rd class paid taxes. The called for separation of powers like the US.


He argued that society is what corrupts people & wanted to form an ideal government that not only/always served the common good.


Governments needed their powers limited by laws which separate/balance their powers among three distinct branches.


Attacked correction & inequality in society & government. He supported freedom of speech, press, and religion.


The fight began with the storming of Bastille & ended with Napoleon in power. He was an Emperor of France. He was a military genuine. He conquered Europe. He attempted to conquer Russia but was stranded and later attacked by the British.

Napoleon (Impact on Europe)

His armies spread the French idea of equivalent & ended feudalism. His policies introduced banking & improved education. His military caused death and destruction in much of Europe.