Drug Legalization Effects

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This research paper aims to study the negative effects of drug legalization in the US, by extracting reliable data and statistics. As time progress, issues such as “drug legalization” continue to disturb the equilibrium of the society. It is certain that everyone at some point, either directly or indirectly has been affected by the consumption of drugs. It can be anything ranging from the abusive behavior of a family member or may be excessive burden on the economy of a country. My paper conducts a detailed analysis of the negative impacts of drug legalization and on the American society and human health.
It is not just in America but throughout the world that people are attracted towards substances that may greatly harm their health. The
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However, despite of the factual evidence presented on the negative impact of legalization of marijuana, there are many companies that are still pushing this notion of legalizing drugs, due to the profits associated with it. The drug policy of the state should be based on reliable data and statistics and on hard sciences rather than the interest of an entity aiming to make profits by harming the health of citizen and imposing negative effects on the economy …show more content…
Legalization of certain drugs would work in the interest of the American government imposing a powerful positive impact on the economy as a whole. The benefits associated with legalization of drugs may take into account creation of new jobs for the people, establishment of a whole new profitable industry and generation of streams of never ending revenue, which would bring prosperity for the overall economy. The positive effects of enforcing such a law may just be short term, illogical and may lead to nothing but corruption, imposing negative impact on the overall society. Promoting the legalization of a substance that can easily turn into an addiction is not the best idea of boosting the economic growth. It is important that the moral obligation is given preference over the monetary profits for the establishment a society with strong

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