Back in 1986, Michael Morton had a good, happy life. He was a father to a toddler named Eric and a wife. Everything was going well until he was sentenced to life on February 17, 1987 for the murder of his wife. They believed Michael was angry at his wife because she would not spend personal time with him the night before on his birthday. Therefore Michael was blamed and convicted for the murder. Michael was released on October 4th in 2011 and exonerated December 19th 2011. Michael was convicted over government misconduct. Just like in the play, The Crucible, the judges convicted many people who were innocent. Unlike Michael, they suffered and had to hang. Michael was exonerated based off of DNA and The Innocence …show more content…
The innocence project has helped many wrongfully convicted people and still do till this day. Michael’s story is just one case they were involved with. The organization wants to be able to get involved and free as many people as they can. Even though there is corruption and injustice in this world, the innocence project wants to appeal and help as many people as they can have justice. Without the Innocence Project, Many of the people they helped would probably not be exonerated right …show more content…
Michael was convicted over misconduct in the government. There was not any evidence against Mr. Morton but they hypothesized against him: “the prosecution presented no witnesses or physical evidence that tied Morton to the crime…” (“The Cases- the Innocence Project”). They directly said there was not any actual evidence of Michael committing the crime. There was only one item in the case that had Michael’s DNA on it. A bandana that was covered in blood was found near his house, it had Michael’s DNA along with his wife’s and another man’s on it. In 2011, Michael was allowed testing on this bandana (“The Cases- the Innocence Project”). That man was discovered to be Mark Norwood from California. Mark was staying in Texas at the time of this crime. Mark was a convicted felon who had a record on him. Mark killed another lady the same way as Michael’s wife. They found Mark’s hair that was on the bandana at the other crime scene of that lady. Michael was in prison at the time that crime was committed. After those tests, they found the real criminal who killed Michael’s