‘The Great Gatsby’ is a novel published in 1925 by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. Midwest-born Nick Carraway details Jay Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire obsessed with the notion of being reunited with Daisy Buchanan, a woman he lost five years earlier. The novel particularly focuses on describing the disintegration of the American dream; the view that all people are created equal, and have equal opportunity in the pursuit for happiness. This definition of the American dream, however, is challenged by Fitzgerald; suggesting that the American dream became nothing but the pursuit for happiness through materialism (having a big house, car, etc.). This paper will explore and analyse the techniques that Fitzgerald used to undermine the American…
Once Gatsby’s dream of Daisy fades away –similar to the iconic representation of the fading green light on the dock- so does the “driving forth” of Gatsby’s money. His dream of her disintegrates, much like the American Dream that was prominent in the 1920s. Thus, Fitzgerald portrays that not only Gatsby is guilty of this thirst for wealth, whether it have a purpose or not. Many Americans in this time period were subordinates of the sins of avarice and prodigality.…
Fitzgerald’s work shows the absurdities of social standards and the boundaries that are set because materialistic values are altering the lives of Americans as they become almost obsessed with having money and wealth. Through the descriptive analysis of the characters and settings, Fitzgerald emphasizes his ideas of the over importance of financial well-being and social status as traditional values fade in the roaring twenties. Fitzgerald uses the theme of the corrupted American dream in several of his works. Characters within the novel exemplify an extreme hunger for wealth and desire to be financially superior. Fitzgerald separates people into three social classes: those who obtained family money, those who worked hard to earn their money, and those who don’t have money.…
Scott Fitzgerald was a revolutionary modernist author, who through his novel The Great Gatsby, critiqued the changing atmosphere of the 1920’s and displayed his idea of how the American Dream has become corrupted. Fitzgerald had lived in a very similar lifestyle of the characters in his book, making him the perfect chronicler of the times. Even so, Fitzgerald saw how the American Dream had changed with The Great War from the idea of hard work and determination into money and pleasure being the real happiness. People didn’t want to go back to working hard after almost dying on a daily basis. Even though The Great Gatsby was not an instant hit, or very well received at all for that matter, when it was first published, today it is one of the greatest examples of a modernist novel in…
Nick Carraway, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, idolizes Jay Gatsby and blames what preyed on Gatsby for his downfall. Through his portrayal of Jay Gatsby, Fitzgerald illustrates the fiction of the American Dream and the disillusionment present amid the economic prosperity of the 1920s. Gatsby’s aspiration to climb the social ladder reflects the idea of the American Dream. Just as each individual is created equal, each individual has the opportunity to achieve success. One’s familial background should not serve as a significant factor in determining their future.…
The American Dream is universally sought after and coveted, after all the possibility of becoming anything and rising above one 's meeger beginnings is tantalizing. However, the American Dream can also produce destruction and devastation. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the destructive nature of the American Dream through his characters Myrtle, Tom, Gatsby, Daisy, and Wilson and through his symbolic use of dust. Set in the Roaring Twenties, Fitzgerald’s novel focuses on these characters, who are intimately woven together through an intricate web of affairs, and dreams. Fitzgerald uses the relationships that each of these characters have to each other and their relationships to dust to reveal the true price of the American dream, and how those who idolize it will find themselves destroyed by it.…
Fitzgerald proves to the audience why he believes in the death of the American dream. The Great Gatsby is a highly symbolic reflection on America in the 1920s, the dissolving of the American dream in an era of new fortune and genuine excess. The story of the forbidden love between Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, helps emphasize the theme which is to educate and entertain the readers about what it truly means to be American. This existing theme in the novel reaches out to more than just living the “American dream”, it exemplifies the true meaning of being a surviving human being, and not just a human,…
To what extent is the American Dream a reality, a promise, or an illusion? Readers can infer the answer to this question means through extensive reading of American literature. Through reading “ I, Too” by Langston Hughes, “I Have a Dream”, by Martin Luther, “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck and “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald. All these are examples of what an American Dream could be to anyone. All of these have different meanings and shows how each character had an American Dream of what they wanted to accomplish.…
American Dream: The Great Gatsby In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. S. Fitzgerald writes about a time period in American history where achieving anything was possible, at least that was the common belief. Not only does he describe the economic, social, and historical circumstances that drive his characters, but also a glimpse into the minds of the characters that they use as a way to justify their actions and motives. The most basic reason for the actions that take place in the course of the book is towards an idea that many people are familiar with. It’s the American Dream.…
Everybody has their own yellow brick road some decide to follow it and others don’t. Beyonce, Jennifer lopez, and Jay Gatsby did and after all the rocks that got thrown onto their path they ended up happy and wealthy. They eventually found their mansion at the end of the road especially Gatsby, each of them celebrated with music. If three out of three accomplished their American Dream then any human or book character can, no matter what your social status is just work around the obstacles and find ways where they benefit you. Dreams are messages or personal goals we think and create in our minds for a reason, so don’t be afraid to listen to them.…
In American literature classes today, The Great Gatsby has found its place as one of the most discussed and debated novels of the 20th century. Upon one’s first reading of The Great Gatsby, he may simply find it to be an exciting tale of the fast life and times of New York City. However, with closer analysis, we can find that almost everything, from symbols to storyline, has a deeper meaning. Particularly, although Gatsby’s storyline is commonly related to the “American Dream”, not everything that glitters is gold in Fitzgerald’s magnum opus, as the false appearances and lies told by the main characters corrupt the “American Dream” to a hollow and materialistic disgrace.…
On the surface of the novel written by Scott F. Fitzgerald, one may say that "The Great Gatsby" illustrates a classic American story with a plot twist, having one of the preeminent characters pass in an abrupt and unforeseen way. However, underneath that very surface lies the resounding theme of the novel—The American Dream. "The Great Gatsby" is a pure symbolic reflection of America in the 1920s, depicting the effects of the sudden boom in the marketplace and the intensified materialistic views people gained. The American Dream in the novel is stripped of its ambition and gaiety once Fitzgerald spun a mordant critique of that particular decaying illusion in the society of the '20s, where people 's ethical significance was splintering, and their giddy greed for wealth and superfluous material items resulted in hedonism—which very well still happens today.…
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s take on the “roaring 20’s” in The Great Gatsby is amazingly accurate; events in the book parallel the lives of Americans in the 20’s, and on a larger scale, American society itself. With this connection between fiction and reality, Fitzgerald conveys a variety of themes within the story. The primary vehicle of Fitzgerald’s message is none other than Jay Gatsby- the principle character of the novel; Gatsby himself stands as a symbolization of the “rising” class in society, or those who have the ambition to attempt to ascend in the socio-economic hierarchy, despite humble beginnings. One such themes, that is heavily imparted is the theme of idealism, and this is done mainly through Gatsby. Gatsby’s idealism represents an…
The main theme behind Fitzgerald’s literature is the demise of the American Dream. By examining his portrayal of the “elite society” it is very easy to perceive that the American Dream is no longer about hard work and dedication to reach success. Rather Fitzgerald argues that it has now become solely about manipulation to become materialistic and corrupt. For example, on the surface Jay Gatsby is perceived to be a successful man with a dashing personality, expensive clothes, and a luxurious mansion. But upon taking a look at how he attained all of those things he is the exact opposite of what the American Dream was originally about.…
F. Scott Fitzgerald exhibits a glimpse of the American society in the 1920s in his novella The Great Gatsby; set ‘In the city that never sleeps’, he exposes the social hierarchy full of injustices, consumerism and excess. The novel tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a man whose desire to be reunited with his long lost love brings him from poverty to unimaginable wealth. Sadly being married to unsensitive Tom Buchanan, Gatsby’s beloved Daisy does not bring him happiness, but eventually, death. Fitzgerald deliberately sets up the story to show how each distinct social class -old, new and no money- has its own problems and uses various settings to contribute to the novel’s themes about the disapproved social climbers and the abysmal difference between…