Universal Perspective Of Harraway

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American society was built on a majority of people excelling, while at the same time suppression of those in the minority. Over many years, certain ideas and the mentalities in the majority became to dominate the social atmosphere and the minds of the people. The ideas of gender, race, class, and sexuality all became understood under their corresponding universal perspectives. A universal perspective is a certain belief that society has come to accept as true. Counter arguments to this perspective are rebuke and casted away. People who do not accept the universal opinion are excluded from certain parts of society and their thoughts remain separate from the overall societal image. As the world becomes more interconnected society must depart …show more content…
This example is ultimately saying that when focusing on intersectionality and the different perspectives which arise from that there is no true innocence. No one is capable of saying that they have not participated in and at times benefitted from different types of social dominations. During their struggle for equality to men, Harraway denotes that “White women…discovered (that is, were forced kicking and screaming to notice) the non-innocence of the category ‘woman’”. In the white male dominated society, many middle class white women during the time period fought for equal rights to their male counterparts. They saw themselves as the oppressed combating men, the oppressor. Even though they were oppressed, white women at the time were not completely innocent in their own endeavors. While they were being oppressed white women at the time simultaneously oppressed other minority groups of women. The struggle for women’s rights was the struggle for equality for white women to white men. The privilege that white women were given was the ability to dictate their struggles as the struggles of all women. White women benefited from their domination of the life of a woman. In referring to a woman’s experiences in the white male dominated society, white women claimed they represented all aspects of women in American …show more content…
Harraway illustrates the need for change in the “Cyborg Manifesto” and calls for people who were being oppressed to utilize their resources such as technology to amplify their voice and call for change. Another universal opinion on certain agendas would only reactive the cycle of oppression; society should instead disregard the sole accepted opinion and consider unity of many options. This means that society should work to have many different ideas be accepted and flourish, not just a singular mentality. Therefore, people who claim the different ideas can be freely accepted in society and able to live their lives without fear of

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