Peggy Mcintoh's Analysis

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Peggy McIntosh wrote extensively about her personal relationship to the sociological concept of privilege and correlated her findings with her background in Women’s Studies. Most men were willing to acknowledge that women suffer under patriarchal structures, but were unwilling to acknowledge how women’s oppression put them at an advantage in society (McIntosh 1988). By theorizing gender as a system that is used to maintain order within society, we can observe the hierarchical differences within race and class and observe the disparities they present among men across social class. By denying their privilege, White men maintain their power and continue dominate subordinate groups. Gender as a system can be likened to a ladder. On this ladder, men occupy the top rung and women occupy the bottom. Through this structure, men maintain most of the power where they are portrayed as legitimate sources of authority and responsibility, all the while reaping the benefits of women’s labor (Anderson and Umberson, pg. 495). Hegemonic masculinity is the default definition for which every individual is evaluated on how closely they can mimic the actions of a white European, middle and/or upper class, heterosexual, able-bodied man (Connell, pg. 321). Within this hierarchy, men of color, women, and children occupy the latter rungs and are thereby more susceptible to oppression from the dominant group. Privilege is an unearned advantage in the form of power and strength, which can manifest itself in a variety of ways. When we consider race, White privilege is the ability to navigate invisibly within economic, political, and social spaces with ease (McIntosh, 1988). There is a patriarchal structure within Western society whereby men represented by hegemonic masculinity, which is the rubric for which all other individuals’ will ultimately fall short of. Marginalized groups have no choice but to compete for resources and power against the dominant group. In order to preserve the social …show more content…
Because hegemonic masculinity supports upper/middle class Eurocentric ideals, Black working class men are seen as incompetent members of society. Negative perceptions of their education, strength, and self-discipline is used to justify their oppression (White and Peretz, pg. 321). Even when middle-class Black men rise above the perceived low class stereotype, they still represented a feminized version of Black machismo (White and Peretz, pg. 322). Black men are faced with a double edge sword; they could play their role in machismo by being aggressive, risking their safety as they are interpreted as violent savages or they could play a less threatening role and risk their masculinity through feminized ways of displaying their emotion. In both situations, the Black man fails to live up the Eurocentric ideals of masculinity and is rendered a failure in …show more content…
When learning about civil rights movements, Black men are sure to hear narratives about Black men within that time period opposed to Black women; are more likely to be taken seriously when speaking; they are also more likely to assume more leadership positions (Woods, 2008). Black men who wish to dismantle the cisgender, heterosexual patriarchal structures within our society have banded together with Pro-feminist movements. Through their involvement, they discuss issues that are typically seen as taboo within traditionally masculine circles. By focusing on how hegemonic masculinity hinders equality for women and hinders male development within these spheres, these men attempt to dismantle the oppressive practices of masculine superiority within Western

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