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14 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of good question:

• Simple, direct, and encourage an answer.

• Clearly linked to the goal.

• Identify the target population.

• Guide to the appropriate intervention required.

• Determine what type of study is needed.

• Identify background characteristics that might influence outcomes.

Challenges of EBN

New, Unfamiliar.

Need to develop good search strategies.

Must identify best Database.

Need to do critical appraisals.

To carry out EBN the following factors must be considered:

Sufficient research must have been published on the specific topic.

The nurse must have skill in accessing and critically analyzing research.

The nurse's practice must allow her/him to implement changes based on EBN.

Factors facilitate the application of EBP

Educational emphasis on EBP in nursing schools and hospitals.

Administrative support.


Clearly written and well done research reports.

Library and internet access in the clinical area.

Types of Evidence Resources

1. Textbooks and Journals.

2. Consolidated Resources and Beyond.

Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention/Treatment Questions

Systematic review and Meta- analysis.

Cohortstudy and Case – control study.

Getting EBP to the Staff

Power Point Presentation.

• New employee orientation.

EBP not in original curricula.

A PubMed Subject Search

Be specific

•Use key words for main concepts

The evidence – based practice process involves the following steps:

Problem identification



Difficulties in applying evidence in practice because of the following factors:

Poor access to best evidence and its guidelines.

■b) Organizational barriers.

■c) Ineffective continuing education programs.

■d) Low patient adherence to treatment.

Levels of evidence:

Descriptive surveys

7. Case studies

8. Decision analysis

Problems with information sources

Too slow.

Change is hard to achieve.

Just in time information.

Improvement techniques

Importance of using and applying EBP

To improve quality of care provided by nurses.

To increase patient satisfaction.

To achieve excellence in care delivery.

What are the skills that can facilitate application of EBP?

The ability to clearly identify the problems of practice .

The ability to find research literature.

The ability to evaluate the research findings.

The ability to apply the research results into practice.