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381 Cards in this Set

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Lymphatic System

Returns fluids that leaked from blood

vessels back to blood

• Consists of three parts

1. Network of lymphatic vessels (lymphatics)

2. Lymph – fluid in vessels

3. Lymph nodes – cleanse lymph

Lymphoid Organs and Tissues

Provide structural basis of immune system

• House phagocytic cells and lymphocytes

• Structures include spleen, thymus, tonsils,

lymph nodes, other lymphoid tissues

Lymphatic System: Functions

Lymphatic vessels (lymphatics)

– Return interstitial fluid and leaked plasma

proteins back to blood

– ~ 3L / day

– Once interstitial fluid enters lymphatics, called


Distribution and special features of lymphatic capillaries

Lymphatic Vessels: Distribution and


One-way system; lymph flows toward


• Lymph vessels (lymphatics) include:

– Lymphatic capillaries

– Collecting lymphatic vessels

– Lymphatic trunks and ducts

Lymphatic Capillaries

Similar to blood capillaries, except

– Very permeable (take up proteins, cell debris,

pathogens, and cancer cells)

• Endothelial cells overlap loosely to form one-way


• Anchored by collagen filaments, preventing

collapse of capillaries; increased ECF volume

opens minivalves

– Pathogens travel throughout body via


Lymphatic Capillaries

Absent from bones, teeth, bone marrow,

and CNS

• Lacteals: specialized lymph capillaries

present in intestinal mucosa

– Absorb digested fat and deliver fatty lymph

(chyle) to the blood

Distribution and special features of lymphatic capillaries

Lymphatic Collecting Vessels

Similar to veins, except

– Have thinner walls, with more internal valves

– Anastomose more frequently

• Collecting vessels in skin travel with

superficial veins

• Deep vessels travel with arteries

• Nutrients supplied from branching vasa


Lymphatic Trunks

Formed by union of largest collecting


– Paired lumbar

– Paired bronchomediastinal

– Paired subclavian

– Paired jugular trunks

– Single intestinal trunk

Lymphatic Ducts

Lymph delivered into one of two large


– Right lymphatic duct drains right upper arm

and right side of head and thorax

– Thoracic duct arises as cisterna chyli;

drains rest of body

• Each empties lymph into venous

circulation at junction of internal jugular

and subclavian veins on its own side of


Figure 20.2a The lymphatic system

Figure 20.2b The lymphatic system.

Lymph Transport

Lymph propelled by

– Milking action of skeletal muscle

– Pressure changes in thorax during breathing

– Valves to prevent backflow

– Pulsations of nearby arteries

– Contractions of smooth muscle in walls of


Lymphoid Cells

Lymphocytes main warriors of immune


– Arise in red bone marrow

• Mature into one of two main varieties

– T cells (T lymphocytes)

– B cells (B lymphocytes)


T cells and B cells protect against


– Anything body perceives as foreign

• Bacteria and bacterial toxins, viruses,

mismatched RBCs, cancer cells

Other Lymphoid Cells


phagocytize foreign

substances; help activate T cells

Dendritic cells

capture antigens and

deliver them to lymph nodes; activate

T cells

Reticular cells

produce reticular fiber

stroma that supports other cells in

lymphoid organs

Figure 20.3 Reticular connective tissue in a human lymph node.

Lymphoid Tissue

Houses, and provides proliferation site for,


• Surveillance vantage point for

lymphocytes and macrophages

• Largely reticular connective tissue –

type of loose connective tissue

• Two main types

– Diffuse lymphoid tissue; Lymphoid


Lymphoid Tissue

Diffuse lymphoid tissue of lymphoid cells

and reticular fibers in ~ every body organ

– Larger collections in lamina propria of mucous


Lymphoid Tissue

Lymphoid follicles (nodules) are solid,

spherical bodies of tightly packed

lymphoid cells and reticular fibers

– Germinal centers of proliferating B cells

– May form part of larger lymphoid organs

– Isolated aggregations of Peyer's patches and

in appendix

Figure 20.5 Lymphoid organs

Lymph Nodes

Principal lymphoid organs of body

• Embedded in connective tissue, in clusters

along lymphatic vessels

• Near body surface in inguinal, axillary, and

cervical regions of body

Figure 20.2a The lymphatic system.

Lymph Nodes

• Functions

1. Filter lymph—macrophages destroy

microorganisms and debris

2. Immune system activation—lymphocytes

activated and mount attack against antigens

Structure of a Lymph Node

Vary in shape and size but most bean


• External fibrous capsule

• Trabeculae extend inward and divide

node into compartments

• Two histologically distinct regions

– Cortex

– Medulla

Structure of a Lymph Node

• Cortex contains follicles with germinal

centers, heavy with dividing B cells

• Dendritic cells nearly encapsulate follicles

• Deep cortex houses T cells in transit

• T cells circulate continuously among

blood, lymph nodes, and lymph

Figure 20.4a Lymph node.

Structure of a Lymph Node

• Medullary cords extend inward from cortex

and contain B cells, T cells, and plasma


• Lymph sinuses contain macrophages

Figure 20.4b Lymph node.

Circulation in the Lymph Nodes

• Lymph

– Enters convex side via afferent lymphatic

vessels; travels through large subcapsular

sinus and smaller sinuses to medullary

sinuses; exits concave side at hilum via

efferent vessels

• Fewer efferent vessels so flow somewhat

stagnate; allows lymphocytes and

macrophages time to function


• Largest lymphoid organ

• Served by splenic artery and vein, which

enter and exit at the hilum

• Functions

– Site of lymphocyte proliferation and immune

surveillance and response

– Cleanses blood of aged cells and platelets,

macrophages remove debris

Figure 20.6c The spleen.

Spleen: Additional Functions

• Stores breakdown products of RBCs (e.g.,

iron) for later reuse

• Stores blood platelets and monocytes

• May be site of fetal erythrocyte production

(normally ceases before birth)

• Encased by fibrous capsule; has


• Contains lymphocytes, macrophages, and

huge numbers of erythrocytes

Structure of the Spleen

• Two distinct areas

– White pulp around central arteries

• Mostly lymphocytes on reticular fibers; involved in

immune functions

– Red pulp in venous sinuses and splenic


• Rich in RBCs and macrophages for disposal of

worn-out RBCs and bloodborne pathogens

• Composed of splenic cords and sinusoids

Figure 20.6a–b The spleen.


• Important functions early in life

• Found in inferior neck; extends into

mediastinum; partially overlies heart

• Increases in size and most active during


• Stops growing during adolescence, then

gradually atrophies

– Still produces immunocompetent cells, though


Figure 20.7 The thymus.


• Differs from other lymphoid organs in

important ways

– Has no follicles because it lacks B cells

– Does not directly fight antigens

• Functions strictly in T lymphocyte maturation

– Keeps isolated via blood thymus barrier

• Stroma of epithelial cells (not reticular


– Provide environment in which T lymphocytes

become immunocompetent

Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue


• Lymphoid tissues in mucous membranes

throughout body

• Protects from pathogens trying to enter


• Largest collections of MALT in tonsils,

Peyer's patches, appendix

• Also in mucosa of respiratory and

genitourinary organs; rest of digestive tract


• Simplest lymphoid organs

• Form ring of lymphatic tissue around pharynx

– Palatine tonsils—at posterior end of oral cavity

– Lingual tonsil—grouped at base of tongue

– Pharyngeal tonsil—in posterior wall of nasopharynx

– Tubal tonsils—surrounding openings of auditory

tubes into pharynx

• Gather and remove pathogens in food or air


• Contain follicles with germinal centers

• Are not fully encapsulated

• Overlying epithelium invaginates forming

tonsillar crypts

– Trap and destroy bacteria and particulate


– Allow immune cells to build memory for


Figure 20.8 Histology of the palatine tonsil

Aggregates of Lymphoid Follicles

• Peyer's patches

– Clusters of lymphoid follicles

– In wall of distal portion of small intestine

– Similar structures are also found in the


• Peyer's patches and appendix

– Destroy bacteria, preventing them from

breaching intestinal wall

– Generate "memory" lymphocytes

Figure 20.9 Peyer’s patch (aggregated lymphoid nodules).

Developmental Aspects

• Beginnings of lymphatic vessels and main

clusters of lymph nodes by 5th week of

embryonic development

– Arise as lymph sacs from developing veins

– Jugular lymph sacs arise  right lymphatic

duct and thoracic duct

• Lymphatic organs (except thymus) arise

from mesoderm

Developmental Aspects

• Lymphoid organs (except thymus) develop

from mesodermal mesenchymal cells

• Thymus (endodermal origin) forms as an

outgrowth of pharynx

• Except for spleen and tonsils, lymphoid

organs poorly developed at birth

• After birth high numbers of lymphocytes;

their development parallels maturation of

immune system

Lymphangitis is caused by ______.

an infection

Lymphedema may be treated by all EXCEPT which of the following?

bed rest to allow enhanced blood flow and therefore healing of the affected area

Which of the following is NOT a part of the lymphatic system?

blood vessels

What is the role of the mini-valves in lymph capillaries?

increase permeability

Lymph is most similar to __________.

interstitial fluid

Lymphatic collecting vessels are most closely associated with __________.

capillary beds

Which of the following statements is true regarding veins versus lymphatic collecting vessels?

Veins have fewer internal valves than do lymphatic vessels.

Once collected, lymph is returned to __________.

venous circulation

Lymphatic vessels __________.

return tissue fluid to the bloodstream

Adjacent cells in lymphatic capillaries overlap each other loosely. These cells form a unique structural modification that increases their permeability that is known as the __________.


Which of the following promotes closure of the minivalves associated with lymph capillaries?

increasing pressure inside the lymph capillary

To what organ do the lymphatic vessels return protein-rich escaped fluids to rejoin circulation?


What do collecting lymphatic vessels NOT share in common with veins of the cardiovascular system?

thickness of the walls

What is the main function of the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system returns leaked fluid and plasma proteins that escape from the bloodstream to the blood.

Which of the following lacks lymph capillaries?

bones and teeth

Lymph from the right leg ultimately is delivered to which duct in the thoracic region?

thoracic duct

Lymph from what regions of the body is drained into the right lymphatic duct?

right upper limb, right side of the head and thorax

What is the name of the enlarged sac to which the lumbar trunks and the intestinal trunk returns lymph?

cisterna chyli

Which of the following returns lymph to the right lymphatic duct?

right side of the head

Which of the following delivers lymph into the junction of the internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein?

thoracic duct

Which of the following lymphoid cells secrete antibodies?

plasma cells

Which lymphoid organ serves as the site where T lymphocytes become immunocompetent T cells?

thymus gland

Which of the following is NOT a lymphatic cell?


Antibodies are produced by __________.

plasma cells

Which of the following lymphoid tissues/organs does NOT contain reticular connective tissue?


Which of the following is NOT a lymphoid tissue/organ?

bone marrow

What type of tissue is commonly found in all lymphoid organs and tissues (except the thymus)?

reticular connective tissue

What is the role of the B lymphocytes (B cells) in lymphoid tissue?

produce plasma cells that secrete antibodies

What is the role of dendritic cells in lymphoid tissue?

capture antigens and bring them back to lymph nodes

Within buboes, bacteria are directly attacked by ______.


Which lymphoid organ serves in immune surveillance and in filtering lymph?

lymph nodes

Which of the following is a role of lymph nodes?

They filter lymph.

Lymph arrives to the lymph nodes via efferent lymphatic vessels.


Where are the three large clusters of superficial lymph nodes?

cervical, inguinal, and axillary regions

The filtration of lymph and immune system activation are the two basic functions of the __________.

lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are surrounded by a capsule from which connective tissue strands extend inward to divide the node into compartments. What is the name of these strands?


What region of the lymph node contains densely packed follicles with dividing B cells?


After surgical removal of the spleen (i.e., a splenectomy), some other organs take over most of its functions. Which of the following spleen functions in the adult can not be performed by bone marrow?

removal of aged and damaged red blood cells from the blood

Which lymphoid organ provides a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance and response and provides blood-cleansing functions?


Of the following lymphoid organs, which is (are) structurally simplest and lack(s) a complete capsule?


Which of the following is NOT a part of MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue)?

lymph nodes

Where are Peyer's patches located?

distal portion of the small intestine

The __________ is (are) the most likely to become infected.

palatine tonsils

Peyer's patches are located __________.

in the wall of the small intestine

The first lymphoid organ(s) to appear during fetal development is (are) the __________.


Which part of the spleen is the site of immune function?

white pulp

Where are worn-out erythrocytes found in the spleen?

red pulp

Where is the spleen located?

left side of the abdominal cavity just beneath the diaphragm and curled around the anterior aspect of the stomach

Where is the lingual tonsil located?

base of the tongue

Tonsillar crypts are invaginations deep into the interior of the tonsil. What is missing from the tonsil that allows for the presence of tonsillar crypts?


The thymus functions strictly in maturation of T cells.



• Resistance to disease

• Immune system

– Two intrinsic systems

• Innate (nonspecific) defense system

• Adaptive (specific) defense system

• Functional system rather than organ


• Innate and adaptive defenses intertwined

• Release and recognize many of same

defensive molecules

• Innate defenses do have specific

pathways for certain substances

• Innate responses release proteins that

alert cells of adaptive system to foreign



• Innate defense system has two lines of


– First - external body membranes (skin and


– Second - antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes,

and other cells

• Inhibit spread of invaders

• Inflammation most important mechanism

• Adaptive defense system

– Third line of defense attacks particular foreign


• Takes longer to react than innate system

Overview of innate and adaptive defenses.

Innate Defenses

• Surface barriers ward off invading


– Skin, mucous membranes, and their


• Physical barrier to most microorganisms

• Keratin resistant to weak acids and bases,

bacterial enzymes, and toxins

• Mucosae provide similar mechanical barriers

Surface Barriers

• Protective chemicals inhibit or destroy


– Acidity of skin and secretions – acid mantle –

inhibits growth

– Enzymes - lysozyme of saliva, respiratory

mucus, and lacrimal fluid – kill many


– Defensins – antimicrobial peptides – inhibit


– Other chemicals - lipids in sebum, dermcidin

in sweat – toxic

Surface Barriers

• Respiratory system modifications

– Mucus-coated hairs in nose

– Cilia of upper respiratory tract sweep dustand

bacteria-laden mucus toward mouth

• Surface barriers breached by nicks or cuts

- second line of defense must protect

deeper tissues

Internal Defenses: Cells and Chemicals

• Necessary if microorganisms invade

deeper tissues

– Phagocytes

– Natural killer (NK) cells

– Antimicrobial proteins (interferons and

complement proteins)

– Fever

– Inflammatory response (macrophages, mast

cells, WBCs, and inflammatory chemicals)


• Neutrophils most abundant but die fighting

– Become phagocytic on exposure to infectious material

• Macrophages develop from monocytes – chief

phagocytic cells – robust cells

• Free macrophages wander through tissue spaces,

e.g., alveolar macrophages

• Fixed macrophages permanent residents of some

organs; e.g., stellate macrophages (liver) and

microglia (brain)

Mechanism of Phagocytosis

• Phagocyte must adhere to particle

– Some microorganisms evade adherence with


• Opsonization marks pathogens—coating by

complement proteins or antibodies

• Cytoplasmic extensions bind to and engulf

particle in vesicle called phagosome

• Phagosome fuses with lysosome à


Figure 21.2a Phagocytosis.

Figure 21.2b Phagocytosis.

Mechanism of Phagocytosis

• Pathogens killed by acidifying and digesting with

lysosomal enzymes

• Helper T cells cause release of enzymes of

respiratory burst, which kill pathogens resistant

to lysosomal enzymes by

– Releasing cell-killing free radicals

– Producing oxidizing chemicals (e.g., H2O2)

– Increasing pH and osmolarity of phagolysosome

• Defensins (in neutrophils) pierce membrane

Natural Killer (NK) Cells

• Nonphagocytic large granular lymphocytes

• Attack cells that lack "self" cell-surface


– Induce apoptosis in cancer cells and virusinfected


• Secrete potent chemicals that enhance

inflammatory response

Inflammatory Response

• Triggered whenever body tissues injured

• Prevents spread of damaging agents

• Disposes of cell debris and pathogens

• Alerts adaptive immune system

• Sets the stage for repair

Inflammatory Response

• Cardinal signs of acute inflammation:

1. Redness

2. Heat

3. Swelling

4. Pain

(Sometimes 5. Impairment of function)

Inflammatory Response

• Begins with chemicals released into ECF

by injured tissues, immune cells, blood


• Macrophages and epithelial cells of

boundary tissues bear Toll-like receptors


• 11 types of TLRs recognize specific

classes of infecting microbes

• Activated TLRs trigger release of

cytokines that promote inflammation

Inflammatory Response

• Inflammatory mediators

– Kinins, prostaglandins (PGs), and


• Dilate local arterioles (hyperemia)

– Causes redness and heat of inflamed region

• Make capillaries leaky

• Many attract leukocytes to area

• Some have inflammatory roles

Inflammatory Response: Edema

• á Capillary permeability à exudate to


– Fluid containing clotting factors and antibodies

– Causes local swelling (edema)

– Swelling pushes on nerve endings à pain

• Pain also from bacterial toxins, prostaglandins, and


– Moves foreign material into lymphatic vessels

– Delivers clotting proteins and complement

Inflammatory Response

• Clotting factors form fibrin mesh

– Scaffold for repair

– Isolates injured area so invaders cannot


Figure 21.3 Inflammation: flowchart of events.

Phagocyte Mobilization

• Neutrophils lead; macrophages follow

– As attack continues, monocytes arrive

• 12 hours after leaving bloodstream à


• These "late-arrivers" replace dying neutrophils and

remain for clean up prior to repair

• If inflammation due to pathogens,

complement activated; adaptive immunity

elements arrive

Phagocyte Mobilization

• Steps for phagocyte mobilization

1. Leukocytosis: release of neutrophils from

bone marrow in response to leukocytosisinducing

factors from injured cells

2. Margination: neutrophils cling to walls of

capillaries in inflamed area in response to


3. Diapedesis of neutrophils

4. Chemotaxis: inflammatory chemicals

(chemotactic agent) promote positive

chemotaxis of neutrophils

Figure 21.4 Phagocyte mobilization.

Antimicrobial Proteins

• Include interferons and complement


• Some attack microorganisms directly

• Some hinder microorganisms' ability to



• Family of immune modulating proteins

– Have slightly different physiological effects

• Viral-infected cells secrete IFNs (e.g., IFN

alpha and beta) to "warn" neighboring


– IFNs enter neighboring cells à produce

proteins that block viral reproduction and

degrade viral RNA

– IFN alpha and beta also activate NK cells


• IFN gamma (immune interferon)

– Secreted by lymphocytes

– Widespread immune mobilizing effects

– Activates macrophages

• Since IFNs activate NK cells and

macrophages, indirectly fight cancer

• Artificial IFNs used to treat hepatitis C,

genital warts, multiple sclerosis, hairy cell


Figure 21.5 The interferon mechanism against viruses.

Complement System (Complement)

• ~20 blood proteins that circulate in inactive


• Include C1–C9, factors B, D, and P, and

regulatory proteins

• Major mechanism for destroying foreign


• Our cells contain complement activation



• Unleashes inflammatory chemicals that

amplify all aspects of inflammatory


• Kills bacteria and certain other cell types

by cell lysis

• Enhances both innate and adaptive


Complement Activation

• Three pathways to activation

– Classical pathway

• Antibodies bind to invading organisms and to

complement components

• Called complement fixation

• First step in activation; more details later


• Lectin pathway

– Lectins - produced by innate system to

recognize foreign invaders

– When bound to foreign invaders can also bind

and activate complement

• Alternative pathway

– Activated spontaneously, lack of inhibitors

on microorganism's surface allows process

to proceed

Complement Activation

• Each pathway involves activation of

proteins in an orderly sequence

• Each step catalyzes the next

• Each pathway converges on C3, which

cleaves into C3a and C3b

• Common terminal pathway initiated that

– Enhances inflammation, promotes

phagocytosis, causes cell lysis

Complement Activation

• Three pathways to activation

– Classical pathway

• Antibodies bind to invading organisms and to

complement components

• Called complement fixation

• First step in activation; more details later


• Lectin pathway

– Lectins - produced by innate system to

recognize foreign invaders

– When bound to foreign invaders can also bind

and activate complement

• Alternative pathway

– Activated spontaneously, lack of inhibitors

on microorganism's surface allows process

to proceed

Complement Activation

• Each pathway involves activation of

proteins in an orderly sequence

• Each step catalyzes the next

• Each pathway converges on C3, which

cleaves into C3a and C3b

• Common terminal pathway initiated that

– Enhances inflammation, promotes

phagocytosis, causes cell lysis

Complement Activation

• Cell lysis begins when

– C3b binds to target cell à insertion of complement

proteins called membrane attack complex (MAC)

into cell's membrane

– MAC forms and stabilizes hole in membrane à influx

of water à lysis of cell

• C3b also causes opsonization

• C3a and other cleavage products amplify


– Stimulate mast cells and basophils to release


– Attract neutrophils and other inflammatory cells

Figure 21.6 Complement activation.


• Abnormally high body temperature

• Systemic response to invading


• Leukocytes and macrophages exposed to

foreign substances secrete pyrogens

• Pyrogens act on body's thermostat in

hypothalamus, raising body temperature


• Benefits of moderate fever

– Causes liver and spleen to sequester iron and

zinc (needed by microorganisms)

– Increases metabolic rate à faster repair

Adaptive Defenses

• Adaptive immune (specific defense)


– Protects against infectious agents and

abnormal body cells

– Amplifies inflammatory response

– Activates complement

– Must be primed by initial exposure to specific

foreign substance

• Priming takes time

Adaptive Defenses

• Specific – recognizes and targets specific


• Systemic – not restricted to initial site

• Have memory – stronger attacks to

"known" antigens

• Two separate, overlapping arms

– Humoral (antibody-mediated) immunity

– Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity

Humoral Immunity

• Antibodies, produced by lymphocytes,

circulating freely in body fluids

• Bind temporarily to target cell

– Temporarily inactivate

– Mark for destruction by phagocytes or


• Humoral immunity has extracellular targets

Cellular Immunity

• Lymphocytes act against target cell

– Directly – by killing infected cells

– Indirectly – by releasing chemicals that

enhance inflammatory response; or activating

other lymphocytes or macrophages

• Cellular immunity has cellular targets


• Substances that can mobilize adaptive

defenses and provoke an immune


• Targets of all adaptive immune responses

• Most are large, complex molecules not

normally found in body (nonself)

Complete Antigens

• Important functional properties

– Immunogenicity: ability to stimulate

proliferation of specific lymphocytes

– Reactivity: ability to react with activated

lymphocytes and antibodies released by

immunogenic reactions

• Examples: foreign protein,

polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids

Haptens (Incomplete Antigens)

• Small molecules (haptens) not

immunogenic by themselves

– E.g., peptides, nucleotides, some hormones

• May be immunogenic if attached to body

proteins and combination is marked


• Cause immune system to mount harmful


• Examples: poison ivy, animal dander,

detergents, and cosmetics

Antigenic Determinants

• Only certain parts (antigenic

determinants) of entire antigen are


• Antibodies and lymphocyte receptors bind

to them as enzyme binds substrate

Antigenic Determinants

• Most naturally occurring antigens have

numerous antigenic determinants that

– Mobilize several different lymphocyte


– Form different kinds of antibodies against


• Large, chemically simple molecules (e.g.,

plastics) have little or no immunogenicity

Figure 21.7 Most antigens have several different antigenic determinants.

Self-antigens: MHC Proteins

• Protein molecules (self-antigens) on

surface of cells not antigenic to self but

antigenic to others in transfusions or grafts

• Example: MHC glycoproteins

– Coded by genes of major histocompatibility

complex (MHC) and unique to individual

– Have groove holding self- or foreign antigen

• T lymphocytes can only recognize antigens that

are presented on MHC proteins

Cells of the Adaptive Immune System

• Three types of cells

– Two types of lymphocytes

• B lymphocytes (B cells)—humoral immunity

• T lymphocytes (T cells)—cellular immunity

– Antigen-presenting cells (APCs)

• Do not respond to specific antigens

• Play essential auxiliary roles in immunity

Lymphocyte Development, Maturation, and


• Five general steps

– Origin – all originate in red bone marrow

– Maturation

– Seeding secondary lymphoid organs and


– Antigen encounter and activation

– Proliferation and differentiation

Figure 21.8 Lymphocyte development, maturation, and activation.


• "Educated" to become mature; B cells in

bone marrow, T cells in thymus

– Immunocompetence – lymphocyte can

recognize one specific antigen by binding to it

• B or T cells display only one unique type of antigen

receptor on surface when achieve maturity – bind

only one antigen

– Self-tolerance

• Lymphocytes unresponsive to own antigens

T cells

• T cells mature in thymus under negative

and positive selection pressures ("tests")

– Positive selection

• Selects T cells capable of recognizing self-MHC

proteins (MHC restriction); failures destroyed by


– Negative selection

• Prompts apoptosis of T cells that bind to selfantigens

displayed by self-MHC

• Ensures self-tolerance

Figure 21.9 T cell education in the thymus.

B cells

• B cells mature in red bone marrow

• Positively selected if successfully make

antigen receptors

• Those that are self-reactive

– Eliminated by apoptosis (clonal deletion)

Seeding Secondary Lymphoid Organs and


• Immunocompetent B and T cells not yet

exposed to antigen called naive

• Exported from primary lymphoid organs

(bone marrow and thymus) to "seed"

secondary lymphoid organs (lymph nodes,

spleen, etc.)

– Increases chance of encounter with antigen

Antigen Encounter and Activation

• Clonal selection

– Naive lymphocyte's first encounter with

antigen à selected for further development

– If correct signals present, lymphocyte will

complete its differentiation

Proliferation and Differentiation

• Activated lymphocyte proliferates à exact


• Most clones à effector cells that fight


• Few remain as memory cells

– Able to respond to same antigen more quickly

second time

• B and T memory cells and effector T cells

circulate continuously

Antigen Receptor Diversity

• Genes, not antigens, determine which

foreign substances immune system will


– Immune cell receptors result of acquired

knowledge of microbes likely in environment

• Lymphocytes make up to billion different

types of antigen receptors

– Coded for by ~25,000 genes

– Gene segments are shuffled by somatic


Table 21.3 Overview of B and T Lymphocyt

Antigen-presenting Cells (APCs)

• Engulf antigens

• Present fragments of antigens to T cells

for recognition

• Major types

– Dendritic cells in connective tissues and


– Macrophages in connective tissues and

lymphoid organs

– B cells

Dendritic Cells and Macrophages

• Dendritic cells phagocytize pathogens,

enter lymphatics to present antigens to T

cells in lymph node

– Most effective antigen presenter known

– Key link between innate and adaptive


• Macrophages widespread in lymphoid

organs and connective tissues

– Present antigens to T cells to activate

themselves into voracious phagocytes that

secrete bactericidal chemicals

B lymphocytes

• Do not activate naive T cells

• Present antigens to helper T cell to assist

own activation

Adaptive Immunity: Summary

• Uses lymphocytes, APCs, and specific

molecules to identify and destroy nonself


• Depends upon ability of its cells to

– Recognize antigens by binding to them

– Communicate with one another so that whole

system mounts specific response

Activation and Differentiation of B Cells

• B cell activated when antigens bind to its

surface receptors and cross-link them à

• Receptor-mediated endocytosis of crosslinked

antigen-receptor complexes (clonal

selection) à

• Proliferation and differentiation into

effector cells

Fate of the Clones

• Most clone cells become plasma cells

– Secrete specific antibodies at rate of 2000

molecules per second for four to five days,

then die

– Antibodies circulate in blood or lymph

• Bind to free antigens and mark for destruction by

innate or adaptive mechanisms

Fate of the Clones

• Clone cells that do not become plasma

cells become memory cells

– Provide immunological memory

– Mount an immediate response to future

exposures to same antigen

Figure 21.11a Clonal selection of a B cell.

Immunological Memory

• Primary immune response

– Cell proliferation and differentiation upon first

antigen exposure

– Lag period: three to six days

– Peak levels of plasma antibody are reached in

10 days

– Antibody levels then decline

Immunological Memory

• Secondary immune response

– Re-exposure to same antigen gives faster,

more prolonged, more effective response

• Sensitized memory cells respond within hours

• Antibody levels peak in two to three days at much

higher levels

• Antibodies bind with greater affinity

• Antibody level can remain high for weeks to


Figure 21.11 Clonal selection of a B cell

Figure 21.12 Primary and secondary humoral responses

Active Humoral Immunity

• When B cells encounter antigens and

produce specific antibodies against them

• Two types of active humoral immunity:

– Naturally acquired—response to bacterial or

viral infection

– Artificially acquired—response to vaccine of

dead or attenuated pathogens

Active Humoral Immunity

• Vaccines

– Most of dead or attenuated pathogens

– Spare us symptoms of primary response

– Provide antigenic determinants that are

immunogenic and reactive

Passive Humoral Immunity

• Readymade antibodies introduced into


• B cells are not challenged by antigens

• Immunological memory does not occur

• Protection ends when antibodies degrade

Passive Humoral Immunity

• Two types

1. Naturally acquired—antibodies delivered to

fetus via placenta or to infant through milk

2. Artificially acquired—injection of serum, such

as gamma globulin

• Protection immediate but ends when antibodies

naturally degrade in body

Figure 21.13 Active and passive humoral immunity.


• Immunoglobulins—gamma globulin portion

of blood

• Proteins secreted by plasma cells

• Capable of binding specifically with

antigen detected by B cells

• Grouped into one of five Ig classes

Basic Antibody Structure

• T- or Y-shaped antibody monomer of

four looping polypeptide chains linked by

disulfide bonds

• Two identical heavy (H) chains with hinge

region at "middles"

• Two identical light (L) chains

• Variable (V) regions at one end of each

arm combine to form two identical

antigen-binding sites

Basic Antibody Structure

• Constant (C) regions of stem

– Determine antibody class (IgM, IgA, IgD, IgG,

or IgE)

– Serve common functions in all antibodies by


• Cells and chemicals that antibody can bind

• How antibody class functions to eliminate


Figure 21.14a Antibody structure

Classes of Antibodies

• IgM

– Pentamer (larger than others); first antibody


– Potent agglutinating agent

– Readily fixes and activates complement

• IgA (secretory IgA)

– Monomer or dimer; in mucus and other


– Helps prevent entry of pathogens

Table 21.4 Immunoglobulin Classes (1 of 2)

Classes of Antibodies

• IgD

– Monomer attached to surface of B cells

– Functions as B cell receptor

• IgG

– Monomer; 75–85% of antibodies in plasma

– From secondary and late primary responses

– Crosses placental barrier

Classes of Antibodies

• IgE

– Monomer active in some allergies and

parasitic infections

– Causes mast cells and basophils to release


• B cells can switch antibody classes but

retain antigen specificity

– IgM at first; then IgG

– Almost all secondary responses are IgG

Table 21.4 Immunoglobulin Classes (2 of 2)

Antibody Targets and Functions

• Antibodies inactivate and tag antigens; do

not destroy them

– Form antigen-antibody (immune)


• Defensive mechanisms used by antibodies

– Neutralization and agglutination (the two most


– Precipitation and complement fixation


• Simplest defensive mechanism

• Antibodies block specific sites on viruses

or bacterial exotoxins

• Prevent these antigens from binding to

receptors on tissue cells

• Antigen-antibody complexes undergo



• Antibodies bind same determinant on

more than one cell-bound antigen

• Cross-linked antigen-antibody complexes


– Example: clumping of mismatched blood cells


• Soluble molecules are cross-linked

• Complexes precipitate and are subject to


Complement Fixation and Activation

• Main antibody defense against cellular

antigens (bacteria, mismatched RBCs)

• Several antibodies bind close together on

a cellular antigen à complement-binding

sites on stem regions align

– Triggers complement fixation into cell's


– à Cell lysis

Complement Fixation and Activation

• Activated complement functions

– Amplifies inflammatory response

– Promotes phagocytosis via opsonization

– à Positive feedback cycle that enlists more

and more defensive elements

Figure 21.15 Mechanisms of antibody action.

Monoclonal Antibodies as Clinical and

Research Tools

• Commercially prepared pure antibody

– Specific for single antigenic determinant

• Produced by hybridomas

– Cell hybrids: fusion of tumor cell and B cell

• Proliferate indefinitely and have ability to

produce single type of antibody

• Used in research, clinical testing, and

cancer treatment

Summary of Antibody Actions

• Antigen-antibody complexes do not

destroy antigens; prepare them for

destruction by innate defenses

• Antibodies do not invade solid tissue

unless lesion present

• Can act intracellularly if attached to virus

before it enters cell

– Activate mechanisms that destroy virus

Cellular Immune Response

• T cells provide defense against

intracellular antigens

• Some T cells directly kill cells; others

release chemicals that regulate immune


Cellular Immune Response

• Two populations of T cells based on which

glycoprotein surface receptors displayed

– CD4 cells usually become helper T cells (TH);

activate B cells, other T cells, macrophages,

and direct adaptive immune response

• Some become regulatory T cells – which

moderate immune response

– Can also become memory T cells

Cellular Immune Response

– CD8 cells become cytotoxic T cells (TC)

• Destroy cells harboring foreign antigens

• Also become memory T cells

– Helper, cytotoxic, and regulatory T cells are

activated T cells

– Naive T cells simply termed CD4 or CD8 cells

Figure 21.16 Major types of T cells.

MHC Proteins and Antigen Presentation

• T cells respond only to processed

fragments of antigens displayed on

surfaces of cells

• Antigen presentation vital for activation of

naive T cells and normal functioning of

effector T cells

MHC Proteins

• Two types of MHC proteins important to T

cell activation

– Class I MHC proteins – displayed by all cells

except RBCs

– Class II MHC proteins – displayed by APCs

(dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells)

• Both types are synthesized at ER and bind

to peptide fragments

Class I MHC Proteins

• Bind with fragment of protein synthesized in the

cell (endogenous antigen)

• Endogenous antigen is self-antigen in normal

cell; a nonself antigen in infected or abnormal


• Crucial for CD8 cell activation

• Inform cytotoxic T cells of microorganisms hiding

in cells (cytotoxic T cells ignore displayed selfantigens)

• Act as antigen holders; form "self" part that T

cells recognize

Class II MHC Proteins

• Bind with fragments of exogenous

antigens that have been engulfed and

broken down in a phagolysosome

• Recognized by helper T cells

• Signal CD4 cells that help is required

MHC Restriction

• CD4 and CD8 cells have different

requirements for MHC protein that

presents antigens to them

– CD4 cells that become TH – bind only class II

MHC proteins typically on APC surfaces

– CD8 cells that become cytotoxic T cells – bind

only class I MHC proteins on APC surfaces

• Once activated, cytotoxic T cells seek same

antigen on class I MHC proteins on any cell

MHC Restriction

• CD8 cells activated by class I MHC


• How do APCs get endogenous antigens

from another cell and display them on

class I MHCs?

– Dendritic cells engulf dying virus-infected or

tumor cells, or import antigens via temporary

gap junctions with infected cells—then display

both class I and class II MHCs

T cell Activation

• T cell activation two-step process

– Antigen binding

– Co-stimulation

• Both occur on surface of same APC

• Both required for clonal selection

T cell Activation: Antigen Binding

• T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) bind to antigen-

MHC complex on APC surface

• TCR that recognizes the nonself-self complex

linked to multiple intracellular signaling pathways

• Other T cell surface proteins involved in T cell

activation (e.g., CD4 and CD8 help maintain

coupling during antigen recognition)

T cell Activation: Co-stimulation

• Requires T cell binding to other surface

receptors on an APC – co-stimulatory


– Dendritic cells and macrophages produce

surface B7 proteins when innate defenses


– B7 binding crucial co-stimulatory signal

• Cytokines (interleukin 1 and 2 from APCs

or T cells) trigger proliferation and

differentiation of activated T cell

T cell Activation: Co-stimulation

• Without co-stimulation, anergy occurs

– T cells

• Become tolerant to that antigen

• Are unable to divide

• Do not secrete cytokines

T cell Activation: Proliferation and


• T cells that are activated

– Enlarge and proliferate in response to


– Differentiate and perform functions according

to their T cell class

Figure 21.17 Clonal selection of T cells involves simultaneous recognition of self and nonself

T cell Activation: Proliferation and


• Primary T cell response peaks within a week

• T cell apoptosis occurs between days 7 and 30

– Benefit of apoptosis: activated T cells are a hazard –

produce large amount inflammatory cytokines à

hyperplasia, cancer

• Effector activity wanes as amount of antigen


• Memory T cells remain and mediate secondary



• Chemical messengers of immune system

• Mediate cell development, differentiation,

and responses in immune system

• Include interferons and interleukins

• Interleukin 1 (IL-1) released by

macrophages co-stimulates bound T cells


– Release interleukin 2 (IL-2)

– Synthesize more IL-2 receptors


• IL-2 key growth factor, acting on cells that

release it and other T cells

– Encourages activated T cells to divide rapidly

• Other cytokines amplify and regulate

innate and adaptive responses

– E.g., tumor necrosis factor – cell toxin

– E.g., gamma interferon – enhances killing

power of macrophages

Roles of Helper T (TH) cells

• Play central role in adaptive immune


– Activate both humoral and cellular arms

– Once primed by APC presentation of antigen,


• Help activate T and B cells

• Induce T and B cell proliferation

• Their cytokines recruit other immune cells

• Without TH, there is no immune response

Helper T cells: Activation of B cells

• Interact directly with B cells displaying antigen

fragments bound to MHC II receptors

• Stimulate B cells to divide more rapidly and

begin antibody formation

• B cells may be activated without TH cells by

binding to T cell–independent antigens

– Response weak and short-lived

• Most antigens require TH co-stimulation to

activate B cells: T cell–dependent antigens

Figure 21.18a The central role of helper T cells in mobilizing both humoral and cellular immunity.

Helper T cells: Activation of CD8 cells

• CD8 cells require TH cell activation into

destructive cytotoxic T cells

• Cause dendritic cells to express costimulatory

molecules required for CD8

cell activation

Figure 21.18b The central role of helper T cells in mobilizing both humoral and cellular immunity

Helper T cells: Amplification of Innate


• Amplify responses of innate immune


• Activate macrophages à more potent


• Mobilize lymphocytes and macrophages

and attract other types of WBCs

Helper T cells: Subsets of TH cells

• TH1 – mediate most aspects of cellular


• TH2 – defend against parasitic worms;

mobilize eosinophils; promote allergies

• TH17 – link adaptive and innate immunity

by releasing IL-17; may play role in

autoimmune disease

Cytotoxic T (TC) cells

• Directly attack and kill other cells

• Activated TC cells circulate in blood and

lymph and lymphoid organs in search of

body cells displaying antigen they


Roles of Cytotoxic T (TC) cells

• Targets

– Virus-infected cells

– Cells with intracellular bacteria or parasites

– Cancer cells

– Foreign cells (transfusions or transplants)

Cytotoxic T cells

• Bind to a self-nonself complex

• Can destroy all infected or abnormal cells

Cytotoxic T cells

• Lethal hit – two methods:

– TC cell releases perforins and granzymes by


• Perforins create pores through which granzymes

enter target cell

• Granzymes stimulate apoptosis

– TC cell binds specific membrane receptor on

target cell, and stimulates apoptosis

Figure 21.19 Cytotoxic T cells attack infected and cancerous cells.

Natural Killer cells

• Recognize other signs of abnormality

– Lack of class I MHC

– Antibody coating target cell

– Different surface markers of stressed cells

• Use same key mechanisms as TC cells for

killing their target cells

• Immune surveillance—NK and TC cells

prowl for markers they recognize

Regulatory T (TReg) cells

• Dampen immune response by direct

contact or by inhibitory cytokines such as

IL-10 and TGF-β

• Important in preventing autoimmune


– Suppress self-reactive lymphocytes in

periphery (outside lymphoid organs)

– Research into using them to induce tolerance

to transplanted tissue

Figure 21.20 Simplified summary of the primary immune response

Organ Transplants

• Four varieties

– Autografts: from one body site to another in

same person

– Isografts: between identical twins

– Allografts: between individuals who are not

identical twins

– Xenografts: from another animal species

Organ Transplants

• Success depends on similarity of tissues

– Autografts and isografts ideal donor tissues

• Almost always successful if good blood supply and

no infection

– Research into successful xenografts from

genetically engineered animals

– Most common is allograft

• ABO, other blood antigens, MHC antigens

matched as closely as possible

Prevention of Rejection

• After surgery

– Patient treated with immunosuppressive


• Corticosteroid drugs to suppress inflammation

• Antiproliferative drugs

• Immunosuppressant drugs

• Many of these have severe side effects

Immunosuppressive Therapy Problems

• Patient's immune system suppressed

– Cannot protect from foreign agents

– Bacterial and viral infections à death

– Must balance drugs for graft survival but no


– Use antibiotics to control infections

– Best circumstances – rejection after 10 years

in 50% of patients

Immunosuppressive Therapy Problems

• Research to induce tolerance

– Chimeric immune system

• Suppress recipient's bone marrow

• Douse recipient's bone marrow with bone marrow

from donor of new organ

• "Combined" immune system may treat

transplanted organ as self

– Harness regulatory T cell to suppress immune



• Congenital or acquired conditions that

impair function or production of immune

cells or molecules such as complement or


Congenital Immunodeficiencies

• Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

(SCID) Syndrome - genetic defect

– Marked deficit in B and T cells

– Defective adenosine deaminase (ADA)


• Metabolites lethal to T cells accumulate

– Fatal if untreated; treated with bone marrow


Hodgkin's Disease

• Acquired immunodeficiency

• Cancer of B cells

• Leads to immunodeficiency by depressing

lymph node cells

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


• Cripples immune system by interfering

with activity of helper T cells

• Characterized by severe weight loss, night

sweats, and swollen lymph nodes

• Opportunistic infections occur, including

pneumocystis pneumonia and Kaposi's


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


• Caused by human immunodeficiency virus

(HIV) transmitted via body fluids—blood,

semen, and vaginal secretions

• HIV enters the body via

– Blood transfusions; blood-contaminated

needles; sexual intercourse and oral sex;

mother to fetus


– Destroys TH cells à depresses cellular


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


• HIV multiplies in lymph nodes throughout

asymptomatic period, ~10 years if untreated

• Symptoms when immune system collapses

• Virus also invades brain à dementia

• HIV-coated glycoprotein complex attaches to

CD4 receptor

• HIV enters cell and uses reverse transcriptase to

produce DNA from its viral RNA

• The DNA copy (a provirus) directs host cell to

make viral RNA and proteins, enabling virus to


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


• HIV reverse transcriptase à frequent

errors; high mutation rate and resistance

to drugs

• Treatment with antiviral drugs

– Fusion inhibitors block HIV's entry into cell

– Integrase inhibitors block viral RNA

integration into host's DNA

– Reverse transcriptase and protease

inhibitors inhibit viral replication enzymes

– Antiretroviral vaginal gel reduces risk by 50%

Autoimmune Diseases

• Immune system loses ability to distinguish

self from foreign

• Production of autoantibodies and

sensitized TC cells that destroy body


• Examples include multiple sclerosis,

myasthenia gravis, Graves' disease, type

1 diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus

erythematosus (SLE), glomerulonephritis,

and rheumatoid arthritis

Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases

• Suppress entire immune system

– Anti-inflammatory drugs, e.g., corticosteroids

– Blocking cytokine action

– Blocking co-stimulatory molecules

• Research

– Activating regulatory T cells; inducing selftolerance

using vaccines; directing antibodies

against self-reactive immune cells

Mechanisms of Autoimmune Diseases

• Weakly self-reactive lymphocytes may be

activated by

– Foreign antigens may resemble self-antigens

• Antibodies against foreign antigen may cross-react

with self-antigen

– New self-antigens may appear, generated by

• Gene mutations

• Changes in self-antigens by hapten attachment or

infectious damage

• Release of novel self-antigens by trauma to barrier


• Immune responses to perceived

(otherwise harmless) threat cause tissue


• Different types distinguished by

– Their time course

– Whether antibodies or T cells involved

• Antibodies cause immediate and

subacute hypersensitivities

• T cells cause delayed hypersensitivity

Immediate Hypersensitivity

• Acute (type I) hypersensitivities (allergies)

begin in seconds after contact with


• Initial contact is asymptomatic but

sensitizes person

• Reaction may be local or systemic

Immediate Hypersensitivity

• The mechanism involves IL-4 secreted by

TH2 cells

• IL-4 stimulates B cells to produce IgE

• IgE binds to mast cells and basophils ->

flood of histamine release and induced

inflammatory response

• Later encounter with same allergen à

allergic reaction

Immediate Hypersensitivities

• Allergic reactions local or systemic

– Local – mast cells of skin and respiratory and

gastrointestinal mucosa

– Histamines -> blood vessels dilated and leaky

-> runny nose, hives, watery eyes

• Asthma if allergen inhaled

• Antihistamines to control

– Systemic response is anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic Shock

• Systemic response to allergen that directly

enters blood and circulates rapidly

• Basophils and mast cells enlisted throughout


• Systemic histamine release may cause

– Constriction of bronchioles; tongue may swell

– Sudden vasodilation and fluid loss from bloodstream

may à

– Circulatory collapse (hypotensive shock) and death

• Treatment: epinephrine

Subacute Hypersensitivities

• Caused by IgM and IgG transferred via

blood plasma or serum

• Slow onset (1–3 hours) and long duration

(10–15 hours)

• Cytotoxic (type II) reactions

– Antibodies bind to antigens on specific body

cells, stimulate phagocytosis and

complement-mediated lysis of cellular


– Example: mismatched blood transfusion


Subacute Hypersensitivities

• Immune complex (type III)


– Antigens widely distributed in body or blood

– Insoluble antigen-antibody complexes form

– Complexes cannot be cleared from particular

area of body

– Intense inflammation, local cell lysis, and cell

killing by neutrophils

– Example: systemic lupus erythematosus


Delayed Hypersensitivities (Type IV)

• Slow onset (one to three days)

• Mechanism depends on helper T cells

• Cytokine-activated macrophages and

cytotoxic T cells cause damage

• Example: allergic contact dermatitis (e.g.,

poison ivy)

• Agents act as haptens

• TB skin test depends on this reaction

Developmental Aspects

• Immune system stem cells develop in liver

and spleen in weeks 1 - 9

• Bone marrow becomes primary source of

stem cells later and through adult life

• Lymphocyte development continues in

bone marrow and thymus

Developmental Aspects

• TH2 lymphocytes predominate in newborn;

TH1 system educated as person

encounters antigens

• Influences on immune system function

– Nervous system – depression, emotional

stress, and grief impair immune response

– Diet – vitamin D required for activation of CD8

cells à TC cells

• Vitamin D supplements reduced influenza;

deficiency linked to multiple sclerosis

Developmental Aspects

• With age, immune system begins to wane

– Greater susceptibility to immunodeficiency

and autoimmune diseases

– Greater incidence of cancer

– Do not know why immune system fails but

may be due to atrophy of thymus and

decreased production of naive T and B cells

What constitutes the body's first line of defense against disease?

intact skin and mucous membranes

Treatment of an abscess often requires that it be surgically drained because ______.

the wall of the abscess prevents neutrophils from entering the pus and attacking the pathogens

Which of the following is NOT a nonspecific internal defense against disease?

T cells

Which defense mechanism results in redness, heat, pain, and swelling?


Which antimicrobial protein is produced by a virus-infected cell?


Which of the following is (are) NOT a part of the innate immune defenses?

T cells

Proinflammatory signals include all of the following, EXCEPT __________.


__________ is the final step of phagocyte mobilization.


Which of the following is a role of interferons (IFNs)?

IFNs help the body combat viral infections.

Interferons (IFNs) are a group of proteins that have antiviral effects. IFNs activate macrophages and mobilize natural killer cells (NK cells) as well. They also have an anticancer role.

Which of the following is an effect of complement activation?


Complement proteins stimulate inflammation, serve as opsonins to aid in the phagocytosis of targeted antigens, and facilitate cytolysis.

Pyrogens induce __________.


A pyrogen will induce a fever. Pyro means "heat" and genic means "forming" or "creating."

Fever is one of the cardinal signs of inflammation.


With what does our immune system coat pathogens to facilitate their capture and accelerate phagocytosis?


Four (or five) cardinal signs indicate inflammation. What specific sign of inflammation is the result of exudate in the tissue spaces?

edema (swelling)

Which of the following inflammatory chemicals is released by mast cells?


Which of the following is NOT one of the cardinal signs of inflammation?


All inflammatory chemicals dilate, not constrict, local arterioles and make local capillaries leakier. Vasoconstriction is not one of the four (or five) cardinal signs of inflammation.

When do neutrophils enter the blood from the red bone marrow, in response to leukocytosis-inducing factors?


What is the main event of chemotaxis?

Neutrophils and other WBCs migrate up the gradient of chemotactic agents to the site of injury.

Neutrophils flatten and squeeze between the endothelial cells of the capillary walls during what process?


What protein can be released by infected cells to help protect cells that have not yet been infected?

interferons (IFNs)

How do interferons protect against infection in healthy cells?

Interferons block viral reproduction in healthy cells through the production of antiviral proteins.

What is the specific target of interferons?

nearby healthy cells

What types of antigen are recognized by T cells?

processed fragments of protein antigens displayed on surfaces of body cells

T cells can recognize and respond only to processed fragments of protein antigens displayed on the surfaces of body cells (APCs and others). Thus, T cells are best suited for cell-to-cell interactions. They target cells infected by viruses or bacteria, abnormal or cancerous cells, and cells of infused or transplanted foreign tissue.

MHC I proteins (major histocompatibility class I proteins) are found on most cells of the body.


Which of the following statements does NOT describe the adaptive immune response?

It occurs immediately after the body is challenged by foreign material.

It takes time for the body to mount an adaptive immune response, particularly longer upon a first exposure to the foreign material.

What mobilizes the adaptive defenses and provokes an immune response?


Antigens (anything the body recognizes as foreign) are substances that can mobilize the adaptive defenses and provoke an immune response. Antigens are the ultimate targets of all adaptive immune responses.

Which of the following cells engulf antigens and present fragments of them on their own surfaces, where they can be recognized by cells that will deal with them?

dendritic cells

Dendritic cells are antigen-presenting cells that engulf antigens and then present fragments of them to their own surfaces, where they can be recognized by T cells.

T cells achieve self-tolerance in the __________.


T cells learn and are screened for self-tolerance in the thymus.

Which cells mature in the thymus?

T cells

How does a lymphocyte become immunocompetent?

Lymphocytes must be able to recognize their one specific antigen by binding to it.

What are B and T cells called that have not yet been exposed to an antigen?


Binding of an eosinophil to an antibody-coated parasitic worm involves binding of the antibody's stem region to a(n) ______.

plasma membrane protein on the eosinophil's surface

The constant region (stem) functions to determine which cells and chemicals each antibody can interact with

Why are children given vaccinations?

to develop antibodies against various diseases

Active humoral immunity is acquired in two ways. It is (1) naturally acquired via an active viral or bacterial infection and (2) artificially acquired via vaccines. Vaccines "prime" the immune response by providing a first meeting with the antigen without an infection occurring. As a result, antibodies are developed against the disease without having to get the disease.

Choose the true statement regarding the primary versus the secondary immune response.

A primary response results when naïve lymphocytes are activated, while a secondary response is a result of activating memory cells.

A primary immune response is initiated when naïve lymphocytes are exposed to foreign antigens. Since naïve cells are being stimulated, the response is slower to progress than a secondary response in which memory lymphocytes are activated. In addition to being slower than the secondary response, the primary response yields fewer antibodies than a secondary response. Furthermore, primary response antibodies do not bind to antigens as efficiently as the antibodies produced in a secondary response. Lastly, a secondary response tends to last longer than a primary response.

__________ immunity protects a baby who is fed breast milk.

Natural passive

Natural immunity is achieved through natural, non-manmade means. Natural passive immunity occurs when an individual gets antibodies from another source--they are not self-made. In the case of a nursing infant, the process is natural and the baby is protected by antibodies received from the mother.

__________ is the most abundant class of antibodies in plasma.


IgG is the most abundant class of antibodies in plasma. Additionally, IgG is the only class of antibodies that normally crosses the placenta to protect the baby in utero.

__________ are lymphocytes that directly kill virus- infected cells.

Cytotoxic T cells

Cytotoxic T cells are proficient at killing virus-infected cells.

Antigens bound to MHC II activate __________.

helper T cells

MHC II bound antigens activate helper T cells.

Which of the following processes are unique to the respiratory system?

pulmonary ventilation and external respiration

Which of the following represents all of the processes involved in respiration in the correct order?

pulmonary ventilation; external respiration; transport of respiratory gases; internal respiration;

Quiet inspiration is __________, and quiet expiration is __________.

an active process; a passive process

Patients with rhinitis often have "watery eyes" because ______.

the infection has caused inflammation of the nasolacrimal ducts

The nasolacrimal ducts are a passageway between the lacrimal sac, which lies just medial to the lacrimal canaliculus, and the nasal cavity.

The adenoids normally destroy pathogens because they contain ______.


The adenoids (pharyngeal tonsils) are a ring of lymphatic tissue surrounding the entrance to the pharynx. They function to trap inhaled bacteria and facilitate activation of resident lymphocytes.

The tissue(s) and/or cells that may be affected during laryngitis ______.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Using your textbook or other resource, review the histology of the larynx.

Smoking inhibits cilia by inhibiting the movements of ______.

dynein molecules

Dynein is a motor protein that moves cilia causing them to bend. Collectively cilia propel other substances (like mucus) across the cell's surface.

Tracheal obstruction by a large piece of food typically involves obstruction of the ______.


The larynx is superior to the trachea in the respiratory tract. The laryngeal opening (glottis) is sealed during swallowing by the epiglottis.

During pleurisy, the inflamed parietal pleura of one lung rubs against the inflamed ______.

visceral pleura of the same lung

Normally the visceral and parietal pleura of one lung glide easily over one another during breathing because they are smooth and lubricated by pleural fluid. During pleurisy, they become rough and friction between the two pleura develops.

Which parts of the respiratory system function as the main sites of gas exchange?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the nasal conchae and mucosa?

to destroy pathogens entering the nasopharynx

Curved conchae deflect air more than heavier nongaseous particles that hit mucus. Pathogens are trapped, but not necessarily destroyed by mucus. They must either be carried to the stomach for acidic destruction as the mucus is swallowed or dealt with by submucosal leukocytes, such as in tonsils and lymphoid follicles scattered throughout the submucosa.

Which of the following respiratory structures is more commonly known as the "throat"?


The funnel-shaped pharynx connects the nasal cavity and mouth superiorly to the larynx and esophagus inferiorly. Commonly called the throat, the pharynx vaguely resembles a short length of garden hose as it extends from about 13 cm (5 inches) from the base of the skull to the level of the sixth cervical vertebra.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the larynx?

to assist in taste sensation

Taste receptors are present within the oral cavity and much less so in the pharynx, but do not extend to the larynx.

The __________ is also known as the "guardian of the airways."


The smallest subdivisions of the lung visible with the naked eye are the __________, which appear to be connected by black carbon in smokers.


Systemic venous blood that is to be oxygenated in the lungs is delivered by the __________, and the __________ provide oxygenated systemic blood to lung tissue.

pulmonary arteries; bronchial arteries

The structures within the respiratory system's conducting zone include the trachea and the paranasal sinuses.


The alveoli are also known as alveolar sacs.


Which of the following features characterizes the right lung?

presence of a superior, middle, and inferior lobe

Which blood vessels supply oxygenated systemic blood to the lung tissue?

bronchial arteries

The indentation on the medial surface of each lung through which pulmonary and systemic blood vessels, bronchi, lymphatic vessels, and nerves enter and leave is called the ___________.


In which region are the palatine tonsils found?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the nasal conchae?

routing air and food into proper channels

What part of the larynx covers the laryngeal inlet during swallowing to keep food out of the lower respiratory passages?


During the Valsalva's maneuver, what part of the larynx closes to increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as to help with defecation?


Which cartilage belonging to the larynx anchors the vocal cords?

arytenoid cartilages

Which of the following is NOT a function of the larynx?

serving as part of the respiratory zone

Since mucus-producing cells and cilia are sparse in the bronchioles and alveoli, how does the body remove microorganisms that make their way into the respiratory zone?

alveolar macrophages crawl freely along internal alveolar surfaces

What type of epithelial tissue forms the walls of the alveoli?

simple squamous epithelium

Where does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system?


In pneumothorax, the lung collapses because ______.

intrapleural pressure is higher than intrapulmonary pressure

Intrapleural pressure (Ppul) is the gas pressure within the pleural cavity, while intrapulmonary pressure (Pip) is the gas pressure within the alveoli. Normally Ppul is less than Pip to maintain lung expansion. If Ppul exceeds Pip, then the lungs collapse.

Which of the following would NOT be involved in causing bronchiolar constriction during an asthma attack?

adrenal medulla

The adrenal medulla is capable of releasing epinephrine into the bloodstream.

In babies born prematurely, pulmonary surfactant may not be present in adequate amounts ______.

due to insufficient exocytosis in the type II alveolar cells

Type II alveolar cells make surfactant. Without surfactant, the surface tension created by the water vapor within the alveoli would cause them to collapse.

If the compliance of the thoracic wall is decreased, ______.

the intrapleural pressure would not decrease normally during inhalation

As the size of the thoracic cavity increases, so does its volume. This causes intrapleural pressure to go below atmospheric pressure so that air (gases) can move into the lungs during inspiration. If the thoracic cavity cannot change its size (volume), then air movement will not occur.

What is the most immediate driving force behind pulmonary ventilation?

intrapulmonary pressure change

Which of the following is NOT a physical factor that influences pulmonary ventilation?

partial pressure of oxygen in the air

What is the amount of air that can be exhaled with the greatest possible exhalation after the deepest inhalation called?

vital capacity

__________, the difference between the intrapulmonary and intrapleural pressures, prevents the lungs from collapsing.

Transpulmonary pressure

Which form of CO2 transport accounts for the least amount of CO2 transported in blood?

dissolved in plasma

Which of the following pressures rises and falls with the phases of breathing, but eventually equalizes with the atmospheric pressure?

intrapulmonary pressure

Which of the following pressures must remain negative to prevent lung collapse?

intrapleural pressure

Calculate the transpulmonary pressure if atmospheric pressure is 755 mm Hg.

4 mm Hg

Which of the following gives the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas?

Boyle's law

Which of the following pressure relationships best illustrates when inspiration will occur?

Ppul < Patm

Which muscles are activated during normal quiet inspiration?

diaphragm and external intercostal muscles

What is the volume of the total amount of exchangeable air for a healthy, young adult male?

4800 ml

Which volumes are combined to provide the inspiratory capacity?

tidal volume (TV) + inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)

What is the tidal volume of an average adult male or female?

500 ml

Which of the following structures would be the LEAST vulnerable to damage caused by oxygen toxicity?

costal cartilages

Cartilage is normally avascular and receives oxygen by diffusion from surrounding capillaries.

During pneumonia, the lungs become "waterlogged"; this means that within the alveoli there is an abnormal accumulation of ______.

interstitial fluid

Pneumonia is an infection within the lung tissue often accompanied by inflammation. In response to inflammation, the increased permeability of the respiratory membrane results in increased formation of interstitial fluid that enters the alveoli.

Emphysema can result in an ______.

All of the listed responses are correct.

-increased level of carbaminohemoglobin

-increased level of deoxyhemoglobin

-increased likelihood of the skin of Caucasians developing a slightly blue coloration

What is ventilation-perfusion coupling?

matching the amount of gas reaching the alveoli to the blood flow in pulmonary capillaries

Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures exerted independently by each gas in the mixture.


Dalton's law of partial pressures states that when a gas is in contact with a liquid, that gas will dissolve in the liquid in proportion to its partial pressure.


Hypoxia can be caused by ______.

hyposecretion of erythropoietin

Which of the following is the primary factor in oxygen attachment to, or release from, hemoglobin?

partial pressure of oxygen

What is the primary form in which carbon dioxide is carried in blood?

as a bicarbonate ion in plasma

Oxygen is unloaded where it is most needed when blood pH drops, this is a phenomenon known as ___________.

the Bohr effect

What is the most common method of carbon dioxide transport?

as bicarbonate ions in the plasma

Which of the following qualifies as a fully saturated hemoglobin molecule?

hemoglobin is transporting four oxygen molecules

Hypocapnia causes ______.


Hypoxia occurs when to little oxygen is delivered to the tissues. Low carbon dioxide levels stimulate chemoreceptors in the brain and great vessels that signal the respiratory centers of the brain to slow down the respiratory rate. As rate falls, so does the rate of external respiration leading lower oxygen saturation.

What determines the respiratory rhythm in the body?

medullary respiratory centers

What is the most powerful respiratory stimulant in a healthy person?

arterial blood carbon dioxide level

Which of the following arterial blood levels is the most powerful respiratory stimulant?

rising CO2 levels

Which of the following initiates inspiration?

ventral respiratory group (VRG)

Which of the following respiratory rates illustrates eupnea for an average, healthy adult at rest?

15 breaths per minute

Which of the following modifies and smoothes the respiratory pattern?

pontine respiratory centers

Which of the following stimuli is the most powerful respiratory stimulant to increase respiration?

rising carbon dioxide levels

Which of the following inhibits the respiration rate?

stimulation of stretch receptors in the lungs

Which of the following conditions or scenarios increases the respiratory rate?


Which form of hypoxia reflects poor O2 delivery resulting from too few RBCs or from RBCs that contain abnormal or too little hemoglobin?

anemic hypoxia

Emphysema is distinguished by permanent shrinkage of the alveoli.


Although lung cancer is difficult to cure, it is highly preventable.


The normal CFTR protein is a membrane channel protein that controls chloride ion flow into and out of cells. The sweat of cystic fibrosis patients has an abnormally high concentration of salt (NaCl) because the presence of faulty CFTR proteins directly causes ______.

reduced absorption of certain anions from sweat into the sweat duct cells

The functions of the nasal cavity include ________.

warming, moistening, and filtering the air

The larynx ________.

contains the apparatus for speech

The wall of the trachea is composed of several tissues. Which is unique to the trachea?

cartilage rings

The pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of the trachea ________.

produces mucus to trap dust particles, bacteria, and other debris; sweeps the mucus toward the throat, where it can be expelled or swallowed; and lines the airway that is held open by C-shaped cartilaginous rings

Which lobes of the lungs are found in the apex?


The medial surface of the left lung has a cavity that accommodates the contents of the mediastinum. It is called the ________.

cardiac notch

Trace the air flow through the respiratory system starting with the external nares.

1. external nares
2. nasal cavity
3. internal nares
4. nasopharynx
5. oropharynx
6. laryngopharynx
7. larynx
8. trachea
9. primary bronchus
10. secondary bronchus
11. tertiary bronchus
12. bronchiole
13. terminal bronchiole
14. respiratory bronchiole
15. alveolar duct
16. alveolar sac
17. alveolus

The function of the bronchial tree through the terminal bronchiole is ________; the function of the respiratory bronchiole and alveoli is ________.

to move air, gas exchange

A respiratory bronchiole can be distinguished from a terminal bronchiole by ________.

the alveoli that first appear on the respiratory bronchioles

The respiratory membrane includes the ________.

capillary and alveolar walls and their fused basal laminae

Select the pair below that is a correct match of the structure and zone.

conducting zone, trachea

The inflated lungs of a fresh pluck ________.

feel like a soft sponge