Why Men Lose Their Hair

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What do Channing Tatum, Dwain Johnson and Will Smith have in common? They like many other famous actors have...baldness. Men are usually known for their shining dome which stand for their intelligence and maturity but no matter how posh and formal they look they still desire their luxuriant hair. Scientists have long wondered why men lose their hair and how it can be restored.
Did you know there are approximately 100,000-150,000 pieces of hair growing out of your scalp. Scientists have discovered 2 things why hair is so thick on your head. 1 thickness is made from Keratin the protein which is dead cells lifted above and new cells created below. Secondly, the structure which operate hair growth are hair follicles-This is how your hair grows constantly beginning for when you were born till you die.
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The opening phase is Anagen,growth phase...right now 90% of your hair follicles are going through this right now, this causes your hair to grow at the rate of 1 centimeter per month. Anagen continues up to 2-7 years based on your jeans. After this productive phase your skin signals some follicles to proceed in the second phase known as Cartagena regressing phase...creating the hair follicles to shrink to a ¼ of their hair. Catagen can last up to 2-3 weeks cutting blood supplies to the follicles, making a clump hair meaning it’s ready o be shed. Finally your hair proceeds into Telogen-the resting phase which last to 10-12 weeks this affects about 5-15% of your scalp follicles. During this phase upto 200 club hairs are sheded this is actually normal for men then after that the growth cycle starts

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