This process takes a toll on the community as well by damaging its informal social control which Clear says is “the most powerful source of public safety…that suppress[es] deviance” (83). Informal social control functions in two ways, that from the family level and other “strong tie” relationships and on a parochial level which includes “weak tie” relationships from jobs, church or other social groups. Informal social control is a shared sense of what is right and what is wrong, defining social expectations and public norms (84). When a family is focused on either the exit or the entrance of a family member, they lose focus on their other relationships in an effort to accommodate the changes in their home. When a number of families in a community are experiencing the same types of transformation, there is a lack of investment in other community members on a large scale (84). Therefore the neighborhood has no connection to itself. There is strength in numbers and in this situation there is a lack of numbers and a lack of
This process takes a toll on the community as well by damaging its informal social control which Clear says is “the most powerful source of public safety…that suppress[es] deviance” (83). Informal social control functions in two ways, that from the family level and other “strong tie” relationships and on a parochial level which includes “weak tie” relationships from jobs, church or other social groups. Informal social control is a shared sense of what is right and what is wrong, defining social expectations and public norms (84). When a family is focused on either the exit or the entrance of a family member, they lose focus on their other relationships in an effort to accommodate the changes in their home. When a number of families in a community are experiencing the same types of transformation, there is a lack of investment in other community members on a large scale (84). Therefore the neighborhood has no connection to itself. There is strength in numbers and in this situation there is a lack of numbers and a lack of