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29 Cards in this Set

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Applications of LED

1. Monitoring air quality

2. Barcode scanners

5. Skin/ body implants- cancer therapy, as tattoo etc.



Efficient LED, photovoltaic solar cells, nanolaser, waveguides etc

How a diode acts as a LED

When electrons have more energy than the hole

On jumping they release energy in form if light (electroluminescense)

Why blue LED became an achievement

A material whose band gap would require enough energy that electron on jumping would release blue light

GaN found late

Too fragile to make crystals - EPITAXY achievements- Akasaki, Amano, Nakamura got nobel in 2014

Committee recommendations,SC judgements on defections

1. Dinesh Goswami Committee 1990- disqualification decision by President or the Governor on the advice of the EC.

2. Halim Committee 2003- define "voluntarily giving up membership"

3. Minority judges (3:2) in Kihoto Hollohan 1992- power to decide defection to Speaker is violation of basic democratic principles

4. Keisham Meghachandra Singh vs Speaker Manipur 2020- SC recommended an independent tribunal consisting of judges

5. Sadiq Ali vs ECI 1971- intra party democracy and constitution of party alongwith majority in houses

Operation prosperity guardian

US op in red sea

Red sea - bordering

E- Saudi, Yemen (say yes)

W- Egypt, Somalia, Eriteria, Djibouti (Eg So EriD)

S- bab al mandab- Aden- IO (ManDen)

N- Suez Sinai Aqaba (SuSiAqa)

Gulf of Aqaba

Israel Jordon

Saudi - (tiran island and str of Tiran to red sea)

Sinai (egypt)

Israel bordering countries

No land border with saudi (maritime- Aqaba)

LeS Jo Egy

Lebanon Syria Jordon Egypt

Mediterranean, Aqaba-red

Jordon river (sea of Galilee, dead sea)

Hanish islands

Yemen in red sea

Socotra islands

Yemen in Arabian sea or Gulf of Aden

Rub al khali

Desert in Arabian peninsula (Saudi, yemen, oman)

Hodeidah is in? Capital of the country?



Both are controlled by Houthis

Tiran and sanafir

Uninhabited islands in gulf of aqaba- red sea

Egypt held them since 1950s

Israel occupied in suez crisis 1956 and 1967 war

Camp David treaty 78- back to egypt. Peacekeeping forces

2016- Egypt ceded to Saudi Arabia.

2023- peacekeepers to withdraw from Tiran- full sov of Saudi

Peace palace

Hague Netherlands



The Hague Academy of International Law

Peace Palace Library.

NOT ICC (Though it is in Hague too)

National essential diagnostics list

Basic diagnostic tests at pri- comm- distt etc.

Rec- WHO 2018

1st ICMR- 2019, Now revision

Publication and Information Directorate


Under CSIR

For science communication

Magazine - sci reporter, vigyaan pragati, sci ki duniya

Which 5 yr plan was linked to science communication

6th (8085)


52nd amendment

Added 102 (2), 191(2) to say "disqualified under 10th schedule"

Gains of Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath


1719 allied with Saiyyad bros

Replaced Farrukhsiyar 1319 with Md Shah 1948 (puppet)

Got Swarajya in Maratha region of deccan (alongwith pararajya)

Chauth and Sardeshmukhi of 6 Mughal provinces (KHABBB- earlier Bahamani sultanate)

Treaty of Bhopal


After 1737 plunder of Delhi by Bajirao (2040)

Bajirao defeated Mughal army under CQK 244048

sovereignty of region between chambal and narmada came under Maratha (Malwa)

An example of Fragile polity - Sadat Ali Khan


Switched to Nadir Shah's side when he wasn't made mir bakshi (who was CQK)

After defeat of Mughals Nadir shah humiliated Sadat - suicide

Impact of Nadir Shah's invasion

1. fine of 20 million rupees was levied on the people of Delhi+ 🦚 throne, koh i noor, darya e noor, cavalry, artisans etc)

2. Military strength lost

3. Civilians lost faith after massacre of >20k

4. Prestige lost- Md Shah appeared meek

5. CQK 244048 left for Hyderabad in 1740

When Mughals came under Maratha protection

1752 (Ahmad Shah Bahadur 4854)

Fear of further Afghan invasion

1754- Alamgir 2 is installed as puppet under Marathas (wazir Imad ul mulk)

A concluding sentence for company rule

William Dalrymple (Anarchy) has highlighted how MNCs mirror the EIC's power grabs - undermining nations, exploiting developing countries, hiding in tax havens. EIC's legacy warns of the consequences.

Dinesh Goswami committee

Electoral reforms 1990

a. disqualification decision by President or the Governor on the advice of the EC.

b. Registration and defining political parties

c. Intraparty democracy

d. Transparency in party finances- audit by EC

e. Partially public funded elections to reduce money power.

An IVC site in Haryana where burials with ornaments have been found

Farmana [aka Daksh Khera]

Non Harappan pretty from IVC contemporary

Khetri area Rajasthan - Ganeshwar Jodhpur culture

Probably supplied copper to Harappans

IVC site of Punjab


the first Harappan site of Independent India.