Go listen to all my music. It is the codes of self esteem; the codes of who you are. If you are a Kanye West fan, you’re not a fan of me but you are a fan of yourself. You will believe in yourself. I am just the expresser; I am just the shot in the morning to get you going. I am not sure if I have achieved that or not but I still have time to do so.
Q: Please tell us more about what we should anticipate from Kanye West's new album?
My last album, Yeezus was a protest of music. I would compare the songs in the album to a persistent, slow free-throw shooter. But my latest …show more content…
The guardian has revealed that you have passed Bob Dylan in breadth of lyrical vocabulary. The analysis of vocabulary used by 99 of the biggest selling found you and other artists such as Eminem and Jay-Z streets ahead of Dylan and the Beatles for number of words used. How do you feel about it?
Hip-hop is currently the most lyrically expansive genre overall so I am not surprised at all that some of the modern artists in this genre have achieved this so-called ‘milestone’. Personally, this does not mean anything to me. I am not about achieving milestones or getting awards for accomplishments. I want people to remember me as Kanye West, the one and only and not for how many words I have used in my songs.
Q: We are almost about done here, is there anything else you would like to share with the fans?
There is nothing else I can say here right now that will not be said in my songs.
It is my way of communicating, inspiring, motivating and helping the people.
It is my way of giving back to my people, even to the ones that do not like my music. I do not expect to be understood at all. I mean, there are people who are wired to accept what I am saying and then there are people who are wired to reject what I am saying. That’s just