Today we are going to look at the topic of wellness. Specifically, how do you best support the wellness and wellbeing of children in your care? If you google wellness you are bombarded with an array of information on how best to achieve and maintain good health and wellbeing. With the abundance of information out there it is easy to become overloaded and engulf in too much information.
What is wellness?
Wellness is a state of healthy mind, body and soul. How a person feels, behaves, engages and interacts with their environment is connected to their wellness and wellbeing. A person’s health is very multifaceted, to look at the wellness and wellbeing of a person we …show more content…
So why are we talking about OUR wellness and wellbeing? It’s simple. Our wellness and wellbeing in all seven dimensions, shape how we conduct ourselves on a day to day basis. When we are in a positive state of wellness and wellbeing we are able to tend to the children in our care in a positive way. We are working at our optimal capacity and we can educate the children to the highest degree possible. Our health in this area directly affects the children.
When our mind, body and soul are well it enables us to work to our best potential. Johnson (2007, page 3) tells us that if we ignore our wellness and wellbeing and become overcome by the day-to-day pressures of life we become fatigued, drained and unable to perform at our best. Think back to when you have felt like this. It’s hard to look after yourself during this time, let alone trying to look after some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We need to give them the best of us; a relaxed, calm and nurturing presence. After we take care of ourselves, only then can we give to others.
The importance of the relationship between educators and