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19 Cards in this Set
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揚がる 揚げる |
sth fly up, to fry, to burst out, to land to makr it fly, to deep fry |
預かる 預ける |
to keep, to take care of, to be in charge to ask someone for storage, for care, to entrust |
温まる 温める |
sth become warmer, sth warm up, heart soften to warm up, to heat up, to keep in mind, to make it yours |
移る 移す |
sth move from, move to, sth pass (time), sth change to move, to remove, to change post, to change school, to infect |
埋まる 埋める |
sth burried(in, under), to fill with to burry, to cover up, to fill up |
売り切れる 売り切る |
sth out of stock to sell out, to sell off |
起こる 起こす |
sth happen, occur, to cause to establish, to be found, to start, to begin, to cause, to generate |
驚く 驚かす |
to be surprised, to be schocked, to be frightened to surprise, to frighten, to terrify |
降りる 降ろす |
to get off, to step off to drop someone off, to take out, to lower |
終わる 終える |
sth finish, end, be over to finish |
帰る 帰す |
to return, come back, leave to let person go back |
重なる 重ねる |
sth be on top of, be piled up to pile up |
片付く 片付ける |
sth put in order, resolved to tidy up, to finish |
被る 被せる |
sth put on, wear, sth dash over, be flooded, be covered, to take on yourself to cover, to pour on, to put blame on someone |
代わる 代える |
sth take the place, substitute for to substitute, to replace |
切れる 切る |
sth break, be wounded, get sharp, wear off to cut, to carve, to chop, to slice |
崩れる 崩す |
sth crumble, fall in pieces, collapse to destroy, to demolish |
砕ける 砕く |
sth break in small pieces, be smashed to break into pieces, to smash, to crush |
くっ付く くっ付ける |
sth stick to, glue to, next to to stick, to past, to glue |