Still, The Great Gatsby contradicts Adam’s statement since Jay Gatsby dedicates himself to accumulate a fortune in order to win the love of Daisy (Fay) Buchanan and acceptance of the aristocracy. F. Scott Fitzgerald guides Gatsby on the correct path to achieve his American Dream, but his dream slowly becomes distorted by the influence of society’s focus on materialism; this new way of life for Jay Gatsby does not win the approval and acceptance of the East Egg elite, and more importantly Daisy’s heart. It is also evident that many misinterpret the American Dream as an objective of accumulating of wealth throughout the development of the novel. In effect, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby reveals the corruption of the American Dream during the nineteenth twenties by surfacing the issues of unrestrained and unprecedented hedonism, as well as materialism; the devoid sense morals and ethics present in society; and the America’s obsession with …show more content…
Paralleled to the notion of the failing and declining American Dream is the idea that decadence, as well as materialism arrive as the great vices of the Jazz Age that The Great Gatsby portrays. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s descriptions of the majority of the characters and environments throughout the novel exemplify allusions to the decadent excess and importance of materialism during this postwar period. This aspect of the author’s well developed plot directly communicates the central belief of the nineteen twenties: an augmenting tendency and desire among Americans to posses objects of great grandeur and the culminating of wealth as a vehicle to social success. In support of this, Nick Caraway, the main narrator of the novel recounts when Jay Gatsby “took out a pile of shirts and began throwing the, one by one, before [them], shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel, which lost their fold as they fell and covered the table . . . [and] Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily.” further placing an importance on materialism as Gatsby’s strives to capture the heart of his beloved Daisy. (F. Scott Fitzgerald 92). Considering that Jay Gatsby utilizes his excess