Although we do not know about the life the old wife had before she meets the knight, we still see that she desires control of him just as the Wife of Bath did with Jenkin. The old wife even tells the knight that sovereignty is the thing that women most desire! The old wife is upset that the knight should act so upset that she is ugly, and she negates the knight and tells him every reason why it is a good thing. The knight literally says “I put myself in your wise governing” (1236). He gave her all the control in that situation and it pleased the old wife so much she gave him both a beautiful and faithful wife. Likewise, after Jenkin and the Wife of Bath had their big fight, Jenkin “gave me all the bridle in my hand to have governing of house and land…. After that day we never had debate” (820—829). So we see that both husbands ended up relinquishing their control, and that both couples ended up being very
Although we do not know about the life the old wife had before she meets the knight, we still see that she desires control of him just as the Wife of Bath did with Jenkin. The old wife even tells the knight that sovereignty is the thing that women most desire! The old wife is upset that the knight should act so upset that she is ugly, and she negates the knight and tells him every reason why it is a good thing. The knight literally says “I put myself in your wise governing” (1236). He gave her all the control in that situation and it pleased the old wife so much she gave him both a beautiful and faithful wife. Likewise, after Jenkin and the Wife of Bath had their big fight, Jenkin “gave me all the bridle in my hand to have governing of house and land…. After that day we never had debate” (820—829). So we see that both husbands ended up relinquishing their control, and that both couples ended up being very