In that time if you were not going to church every sunday and committed any sins you were assumed to be worshipping the devil. There was no medium... it was it is possible that you had confidence in God or you believed in the devil. Abigail and her companions were moving around a fire and singing melodies one night and got caught doing this. The second the young ladies were found moving in the forested areas they were consequently blamed for doing witchcraft. Abigail was drinking an elixir that would have killed The wife of John Proctor. She wanted John Proctor's wife to be put to death because she was in love with him. Several months before the date the play begins, she had an affair with John. She was living with John and his wife to clean the place. When John's wife, Elizabeth Proctor finds out, she fires her and kicks her out of her home. At the point when every one of the young ladies are addressed about moving in the forested areas Abigail drives them into telling the townspeople just what she needs them to know.The minute she felt her life was in threat is the second everybody sees her as this villain they make her out to be. When they came down on her about doing witchcraft she started to accuse other people that went to her head. When she started to do it, the various young ladies obliged her and began doing likewise. At the point when every one of the young ladies are addressed about moving in the forested areas Abigail drives them into telling the townspeople just what she needs them to know.The minute she felt her life was in threat is the second everybody sees her as this villain they make her out to be. When they came down on her about doing witchcraft she started to accuse other people that went to her head. When she started to do it, the …show more content…
The ladies who were all blamed for witchcraft had a power of stuggle. They didn't experience the perfect picture of what a lady ought to be. "The stubborn Rebecca Nurse, the dark slave Tituba, the smashed Goody Osburn, Bridget Bishop (who lived with a man for a long time before wedding him), and the unconventional Sarah Good are all blamed for witchcraft"(TUNC 267). Despite the fact that Abigail and alternate young ladies were the ones to denounce them, they knew not these ladies in light of their status in the town. These ladies were denounced for conflicting with the standard. Abigail was astute in picking these ladies on the grounds that they were simple