Wife Of Bath Misogynist Essay

Improved Essays
Dariana Rodriguez
Ms. Casey
English 4
2 February 2015 Y.O.Y.O. #2 In the Medieval times women were perceived very differently from today’s modern day woman. The expectations of women were to be prim, proper, and submissive. A woman was considered to be a helpless, uneducated, and delicate flower who must be protected. Men considered women to be property of their father from birth until ownership was shifted onto their daughter’s new husbands. Women were not allowed to make their own decisions because they were considered incapable of making rational ones. Thus, women were subjected to being dependant on their man’s approval. A misogynist is a person (particularly a man) who is prejudiced against women. The story of “The Wife Of Bath” meets the ideas that misogynist have about women. The character The Wife of Bath confirms the stereotypes in relation to the misogynist ideas about women
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Proving this belief she advises “A wys womman wol bisye hire evere in oon. To gete hire love, ye, ther as she hath noon.” (lines 215-216). The Wife Bath is saying that a woman can use a man’s love in order to gain power over him and with that reason a woman should make a man fall in love with her. By having dominance over men The Wife of Bath is contradicting a misogynist stereotype. That women were inferior to men. Referring to the bible The Wife of Bath confirms one of the misogynist stereotypes in these lines “Where can ye saye in any manere age / That hye God defended marriage / By expres word? I praye you, telleth me / Or where he commanded virginitee?” (lines 65-68). This proves the misogynist stereotype that women are not as capable as men in the understanding of mysteries and deep meanings of the Bible. Also that if women are given some education about the bible, women would only use the bible to justify their sinful conduct or

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