This view that they have has led to medical advancements. If one of their family members become sick they will search for treatment or for a cure no matter the cost. On the other hand, immigrants will not do the same. Some immigrants will say that it is their destiny to live with the disease or that they have an imbalance in their life so they must change the way they live. The author says that Americans have trouble understanding the immigrants point of view and their decisions as well. Another American worldview is that people can be counted on to do the right thing when they are given the chance. In other words, human nature is thought to be good or mixed. The author says that the country of America believes that society will work better if they count on individuals to do their best by themselves. They do need to be under constant care. Other cultures, on the other hand, view the human culture negatively. They believe that humans need to be under constant control to prevent them from acting on their negative …show more content…
The author says that in America how someone spends their time is how one’s status will be decided by other individuals. People in America always ask what one did during their vacation. In the states there always needs to be a what and when. On the other side, immigrants have a different view on this American worldview. Immigrants visit their grandparents and such while they are on vacation. Americans would have to think for a second to understand what they just heard. According to the author, Americans would have a hard time understanding because they are used to doing something every minute as it relates to their