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34 Cards in this Set

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Cells of the innate response
Mostly from myelopoiesis!
- Neutrophils, Monocytes are key!
- Also Basophils, Eosinophils (parasites), Mast cells (from monocyte, allergies), dendritic cells (from monocyte), Natural killer cells, interferons
Monocyte overview
2-10% of leukocytes
- Monocytes in circulation, differentiate in tissues (to macrophages)
- Phagocytic - not as active as neutrophils (PMN's)
- Roles in both innate and adaptive immune responses
- Innate - recognize infection exists, migrate to site, recruit neutrophils, phagocytize some debris
- Adaptive - pick up antigens from lysed cells, present them, activate lymphocytes
Neutrophil overview
AKA PMN's = 40-60% of leukocytes (most abundant)
- Short 1/2-life = 1-2 days
- Active phagocytes
- 30-fold reserve in marrow
- Major role of innate response - phagocytosis/destruction of bacteria
Elements of Innate Response
Recognition, containment, amplification, elimination, control
Innate response mechanism steps
Monocyte makes way into CT, differentiates, hangs out waiting
- Recognizes surface elements unique to bacteria - distinct from "self"
- Phagocytic receptors bind, internalize, degrade bacteria
- Receptors for bacterial components induce production, release of cytokines
- Cytokines induce release of neutrophils from marrow -> follow cytokine gradient to affected area
- Cytokines also induce increase vascular permeability, easier access
- Neutrophils enter tissue, phagocytize/destroy bacteria, then die
- Macrophages engulf/degrade dead neutrophils
- Continued cytokine production/release throughout response - increased production/release of neutrophils
Neutrophil phagolysosome mechanism
Bacteria phagocytosed by neutrophil
- Phagosome (enclosing bacteria) fuses azurophilic/specific granules
- pH of phagosome rises, antimicrobial response kills bacteria
- Lysosomes fuse with phagosome, pH rises
- Acid hydrolases degrade bacteria completely
- Neutrophil apoptosis, phagocytosed by macrophage
- Pus = dead neutrophils that took out bacteria
Cells of adaptive response
Main players = Lymphocytes (T- and B- cells)
- Macrophages, dendritic cells - signal T-cells, help get things started
Production of B- and T- cells
B-cell production process
Leave marrow almost mature
- Have ability to recognize antigens
- Produce antibodies in response to antigens (pathogens)
T-cell production process
Leave marrow as immature precursor cells
- Enter thymus, develop ability to recognize antigens
- Leave thymus with specific functions
T-cell types
TH-helper, CD4 (TH1, TH2)
- Tc-cytotoxic, CD8
- Treg - regulatory
- TH17
Organs of lymphoid system
Primary and secondary
- Primary = site of development = marrow, thymus
- Secondary = residence = spleen, lymph nodes, appendix, tonsils, Peyer's patches
Lymphatic circulation
Lymphocytes = leave blood, enter nodes, efferent lymph vessels -> return to blood
- Pathogens = Transported to lymph nodes, activate immune response
Lymph node originating response
Resident B-cells (germinal centers) interact with T-cells
- B-cells begin to divide, germinal center gets larger
- B-cells enter circulation, release antibodies
- Only specific B-cells activated, releaed - specific response!
Interface between innate and adaptive responses
Dendritic cells pick up pathgens/particles, travel to lymph nodes (secondary tissue)
- Act as APC to T-cells, activate T-cells
- T-cells follow cytokine gradient to affected area
- T-cells also interact with, activate B-cells
- Dendritic cells cannot dispose of bacteria/fragments, however!
- Macrophages in the lymph nodes phagocytose bacteria/particles
- Macrophages also act as APC's, activate T-cells
B- and T- cell receptors
B-cells = Y-shaped antibodies (Ab) or Immunoglobulins (Ig) on surface
- Very specific to only certain antigen (Ag)
- T-cells = column shaped receptor - also very specific to only certain Ag
Antigen types
Can be any biomolecule - protein, lipid, carbohydrate, nucleic acids
- Haptens - molecules that are too small by themselves to generate immune response
- Bind to carrier protein = seen as "foreign", elicit response
- Penicillin - too small normally - binds to RBC proteins - becomes ID'able foreign entity
- Any small chemical/medicine can become hapten, elicit immune response
Not all proteins equally good at producing immune response
- Certain portions more likely to generate response, others not very likely
Elements of Adaptive Response
Recognition, containment, amplification, elimination, control (pathogen & turning off response), MEMORY
B-cell antigen recognition
Ab on B-cell surface recognize native (unprocessed by APC) antigens on pathogen surface
- When activated, produces same Ab as the one that matched native Ag
B-cell response
Ag-specific receptors (membrane Ig) on B-cells
- IgM and IgD = surface Ig's of naive resting B-cell
- Binds antigen, internalizes, B-cell activated
- Produces, releases lots of IgM corresponding to Ag
- IgM = has no memory - like innate response!
- Digestion event - allows B-cell to interact with Helper-T-cell
- Helper T-cell releases cytokines - induces B-cells to change isotypes
- IgE = parasites, IgA = mucosal regions, etc.
- T-cell interaction also signals differentiation of B-cells -> antibody factories or memory cells
B-cell T-cell interaction
Process essential for Isotype switching, making memory B-cells
- B-cell surface Ig binds bacteria/fragment
- B-cell engulfs, degrades bacteria into peptides
- Peptides bound to MHC class II in vesicles
- Bound peptides/MHC class II complex travels to B-cell surface
- Helper T-Cell recognizes MHC class II/peptide antigen complex, activates that B-cell
Antibody-mediated defense
Opsonization - "preparing to eat" - like putting ketchup on french fries
- Antibodies from B-cells bind to bacteria they recognize
- Macrophages will phagocytose those bacteria because they are bearing the antibodies
Complement system
Original innate response
- Bacteria get coated with C3B molecule
- C3B is opsonin - marks the bacteria as something to "eat"
- Macrophages with CR1 receptor recognize C3B, phagocytose bacteria
Response against toxins
Ab to bacterial toxins produced by B-cells, float around
- Toxin bound up by Ab, complexes recognized, phagocytosed
T-cell Ag recognition
T-cells don't recognize "native" Ag
- Only recognize things when presented in the MHC protein
T-cell response mechanism
MHC restriction - T-cell learns in thymus to only recognize things within the MHC complex
- MHC = major histocompatability antiges
- Class II - only professional APC's
- Class I - present on every nucleated cell in body - any infected cell presents antigens via class I
- Some pathogens (viruses) block MHC class I - try to evade immune response
T-lymphocyte role education
Enter thymus with no surface receptors
- Interact with MHC class I and II in thymus - determine stronger affinity for one
- Affinity helps determines T-cell fate
Types of antigens
All processed, presented by APC's
- Exogenous = Extracellular, intracellular
- Extracellular - pathogen derived, plant derived, artificial, etc.
- Intracellular - pathogen Ag inside phagocyte
- Endogenous = Synthesized by host cell machinery = viral products
Professional APC's
Macrophage, Dendritic cell, B-cell
- Interact with T-cells via MHC class II
MHC class I response
Fragments of viral protein bind to MHC class I in ER
- Shipped to cell surface
- cytotoxic T-cell recognizes MHC class I complex, kills cell
- Binding of cytotoxic T-cell tells cell to undergo apoptosis
- Also releases granules of proteases, pore-forming proteins to kill cell
MHC class II response
Macrophage engulfs/degrades pathogen or dead neutrophil
- Bacterial peptides bind to MHC class II in vesicles, go to surface
- Helper T-cell recognizes MHC class II
- Dendritic cells also present via MHC class II
MHC importance reasons
Influences development of lymphocytes, T-cell repertoire, adaptive responses
- Plays key role (when things go wrong) with organ transplants, autoimmune diseases
Clonal selection hypothesis
- All lymphocytes that recognize "self" are eliminated early to prevent auto-immune problems
- Each lymphocyte bears single receptor with unique specificity
- Interactions with pathogens only activate small fraction of cells recognizing specific Ag
- When activated, T-cells and B-cells multiply to make clones responding to same Ag
- Clones all bear identical receptor to parent cells