Why Is Nick Carraway Careless In The Great Gatsby

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Green is proven to be the most calming color in the world. To represent neutrality and agree-ability in a way that just soothes someone down. It’s the color of fresh silk like grass, the outer shell of the most satisfying apple; the color of covetous money. How incredibly ironic that a color that is seen in such an evenhanded way is the color of something that can cause the opposite of an agreeable situation, the almighty dollar. Money does anything but create neutral and calming encounters, it can breed a mentally of carelessness and greed. It can absolutely destroy someone. This exact theme is repeatedly seen in the wonderful work of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. In the mind blowing novel, Nick Carraway tells the story of an unforgettable …show more content…
The first example of it is during chapter three; Nick Carraway, the narrator, states “ The bar is in full swing, and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter, and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot, and enthusiastic meetings between women who never knew each other’s name”(pg 40). The context of this quote is explaining the glamour of a Gatsby party. The specific line explains how people get lost in the alcohol and atmosphere of the party that they don’t even remember conversations or names. This is a perfect example of how a huge party dripping in spent wealth brings an air of unconcerned behavior about people’s surroundings in a splendid choice of artful words that display imagery. Another example of imagery showing this theme is during chapter seven. Gatsby states that Daisy's ”voice is full of money” and Nick goes on in an eureka moment painting the sound of her voice saying “...that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals’ song of it... High in a white palace the king’s daughter, the golden girl...”(pg …show more content…
The first example of Nick point of view highlights the ever evident theme, is during chapter one. There Nick states “As for Tom, the fact that he ‘had some women in New York’ was really less surprising than that he had been depressed by a book”(pg 20). This a clear and ironically judgmental, Nick states that he usually isn’t judgmental earlier on, statement towards Tom by Nick and through it he secondly handily shows how the wealth in Tom can explain his careless. Restating that Tom’s not welly hidden affairs are not, in his opinion surprising. Scott uses this opinion of Nick to show the obviousness of Toms careless behavior can be held responsible to his high status and wealth. Another example when Nick’s point of view as narrator shows the carelessness in wealth is in chapter eight when Nick tells Gatsby’s and Daisy’s first moments of love in a flashback. He states that “He (Gatsby) knew that Daisy was extraordinary, but he didn’t realize just how extraordinary a ‘nice’ girl could be. She vanished into her rich house, into her rich full life, leaving Gatsby--nothing”(pg 149). With this statement and observation of Gatsby’s story with Daisy Nick shows how Daisy who was seen as extraordinary by Gatsby was careless and left him running into her rich lifestyle. If it wasn’t for the fact that Gatsby was poor and her being so connected with the need of wealth,

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