‘Pull?' he said, as if he wanted to do just that to various sensitive parts of my body.
It was translated as:
- Pull? - powiedział, jakby chciał pociągnąć mnie za różne, najbardziej wrażliwe części ciała.
The name of the protagonist has been misspelled by one of his French colleagues into Pull. For the English reader the connotation to physical activity is obvious; however, the following part of the sentence would not make sense to the Polish reader, if it had not been for the footnote explaining the word pull. The same situation can be noticed in the following example: …show more content…
Mimo że pisali to sweat (pot).
In the given instance, the translator decided to keep the original words in brackets instead of looking for Polish equivalents to render the similar meaning. Because of that the sentence looks unprofessional or at least it is missing its original fluency. Still, there are also parts where foreignization does not spoil the humorous sense, e.g. the below sentence:
“Sandwich, a cousin of Monsieur Fish and Chips”
Translated into:
“Monsieur Sandwicz, kuzyn Monsieur Ryba z Frytkami”
The given excerpt where foreignization strategy was applied includes both French (monsieur) and English (fish and chips) references; it also keeps the joke in place because of mixing them in one sentence. Reference words are easily recognized as cultural-specific items. Also, in the conversation below from the case study, foreignization helped maintaining the cultural joke:
‘What is a moog?'
'Oui, moog of tea.'
'Ah, mug,' I corrected him.
'Oui, mag.'
'Oui, c'est ga,' I congratulated him. 'Un maaahhg est un grand coop.' …show more content…
It allows the translator to keep the humor in place. Nevertheless, there are instances that show flaws of this method.
3.1.2. Lack of equivalents
One of the issues that can be found within the source text might be words that, for whatever reason, are lacking equivalents in the target language. It might be caused by cultural reasons but also simply by language diversity. They might be words or phrases that can only be translated in a descriptive way. One of such cases is the example below:
I didn't really pay any attention to the guy at first, except to do a double-take at his impeccable colour coordination. Sand-brown fleece, beige-and-green shirt, khaki chinos, light-brown suede shoes. Even his hair matched, a kind of chestnut-and-grey flecked combination.
Translated into:
Na początku nie zwróciłem uwagi na tego gościa, z wyjątkiem zbyt późnego odnotowania nienagannej koordynacji kolorów. Piaskowobrązowy polar, beżowo-zielona koszula, bawełniane spodnie khaki, jasnobrązowe, zamszowe buty. Nawet jego włosy pasowały kolorystycznie, specyficzna mieszanka kasztanowego i