Undocumented Immigration Workers

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The U.S. workforce includes an abundance of undocumented immigrants with around 8 million. That accounts for about 5% of those of which are working or looking for work. Undocumented immigrants are disadvantaging american workers. As seen in crossing Arizona immigrants are mostly taking blue collared hard working american jobs compared to white collar CEO jobs. This puts workers that have to work and excessive amount of hours a week to support their family in an even harder situation to support the ones they care for. Even Though, the general population agrees with this view there is a side of disagreement where they believe the impact of undocumented immigration on American workers is to insignificant to worry about.

Immigration in the U.S. is a highly talked about subject on either side of the spectrum but research shows that immigration does affect blue-collar workers one way or another. Steven A. Comorata, PhD said, that “...as of November, there were 1.5 million fewer native-born Americans working than in November 2007, while 2
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The general population is split on their beliefs. Many people stand strong on their beliefs, some less likely to see the disputing side, but there is evidence showing each side as being the correct one. There is more evidence that immigration causes more harm than good on the American working population with lower wages and fewer jobs. With immigration on a rise many Americans are unable to support themselves or their families. Not only does this affect the farming population it affects the whole community seeing others not be able to afford a house and a car or even food to put on the table all that was able to be afforded when they had the job. Immigration has had much research done in the past decade that of which has shown to cause more disadvantages to American workers then actually

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