What Are The Similarities Between Boo Radley And Tom Robinson

Decent Essays
Gianna 12/26/16Eng. comp. litJillian Price In the book TKAM by Harper Lee, Boo Radley and Tom Robinson had many similarities. Boo Radley's efforts were needed to look after himself and others such as Jem finch and his younger sister Scout. When Boo Radley was protecting himself it went to new outcomes such as Boo Radley being sentenced to a judge from the law, to the boys' school. Boo was sent because of attacking his father years before that made Boo get shut up in his home. Boo had no friends Since no one was sure of the truth. Almost “everyone” and the children viewed Boo as a monster but couldn't get over wanting to make sense of him. Boo Radley is innocent of any rumours and gossip said among the community. He does not socialize to

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