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Venezuela is in South America, between Columbia and Guyana. It’s bordering the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a humid, tropical climate, but its more moderate in the highlands. The capital is Caracas. As of 2014, the population was 28,868,486. They have an ethnic make-up of Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African and indigenous people. Most of the people are predominately Roman Catholic, 96%. The rest are Protestant, 2%, and other, 2%. There are about 40 languages spoken in Venezuela. But, Spanish is the official language, and is the most common language. Wayuu, Warao, Piraroa, Yanomami, Kahlihna, Manduhuaca, Panaré, Penóm, Guahibo, and Nhengtu are the indigenous languages spoken in the country. Most of which originated from the languages of the Caribs, the Arawaks, and the Chibcha. Venezuelans are proud of their country and heritage. Simon Bolivar, born in Venezuela, liberated much of South America from the Spanish colonists. They have four separate public holidays for their independence. During these holidays, the flags are flown outside private houses as well as public buildings and there are street parades. Venezuela’s folk music and dances have been greatly influenced by the costumes, traditions and religious beliefs of the three races which constitute Venezuela’s population: White, Indian and Black. …show more content…
Popular dances are to great extent the product of Creole (criollo) culture. Nevertheless, typical Indian dances and other signs of almost pure African origins may still be found in some areas. The origin of Venezuela’s musical instruments can be traced back to the indigenous, Europeans and African cultures. All three have greatly influenced popular music. Before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Indians used carved bones flutes, clay whistles, seashell trumpets and maracas. During the Spanish colonization and the arrival of the African slaves, several instruments were incorporated into the popular music tradition such as cuatro (a four-string small guitar), violin, guitar and drums.
The Joropo:
The Joropo is the national dance of Venezuela. As the national dance of Venezuela, it is performed throughout the country. Lively, merry and syncopated, it is Spanish in origin and Venezuelan in feeling. It is a dance for couples and has as many as thirty-six variants of the basic steps. The musical accompaniment is provided by the cuatro, maracas and counter pointed by a harp.
Red Devils of Yare: The red dancing devils of Yare begin their traditional battle against the forces of righteousness on Corpus Christi day, and it is one of the most unique and colorful ceremonies of the Christian World. The outcome of the battle is also traditional; virtue will triumph but not until after a full day of strenuous opposition on the part of Satan’s henchmen. Christmas: Christmas: In Venezuela, Christmas is celebrated with several religious and traditional customs.
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As a predominantly Catholic country, Christmas festivities celebrate the birth of the child Jesus. The religious celebrations begin on the 16th of December with masses said every morning until December 24th, when the religious service is held at midnight, Misa de Gallo. The main celebration takes place on Christmas Eve, Noche Buena, as it is called in Spanish. Families get together to enjoy the traditional holiday meal: hallacas, pan de jamón, dulce de lechoza. The pan de jamón is a long bread filled with cooked ham and raisins. The dulce de lechoza is a dessert made of green papaya and brown sugar, slowly cooked for hours and served cold. Many homes put up a Christmas tree

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