Husak believes that it is morally right to use drugs. Husak believes that instead of ignoring the problem, we should be trying to change the reasons why America has so many recreational drug users. He urges that a better strategy “to combat drugs might attempt to identify and change the conditions peculiar to America that have led to widespread use” (Husak 234). Husak blames America for the amount of users taking drugs and suggests that America fixes itself, instead of the drug users. Husak quotes Hamowy when he states that the drug war is “’the most expensive intrusion into the private lives of Americans ever;’” however, Husak believes that the war on drugs cannot be measured by the amount of money used to correct users (Husak 233).
It is also important to know that the definition that Husak refers to in his writing is “any substance other than food which by its chemical nature affects the structure or function of the living organism” (Husak 235). Husak then explains that this common definition is too broad with no distinction between illegal and legal drugs. A survey showed that “95 percent of adults recognize heroin as a drug, only 39 percent categorize alcohol as a drug” (Husak 235). This supports that the definition of a drug is not widely known or